Friday, November 09, 2007

Meeting Minutes September 27, 2007

Alpine Village Strata Council


Attendance; Dan, Dave, Mike, Maureen, Pat, Claude

Dan moved to enforce noise bylaws against unit F47. Maureen seconded
Motion carried. Mike abstained from vote due to possible conflict of interest.

Exterior of fence on Hwy 16 to be backfilled at an expense of $750.00

Interior of that area to be filled for $2800.00

PG Strata to decide by next week on committing $1600.00 for cost share on fence

Fencing issues to be handled at AGM as they pertain to the appearance of common property

Security issues of complex to be reviewed. Residents to be encouraged to leave lights on and to be pro active.

Next meeting 10/04/07 Bring resolutions to be discussed for AGM

Meeting Minutes September 13, 2007

Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting


· Attendance; Pat, Maureen, Don, Dave, Claude

· Absent; Mike
Meeting called to order 5:35

The AGM meeting is tentatively set for 11/28/07
Owners are to be notified ASAP

Managers Report

· Jack & Ralph are due for a wage increase as promised in the spring
· Ralph is owed 22 hours off
· Jack is owed 100 hours off
· Legal action has been initiated against units A78 , F37,D60
· Total receivables now stand at $8,083.00
· Roofing project is proceeding. Two roofs now done. poor weather is impeding progress
· A contractor has been hired to repair potholes for $2500.00
· all council members are to be notified when major money outlay is required
· fence between Alpine and PG strata is on hold pending PG strata committing to cost sharing
· Marathon Eavestroughing did some maintenance on eavestroughs
· a memo is to be sent to tenants to not flush unnecessary item down the toilets
· Terasen Gas is again demanding access to gas meters

It was decided by council that the washers and dryers be disposed of in any way possible as there seems to be no buyers for them.

Next council meeting 09/27/07 for AGM organization
Next regular meeting 10/11/07