Friday, March 22, 2013

Meeting Minutes February 21st 2013

February 21st, Strata Minutes

Meeting called to order 6:pm in attendance Jody, Lorna, Sherry, Dan and Kerri

Karrie got 1 quote for fencing so far.

We need to have trees removed in D section because of the damage they are causing.


1 $974.40

2 $600.00

3 $600.00 to $700.00

Decided to go with Sky High decision was to get them removed ASAP.

Paving quotes: again only got one in. the others want to wait until after snow is gone. We will revisit in the spring.

Karrie has contacted 2 stucco companies neither has returned her calls. She will call back after March 1st.

Hub insurance has contacted us they would like to give us a quote on insurance we said sure.

CHOA Spring meeting is set for May 25th 2013. Some council members will attend.

Karrie will be away from March 7th – 12th she will leave notice on door.

Strata has had some complaints about certain tenants, Karrie will contact owners and have a chat with them.

Cal is averaging about 4 soffits per day.

Karrie has posted summer position at CNC so hopefully we will get the position out there.

Karrie to check with snow Removal Company there was a lot of damage done to fences this year.

Karrie to look into fencing with a longer life span

Dan is to meet with someone who does siding info to follow

Meeting adjourned at  7:15

Meeting Minutes for January 24th, 2013


Meeting called to order at 6:05.

In attendance were Dan, Dave, Jody, Lorna and Sherry.

Decision on what positions we would hold as is

Dan President

Dave Vice President

Sherry Secretary

Lorna and Jody as counsellors.

It was decided to add Sherry Powney, Secretary, to the signature card to sign cheques for the Strata.

It was also decided to remove Mike McAdams from the account since he is no longer a member of council.

First on the agenda was to discuss was the problems we have had with the ice buildup.

Decision was made to have Clay Dyer to continue with the work and have him do the work needed on the soffits, 1/2 this year and ½ next year.  As he has been hired as casual labour he will be covered under our WCB.

Allen has requested his yearly review.

Kerri has informed us that someone called WCB on strata and they contacted us about employees not tying off. The employees have been spoken to and it won’t happen again.

Discussion on spring projects these include: See if we can find someone we can contract to do fences Kerri to contact Union Hall to see if some of the retired construction works  would be interested, contact a paving company so we can get ahead of the ball on getting them hired drives that need to be done are B,C,D,F, stucco and siding repair done contact a contractor for quote, painting needs to be done faster and better suggestion hire a second employee, Kerri to do up a job description and get it posted at CNC and other trades places around the community ASAP and the Alpine Village sign need to be fixed.

The bylaws were gone over but due to a couple of issues they need to go back to the lawyer for revisions.

Asked if a hot tub could be put in back yard decision was you MUST have approval from Strata and show on your personal insurance that you have insurance coverage if something happens.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30.