
Monday, July 11, 2005

Meeting Minutes July 11, 2005

Present: Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, Jason Morris, Navaz Murji, and Property Manager Margaret Anderson.

Motion to approve minutes of June 7, 2005 Meeting
Moved by Dan, 2nd by Mike CARRIED


Courier costs: Margaret supplied council with a detailed list of courier costs for the past three years. In 2005 the costs from January to April 30 were $34.00. Navaz notes that if Alpine hired a local property management firm, there would probably be no costs.

Investments: Margaret supplied Council with a letter outlining the agreement with the Asset Management company. Navaz is is concerned with the long term bonds, and the risk associated with investments in bonds of private companies, such as Ford.. Margaret will pass along his comments to the Gateway controller.

Arrears update: Amanda emailed a detailed account to council members of the actions taken to collect strata fees in arrears. One lien was placed this month. Council asks Amanda to continue with the collections, begin levying fines on delinquent accounts as of August 1 and report back.

Lighting: Mike reports that he and Kevin have converted E drive to low energy fixtures at a cost of only $50 for materials to cover the entire drive. This lighting will be on 24 hours with energy costs of only $1 per month per fixture. Motion that council authorize up to $750 for bulbs and equipment required to convert the entire complex to this energy efficient lighting. This money will also cover clean up and painting of lenses and fixtures. Each fixture will be refurbished as the wiring is modified. Moved by Dan. 2nd by Mike. CARRIED.

Roofing: Kevin received quotes from PG Shingles ($14,980) and Arctic Roofing ($17,124) to complete the roofing of our priority list. Council discussed this and decided to go with PG Shingles because of the better price, and because they were pleased with the quality of the work they did for us last year and have good references from some larger building companies in town.. There was a small problem with clean up, and this will be addressed before work begins this year.

D-drive rockeries: Council instructs maintenance to begin work on the requested landscaping in D-drive.

A-drive: Kevin got prices for Bench rentals to cut the asphalt on A Drive. Council discussed this and instructs Kevin to have the asphalt cut. Once this is done, council will discuss over email how they want the asphalt removed, and plantings of cedars and/or junipers done.


Committees: Jason reports that the Civic Price committee sent a letter to Councillors Dezell & Skakun about Strathcona park.

Resident Manager Report: Kevin reports that he sent out 44 bylaw breach letters. No fines were imposed this month. Kevin has cancelled service with PCO pest control and started monthly service with Interior Pest Control. Seven units were sprayed for ants.
There was a report of a leak in a basement . Mike and Kevin investigated, and found it was not a strata problem.

Budget: Margaret will email council with a draft budget to use in beginning plans for the new budget this fall.

Minutes: As requested by Navaz, minutes will be taken by Kevin at council meetings beginning next month. Council feels that the recent minutes have been slanted. Margaret disputes this. Council will now have only Navaz proofing and approving the minutes before they are sent out.