
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Property Assessment Value Increasing

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Meeting Minutes February 1st, 2006

Present: Jason Morris, Dan Veller, Antionette Valmonte, Navaz Murji, Marguerite Odendahl, & Resident Managers Kevin Creamore & Sophie Samycia

Meeting called to order at 5:35pm

Motion to approve minutes of January 4th, 2006 Meeting
Motion> Jason 2nd> Dan Carried


Treasurer's Report: The bank account has been set up and 3 council members can sign off on cheques. The Pre Authorized is still in the works and should be up and running soon, Council is just waiting on the bank. Kevin & Sophie will send out a letter requesting the owners banking info for those that would like Pre Authorized debit. The Bookkeeping was going to be looked after by Kevin & Sophie but council has decided to have an actual bookkeeper look after. Council has 3 resumes and will be hiring someone with in a week.

Staffing: Chito has been taken off probation due to improvement in his work habits.


Managers Report: There were 2 problem units for the month of January. For unit #1 the police came and arrested the tenants and guest in the unit. The Tenants moved out 2 days later. Unit #2 has been given written warning.

Lighting Complaint: Kevin & Sophie received an e-mail about the outdoor light. Council has asked Kevin & Sophie to look into rewiring the light to the units.

Printer: The Strata printer has given up. Kevin & Sophie will look into prices for a new printer or a Printer/Copier.

Strathcona Park Playground: Council is going to write another letter to City asking city to upgrade the playground like they said they would.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm

Next Strata Council Meeting: Wednesday, March 1st 2006, 5:30pm