
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2008

Strata Council Meeting

24/01/2008 5:30 PM Strata Office

Type of meeting: Monthly Strata Council Meeting

Attendees: Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, Dave Henderson, Maureen Bricker, Lorna Bihori

Agenda topics Guest Attendees: Strata PGS #1 Bruce Dixon
Maintenance Report: Jacques Gagnon
Manager's Report: Claude DesRoches


Electrical Rooms

CHOA Seminar

Dog request


Laundry Room


Strata Council Meeting

24/01/2008 5:30 PM Strata Office

Meeting Called to order at: 5:38 pm

Agenda topics

Strata PGS #1 - Bruce Dixon

Good Neighbor Fence between our 2 properties: A new fence will be constructed in the Spring (soon as weather permits).

A new Cost Sharing proposal will be made up for acceptance prior to proceeding!


Both parties would like the fence – weather and proposal acceptance are the outstanding factors.

Action items: A new cost sharing proposal will be drawn up by us

Person responsible: Claude DesRoches

Deadline: ASAP

Maintenance Report: Jacques Gagnon

Concern for Spring Planning to be organized now. Suggestion for 2 summer hirees ( 1 perm, 1 part-time)

Conclusions: Suggestions appreciated

Action items: Coucil will meet Feb 21 – agenda Landscaping, organize Spring/Summer plans/schedules

Person responsible: Council

Deadline: Feb 21-08

Manager's Report - Claude DesRoches

Houle Electric has brought Electrical Rooms up to par. It is also noted that 80% of the flooring is rotten

Snow Removal working great. Bylaw letters were sent regarding Garbage Problems. Hazard has been noted that people are throwing propane bottles into the dumpsters. Some fence posts need replacing. Council has reviewed the protocol for illegal activity, and a no tolerance policy will be maintained. Getting Estimates for Tree Removal, cleanup and stump removal. Roof – There are still 4-6 roofs to be completed. Starting to collect quotes for Siding the complex A decision on the porch roofs must be decided to get accurate quotes. Residents are requesting Visitor Parking Signage. Letter provided by D56 requesting permission to keep a restricted pet.


Propane Bottles in dumpsters will be addressed in the next newsletter to residents. D56’s request was denied (vote was 4 no and 1 abstained). Electrical Sheds floors to be dealt with at a later date.

Action items: Good response to bylaw letters that went out re: uninsured vehicles (4 currently outstanding), pets, and garbage. Maintenance to create Visitor Parking Signage for the complex.

Person responsible: Claude DesRoches
Deadline: Ongoing


Discussion: Art Knapps to come (weather permitting) and do up a landscaping plan for the complex

Once landscaping plan established get quotes from contractors to due the large jobs and leave the upkeep to our maintenance crew. Outside water taps all need to be functioning. Letter to residents advising of lawn and garden care schedules.

Conclusions: Need more time to discuss watering, mowing etc plans for spring

Action items: Dedicate next meeting Feb 21 to planning landscaping
Person responsible: Council

Deadline: Feb 21-08

CHOA Seminar

Discussion: There is an upcoming CHOA Seminar May 10/08 – everyone would like to attend

Conclusions: It is beneficial for everyone – Dave is unable to attend on that date.

Action items: Book seminar for Dan, Mike, Maureen, Lorna and Claude
Person responsible: Claude DesRoches

Deadline: ASAP

Laundry Room

Discussion: Would like to get this room renovated and ready to use.

Conclusions: Get quotes on completing the renovations

Action items: Same as above
Person responsible: Claude DesRoches
Deadline: ASAP


Discussion: Revenue is up, Expenses are down, Operating Expenses are up due to repairs, Professional Fees are down, Repairs/ Maintenance are up due to Fencing,

Conclusions: Budget was balanced for entire year, therefore monthly is not a true showing. The most expensive time of the year is upcoming.

Action items:
Person responsible:

Special notes:

A list of Owners, Managers, and Tenants for Strata Council Members was discussed and left for review at a later date.

Maintenance requested a raise: Jacques’ request will be reviewed. Alan’s request was denied at this time.

Council would like Claude to keep track of : # of bylaw infractions, # of bylaw letters sent out, # of responses, and fines collected. Claude will focus on the following bylaw infractions ( pets, vehicles, window coverings). We would like Claude to try knocking on the residents’ door and giving verbal notice prior to submitting a letter of infraction to the resident. Claude is to hand out letters etc (not maintenance personnel).

Next council Meeting Feb. 21, 2008 at 5:30 pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Meeting Minutes - December 13, 2007

Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting Minutes

Of December 13, 2007

In attendance Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, Maureen Bricker, Dave Henderson, Lorna Bihori,

Call to order at 5:40

First business election of officers, President - Dan Veller, Vice President - Mike McAdams, Secretary - Lorna Bihori

New office hours - 10:00 to 2:00, this leaves Claude one half hour everyday for walk a about and also banking and legal stuff

Priorities for bylaw infractions are - Pets and vehicles

Kilometer charges for the staff are to be paid with regular pay cheques

Maintenance people are to focus on snow removal, sanding and garbage pick up. If there is time left over they are to work on the fencing project.

Call and get quotes to have trees removed that are a safety issue.

Next meeting January 17th at 5:30.