
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

“Alpine Village”
DECEMBER 17, 2016
2:00 PM @ Alpine Village Office
Meeting called to order at 2:34 PM
Determine there is quorum
Need 159 in attendance in person or by proxy
            Quorum reached with total 166 in attendance, of which
            118 were by proxy, and 48 were in person
Elect a person to chair the meeting
            Motion by Dan Veller, Multi Unit, for ALICIA FITZPATRICK from LICAR to chair
            Seconded by Diana Tecson, Multi Unit
Present to the meeting proof of notice or waiver of notice
Approve Agenda
            Motion by Dan Veller, Multi-Unit
            Seconded by Elaine Nothstein, E6
Approve the minutes from the Annual or Special General Meeting
            Motion by Elaine Nothstein, E6
            Seconded by Dan Veller, Multi Unit
PASSED – with provision from Roberta Johnson, A80, regarding majority vote on siding project as she believes it was not valid and would like the minutes amended.
Approve the operating income and expense account as at September 30, 2016
            Motion by Jody Fremlin, E25
            Seconded by Elain Nothstein, E6
DEFEATED – requests for better documentation of income and expenses by Greg Bosworth, Multi Unit.
            Motion to amend budget and balance sheets by Jody Fremlin, E25
            Seconded by Valerie Conklin, A10

Confirmation that all siding monies collected are indeed in a separate trust account.
Approve the contingency reserve account statement as at September 30, 2016
            Motion by Dan Veller, Multi Unit
            Seconded by Gord Rapson, A46, and Jody Fremlin, E25
            Motion to amend budgets and resend to all owners by Dan Veller, Multi Unit
            Seconded by Valerie Conklin, A10

Deal with unfinished business this is for any business which was not complete last meeting
Valerie Conklin, A10, asked if we need to call a new meeting to approve the budget and contingency fund. Alicia conferred with Helen DeGroot at Licar before answering: No meeting needed.
Greg Bosworth, Multi Unit, stated he will bring it up at the next AGM about the siding.
Report on insurance coverage in accordance with Section 154 of the Act
            Insurance is approximately $93,000/year, with $8240 payable monthly.

Retain surplus in operating – majority vote needed
      Motion by Dan Veller, Multi Unit
      Seconded by Elaine Nothstein, E6
Currently appear to have a deficit per current balance sheet
Approve operating budget – majority vote needed
– Strata fee increase 15%
Roberta Johnson, A80: Siding expenses need to be removed from operating expense, siding monies collected and spent need to be reported separately in income statement
Greg Bosworth, Multi Unit:
Contingency Reserve account needs to be separated from the rest of the bank accounts.
Is the siding amount in the contingency fund contributions?
How has money accumulated in the contingency fund?
Motion by Jody Fremlin, E25
Seconded by Valerie Conklin, A10
DEFEATED – to be examined again after budget and balance sheets are properly broken down
Deal with unfinished business, including any matter about which notice has been given under Section 45 of the Strata Property Act.
General discussion about holding an SGM once the new council has had a chance to review the siding project and discuss the best options for the complex.

Election of Council
All five current members standing for council.
New Nominees:
                        Greg Bosworth
                                    Motion by Roberta Johnson
                                    Seconded by Sharon Hordy
                        Sharon Hordy
                                    Motion by Roberta Johnson
                                    Seconded by Rick Long
                        Robert Bingham
                                    Motion by Sharon Hordy
                                    Seconded by Shawn Stubbs
                        Anneliese Paasch
                                    Motion by Sharon Hordy
                                    Seconded by Dianna Tecson
                        Roberta Johnson
                                    Motion by Sharon Hordy
                                    Seconded by Jody Fremlin
Motion to nominate scrutineers
Scrutineers: Alicia Fitzpatrick, Dianna Tecson, and Chris Sandau
166 valid voter cards, 1 spoiled ballot due to proxy being assigned to two people
Scrutineers took 84 minutes to count votes, counted three times each.

New Council:
Anneliese Paasch
Gabby Tecson
Glen Blair
Roberta Johnson
5th council member to be elected at a later time by council.

Motion to destroy ballots by Sherry Powney
Seconded by

Meeting terminated at 5:30pm