
Thursday, May 11, 2017


May 1, 2017
ORDER: 5:40pm


            Tim @ 1ST Defence Pest
Cris Cosariu, Owner


Tim @ 1st Defence Pest Control on bedbugs and why they are so difficult to get rid of:
·         They can live for months without food. Humans are their main food source.
·         Bedbugs are most common among people who frequent hotels or travel a lot.
·         They can “see” our body heat and are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale, which is how they track us.
·         Because bedbugs are so tiny (about the size and shape of an apple seed), they can get through the smallest of crevices.
·         For this reason, the best course of action is to inspect and barrier treat adjacent (next door) units every time there is evidence of bedbugs found.
·         Suggests that units be inspected while empty between tenants. Tim (and most other pest control companies) offers inspections for FREE. On an empty unit, this takes less than half an hour, and can save hundreds of dollars for the owner by either catching the infestation early, or knowing the unit was clear prior to new tenants.
If owners or tenants suspect their unit is infected, it needs to be looked at IMMEDIATELY. Refusal to have your unit inspected or treated can become a health violation, which must be reported to BC Health. Check with the office for a list of recommended pest control companies.
1.      Siding
a.      Stucco repair & paint – it is difficult to repair stucco to match original, therefore, all stucco would have to be removed and reapplied, which will not save much money and will not resist damage like vinyl or Hardie board. Hardie will cost approximately $2000 more per unit than vinyl.
b.      Council discussed the difficulties of attaining quotes from most contractors due to the size of the project. Most local contractors are too small to have the man-power and equipment to accommodate this project’s needs within a timely manner.
c.       Phone call with Dave @ Conroy Exteriors from Kelowna (one of two companies to submit quotes):
Dave confirmed that the reason for our difficulties in attaining quotes is due to project size. He suggested partnering with another local company to relieve some of the burden from both companies, while delivering the expected services.
2.      Drug Unit Concerns & Updates
a.      Gaining access to suspected drug units or unwanted tenants
3.      Insurance claims
a.      G65 – Awaiting final report from claims adjuster; verbal suggestion is for the insurance to cover repairs although cause of damage has not been proven. Council will make decision after formal report is received.
b.      D80/D81 Emergency repairs to be paid by strata upon receipt of invoices.

1.      Maintenance
a.      2nd Lawnmower & 2 new weed-whacker purchase APPROVED
b.      Summer team hiring – 1 full time, 1 part time to be hired by Bill APPROVED
c.       Cat catching – traps will be set as often as local pet groups can accept feral and stray cats. All cats, even those with homes, will be turned in to SPCA or similar, and owners of pets will be required to get their pets back.
d.      Parental liability for mischievous kids – Many children have been spotted throwing rocks, knocking on doors and running away, bullying other children, and in one case lighting fires in playgrounds. This absolutely has to stop!! Adults living in Alpine Village are responsible for their children, and their children’s guests while on the property. Owners are urged to communicate with their tenants what the expectations are for children and adults in the Strata.
e.      Solutions to deal with the high volumes of garbage and furniture dumping
                                                              i.      Possibly add another bin at I Drive
                                                            ii.      Possibly increase size of some bins in high need areas
                                                          iii.      FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ETC. CAN NOT BE DUMPED ANYWHERE ON THE STRATA. It is the responsibility of each person to remove their unwanted or broken furniture from the strata grounds. Costs to remove furniture and appliances have increased significantly, and those costs will be passed on to the owners of units responsible. The owner will be given the option to remove within 48 hours or will be charged fines.
2.      Staff request – water cooler & coffee maker for lunch room. Staff to supply coffee supplies themselves. APPROVED
3.      EFT Program – upgrade to newer technology. Current EFT program is obsolete. Cost to upgrade will be $180, but bank fees will decrease by $25/month. APPROVED
4.      Bank documents to be signed for increased hold due to increased fees and increased occurrence of stopped or NSF payments
5.      Set Date for SGM – Need to finalize siding project details before setting SGM
6.      Lack of communication with owners – Desiree and Anneliese to work together to get the newsletter out more consistently.
7.      Tree removal estimates and quotes – Tree removal awarded to Tony @ Professional Tree Removal for at least 6 – 8 trees currently causing hazardous conditions
a.      Removal of two trees in front of A80 APPROVED