
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Meeting Minutes December 13, 2006

Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2006

In attendance Dan Veller, Maureen Bricker, Mike McAdams, Claude DesRoches and Jacques Gagnon

Call to order 5:40 PM

November Minutes were read and approved.

Old Business:
- Letter will be sent out to owners requesting to postpone the AGM to January 31, 2007
- Budget 2006/2007 not ready yet
- We will be looking to get an estimate to paint the complex during summer time. Looking at hiring students to be supervised by Jacques
- We will be looking at improving Section A of the complex:
o Re-roofing old section
o Improve driveway
o Find a solution for the window wells
o Look at fixing units 78-79-80
o Get estimate to grind old tree stomps
- Get an estimate to replace the old laundry room with a multi-purpose room;

New Business
- Do final preparation for the AGM, prepare agenda, budget and resolutions by December 29, 2006
- Have all the documents sent out to owners no later than January 5, 2007

Manager’s Report
- Keep taking steps (letters, towing, etc) to reduce the problem of improper parking;
- Enforcing late charges as per Bylaw 11.04
- Looking at modifying Bylaw 11.04 to include interest charges as per Strata Property Act along with lien cost and legal action (small claim court);
- Keep cracking on collection of strata fees and fines;
- Preparing resolutions for the AGM

Maintenance Report
- We currently have enough boards ready to replace about half the fences around the complex. We will need to spend another $2,000.00 for material (paint and boards), in January, to have all the material needed and ready for Spring.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snow removal and parking

November 27, 2006

To All Residents of
Alpine Village Strata

Dear Residents

I am sure all of you have realized that we are having an early winter season this year with more snow than expected.

With snow falls comes snow removing and clean-up of parking areas, stairs and pathways.

Over the winter months our staff will keep all common area paths clear of snow; however, every resident is responsible for their own parking stalls and doorsteps. When the loaders come through they will clean the parking stalls but only if all the stalls are empty. To ensure that our parking areas are safe and clean, the cooperation of all residents is needed.

If someone is parked beside your stall it will not be cleaned. If you are parked in your stall other resident’s stalls will not be cleaned. We ask all residents to please move your vehicles when the snow removal crews come through. It only takes a few minutes and it makes the parking lots easier to use. Consider other residents as well as yourself.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and happy shovelling.

Management and Staff of Alpine Village
On behlaf of Strata Council

Notice to Pet Owners

November 20, 2006

To All Occupants (Owners and Tenants)
Of Alpine Village Strata – PGS173

Re: Pet Bylaw enforcement

Dear pet Owner

This letter is to inform you that the Strata Corporation has been experiencing increasing issues concerning the lack of care and responsibilities coming from pet owners.

We remind you that as per Section 2 of Alpine Strata Bylaws, all pet owners are responsible to ensure that their pet(s) is/are not a nuisance for the Strata and for other owners or tenants.

As a reminder, please review your Bylaws and more specifically

- Bylaw 2.05 - To ensure occupied unit is free of odours coming from pet(s);
- Bylaw 2.06 - To clean up after your dog(s) and dispose of the waste in a waste container (not on common property including playground, back alley, etc)
- Bylaw 2.07 - To ensure that your pet(s) is/are kept on lease or secured ;

We also inform you that the Strata will enforce Bylaw #10.01 and will charge a fine to pet owners of $50.00 per week for each bylaw infraction in accordance with said Bylaw.

Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Strata Council

Monday, November 27, 2006

Meeting Minutes November 8, 2006

Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2006
In attendance Dan Veller, Maureen Bricker, Mike McAdams, Claude DesRoches and Jacques Gagnon
Call to order 5:35
October minutes not ready yet, will be presented at the next meeting.
Maintenance report - By Jacques Gagnon, continuing with fence repairs and replacement and basic maintenance duties. Everything seems to be flowing rather smoothly. Top soil has been ordered to get ready for spring planting. Members and occupants seem to be happy about the change and we have received good response concerning the improvement on the fence. Snow removal is set up and piling areas have been review with Bench Rental.
Manager’s report – New manager Claude DesRoches is now in place since October 23, 2006. Besides getting more familiar with the strata operations, approx 20 letters were sent to owners of vehicles that were improperly licensed. This was needed due to early snow fall to ensure proper maintenance of the parking areas. Good response from occupants most vehicles have towed away or made road worthy.
There were discussions about changing bank from Nova Scotia to Credit Union due to the number of problem encounter with the Scotia Bank mainly for the monthly prepayment of strata fees.
The Council has discussed and approved that Claude DesRoches, Office Manager, and Mike McAdams will have signing authorities at the bank.
The budget for 2005/2006 was reviewed and discussed.
Council discussed the AGM topics and proposals. We have not been able to set a date yet as the financial information have not been completed. The financial information has been sent to an auditor for review with a report to be presented at the AGM
The Office Manager will review with CHOA the process to delay the AGM until January due to the delay to provide the audited financial statement.
We are still chipping away at the old unpaid strata fees. We continue to make progress on the collections.
The Council intents to submit to the members at the AGM a request to review the cheque signing authority and add the Office Manager and another council member to the actual authorized signatures.
The Council intents to propose at the AGM that the laundry facility remains closed permanently and the site be used by the Council for its meetings and as a common meeting place.
Adjourned - 7:15 PM

Meeting Minutes October 10, 2006

Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2006
In attendance Dan Veller, Maureen Bricker, Mike McAdams, Antoinette Valmonte and Jacques Gagnon
Call to order 5:35
September minutes approved
Maintenance report - By Jacques Gagnon, continuing with fence repairs and replacement and basic maintenance duties. Everything seems to be flowing rather smoothly. Top soil has been ordered to get ready for spring planting.
Manager’s report - Current position is now empty. We have hired a new manager, Claude Desroches. Claude comes to us with a great deal of experience in this area and we look forward to having him here. Claude will be working 4 hours per day to start and we will see how it goes from there.
Laundry was closed several weeks ago with only two phone calls about the closure. Council found that people outside the complex were using the facility and causing far too much damage. We will keep the laundry closed for now and discuss it at the AGM.
Discussion about engineers report with regards to A-78, 79 & 80. With winter setting in and the current economic situation in PG we are unable to start the repairs until spring. We will put a budget together for the AGM.
There has been a lot of pressure for us to release financial information to sales agents. The council has agreed to bring this up at the AGM and let the owners decide as to how we are to handle this.
Council agreed to let PG Shingles replace the large storage shed roof.
Council discussed the AGM topics and proposals. We have not been able to set a date yet as the financial information have not been completed.
Council is pleased to announce that we are still chipping away at the old unpaid strata fees. We continue to make progress on the collections.
Next meeting we need to appoint more signers for the bank.
Adjourned - 7:25 PM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Meeting Minutes September 12, 2006



In attendance Dan Veller, Maureen Bricker and Mike McAdams


Strata Council meeting minutes from 9 August were previously approved by e-mail.

MAINTENANCE REPORT - Jacques Gagnon reported on fence repairs, landscaping, restoring electrical power to storage shed etc.

MANAGER'S REPORT - Written proposal received from the current Consultant who has been working in the office the last two weeks, for the manager's position.

Council discussed above proposal and agreed to short list 2-3 candidates from the job applications received to date. Interviews will be arranged.


With regards to the letter re strata fees in arrears sent by council last month: We wish to apologize if we have offended anyone. Our purpose was only meant to dutifully inform those who were in arrears. To date $20, 0084.01 has been collected. Thanks to all who responded. We hope to be able to report next month that all arrears have been paid!

The engineer's report regarding repairs to foundation to "A" drive received and discussed. Many thanks for a very professional, detailed report complete with instructional drawings. Council will start the tendering process immediately and keep everyone informed of outcome. For the record an engineer's report for the same problem was reviewed in 1993. Very little change in the structure has changed since then. There is no cause for concern or alarm.

Speed bumps will be dealt with in the spring. Installation now would not provide a sturdy structure.

Missing signage re parking and 10 KPM speed will be noted and referred to manager for action.

Quotes for electrical repairs to the maintenance shed were reviewed and discussed. Notes and questions referred to the manager.

In response to an owner's query, we have confirmed that it is in fact strata's responsibility to repair the large pothole in Row I. Our maintenance crew will fix as soon as possible.

Adjourned 8:05 PM

Meeting Minutes August 9, 2006

Meeting Minutes
Alpine Village Strata Council
August 9, 2006

In attendance: Dan Veller; Antoinette Valmonte; Maureen Bricker
Bruce Charneski, Strata Manager
Guests: Karen Snodgrass; Sharon Hordy; Bob Bingham; Yvonne
Mahoney; Mike McAdams

Call to Order: 5:40
Approval of Agenda: Veller moved, Bricker 2nd: Approved
Approval of July 12th minutes: Approved

Manager’s Report: Accepted: Bricker/Valmonte

Old Business
Financials: Financial statements are updated and current to June 30th, 2006.
Copies are available at a fee of $0.40 per page

Roofing: Units D55 – D59 require patch repairs: Bruce to look into receiving quotes from roofing companies
Bylaws policy restated regarding bylaw infractions:
Day of breach: First letter warning of breach and warning of impending fine to Tenant and Manager (if applicable)
Eighth (8th) day: Letter, again to Tenant and Manager
Fifteenth (15th) day: Letter to Tenant, Manager And Owner (if applicable)
Twenty-second (22nd) day: A final letter is issued to all three (3) parties
Twenty-third day: Fine begins at $50.00 per every seven (7) days of further breach

New Business
E6: Tap and electrical charge: A small electrical charge (10-12 volts) was detected from the garden tap outside the unit: an electrician was called; Bruce to follow up.
Electric heaters in the garage were disconnected: Bruce will look into the cost of getting them reconnected so the maintenance staff is able to work in the garage over winter.
The garage also requires repairs to its roof: Bruce to get estimates from roofing companies along quotes for other roofing.
Head groundskeeper wage review: Council agreed to a wage raise of $1.00 per hour effective immediately.
Bruce to look into hiring some casual workers landscaping and maintenance work around the complex. This will help grounds keeping staff concentrate on current projects around the common areas. The students will do work such as landscaping, painting, weeding, and moving plants. Or, work as needed. Three students will be hired and paid $8.00 per hour.
Concerns were brought forward regarding the locks on backyard gates supposedly put there by Terasen gas to allow access to meter reading. Owners see this as a safety hazard, not being able to use as an exit in case of emergency. Bruce will investigate whether the locks can be removed allowing owners to use their own locks.
Council requests owners and tenants wishing to attend monthly strata meetings to give intention of attendance and a copy of their concerns, in writing, a MINIMUM of seven (7) days before the meeting.

Adjournment: 7:20

Next meeting scheduled for September 13, 2006 at 5:30.
(Meetings moved to second Wednesday of month to improve financial reporting)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Meeting Minutes July 12, 2006

Attendance: Council: Dan Veller; Antonette Valmonte; Maureen Bricker; Strata Manager: Bruce Charneski; Guests: Karen Snodgrass; Sharon Hordy; Tammy Nyeste

Call To Order: 5:35

Approval of June 7th minutes: Carried

Manager’s Report (Old Business):

Parking lot line painting is now complete. Looks good. A new towing contractor has been established to deal vehicle related bylaw breaches. A list of eligible owners will be set up to call-in violations. Some issues were brought up regarding gardening and landscaping. To address these issues Bruce will ask grounds-keeping staff to pay more attention to lawns and garden property. A78, A79, A80 foundation problems were discussed. Council discussed the quoted options and concluded it would be more feasible to fix the water inflow problem and build a water diverting curb. Bruce will call cement and paving companies for quotes. Dan Veller has made an appointment with an engineer to view affected units and a report will follow as soon as possible

New Business:

Council was asked if they would be willing to donate funds (buy advertising space) in a BC/Yukon Military Services publication: DEFEATED

Chito’s WCB claim: Strata manager has been asked to look into the claim and provide follow-up information

Financial documents: Updating and preparation for accountant near complete; Strata Manager will meet and reeive some training on accounting system from bookkeeper (Dan Veller authorized) for Strata Manager, Bruce Charneski: Doing good job.

Fences: Remove broken lattice and replace with 1’ x 6” x 6’ boards, improving privacy and noise disturbances. APPROVED

Tractor : older, unrepairable tractor will be sold for scrap metal; Strata Manager to investigate and report back to council. APPROVED

Council discussed time frames for bylaw infractions( eg. Time between notices and fines). It was decided it would be 3 days between notices (X3), with a fine levied on the 10th day. Further research shows the bylaws stating (10.01b) a seven day period for notice to remedy infraction. Bylaw infraction enforcement policy follows:
Day 1: Infraction reported and letter of notice delivered to tenant and manager
Day 8: 2nd letter is delivered to tenant and manager
Day 15: 3rd letter of infraction is delivered to tenant, manager, owner
Day 22: Final day for infraction to be corrected
Day 23: Notice of levy is given to tenant, manager and owner. Levy period begins at $50 for each seven day period following.

Adjournment: 7:15

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Meeting Minutes June 7, 2006

Present: Dan Veller: Jason Morris; Antonette Valmonte; outgoing Strata Manager Kevin Creamore; new Strata Manager Bruce Charneski

Meeting called to order at 5:00pm

Motion to approve minutes of May 3rd, 2006 Meeting
Motioned: Dan 2nd: Jason Carried

Motion to accept resignation from Bruce Charneski, Strata Council
Motion: Dan 2nd: Jason Carried

Motion to accept new Council member: Maureen Bricker
Motion: Dan 2nd: Jason Carried


Treasurer’s Report: financial statements are updated to April 30, 2006. Bruce and the Bookkeeper will review financial statements and have an update available for the July council meeting.

Insurance: Quotes for insurance were received from several companies. HUB: $38, 638; Cooperators: $47, 951; Summit: decided not to compete with other quotes. Council agreed to accept HUB’s quoted rates.

Landscaping: The drives and common areas have been swept. An ongoing effort by the groundskeepers will work to keep the strata property clean and free of trash. There will be work done to improve the garden areas and flower containers around the strata.

Foundation walls: A76’s crack in the foundation wall will be repaired on June 9, 2006. Council accepted Crackmaster’s quote and approved the repairs. Bruce will ask to receive a quote/recommendations for A79’s foundation problem from Crackmaster.

Line painting: Begins on June 8th. New parking and laneway lines will be painted by groundskeeping staff.

Roofing: Roofing repairs are proceeding on schedule. There was $20,000 budgeted- first project came in at $5200; A33-A47 budgeted at $8,000; A44-A48 budgeted at $6,000. Seems as roofing projects will meet budgeted amounts.


New Strata Manager: Council accepted Bruce Charneski as new Strata Manager. He replace Gina and Charles, who did not work out as strata managers. Bruce will work full-time, hours of work will be 8 AM-5PM with 1hr for lunch, Monday to Friday. His performance will be reviewed at the next council meeting..

H Drive Parking: Parking issues have come up in H Drive. Residents on the west side are parking in front of their units and not using the designated parking at the back of their units. There is a question whether the front area is a designated Fire Lane. Bruce will investigate more and update council.

Strata Fees: Strata fees for 2006 to be collected are assessed at $270, 564.00. The fee schedule and rates are legitimate and meet the mathematical equation for strata fee rates established in the Strata Act.
Council has asked strata manager to investigate unpaid strata fees or unpaid amounts to be collected from Gateway.

Update wording in Bylaws: 17.07

Meeting adjourned at: 6:08 pm

Friday, May 26, 2006

Meeting Minutes, May 3, 2006

Present: Jason Morris, Dan Veller, Bruce Ian Charneski, & Resident Managers Kevin Creamore & Sophie Samycia

Meeting called to order at 5:35pm

Motion to approve minutes of March 1st, 2006 Meeting
Motion: Dan 2nd : Bruce Carried


Treasurer's Report: The book keeping has been caught up to March. Kevin & the Book Keeper still have a few things to fix and April's financials will be ready for June’s meeting. The direct debit worked for May 1st 2006.

Insurance: We still only have one quote this is from our current Insurance holder Co-Operators. Summit and Barton both have said the will have Quotes in by the 19th of May. Kevin had the complex appraised in April for are renewal of the insurance. The last appraisal was done in 2001. The appraisal came in at $28,464,380.00. Any quotes we get will have this new amount in the quote.

Speed Bumps: At the last meeting Council asked Kevin & Sophie to look into getting quotes for more Speed Dips in the complex. They haven’t gotten any quotes yet but are working on it.

Landscaping: Bench Rentals will be coming thought the complex the second week of May to clean up the rocks in each drive. This is the same company we use for are snow removal. The Rockery in D Drive was started last year and not finished. This will be finished off this month. The A drive court yard will be getting some shrubs in the middle meridian to help make the court yard look nicer and to stop the kid from digging in it.

Lighting Issue: It has been brought to council attention that the Bylaw that was voted in at the last AGM about not paying the cost for the lights in the parking areas goes against the Strata Property Act. Until the AGM, Council will operate as if the bylaw did not exist,” and any unit that has a light attached to it will receive a 1 dollar a month credit. This will show on their strata fees. The Bylaw will have to be officially removed from the Alpine Village bylaws at the next AGM.


Managers Report: There was a good response to the ads placed in the newspapers for the Strata Manger position. Chito gave his notice and his last day was April 28th 2006. Jack did an inventory of all of the equipment that Alpine Village owns. There were a few things missing from the last Inventory. Kevin is going to have the locks changed on the office and both sheds.

Staffing: As noted in the manager’s report Chito Tescon gave his notice and his last day was April 28th 2006. Jack Gagnon has been given Chito position as the head grounds keeper for the complex. Jack has done an amazing Job in the short time he has been here. Council will be hiring a student to help Jack out this summer. The student will come from M. Turner & Associates. The reason for going with M. Turner & Associates is the student will come with half of their wages paid for up to $3600 by the government. Council has gone thought the Resumes that Kevin & Sophie received from the ads and will be doing Interview on Wednesday May 10th.

Potholes: Potholes are becoming a problem in the complex. Kevin and Sophie will look into getting them filled and costs.

Drain in A Drive Court Yard: The Drain in the A drive court yard is badly plugged again. Kevin & Sophie will call in Blockbuster Plumbing to fix this problem.

Parking: Again this month there has been more problem with parking in the complex. The lines are going to be repainted in hope this will help the problem.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm

Next Strata Council Meeting: Wednesday, June 7th 2006, 5:30pm

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Job Posting

Wanted: A no-nonsense, diplomatic and self-motivated manager for Alpine Village, a 240-unit townhome complex. Tasks include overseeing repairs and maintenance, bylaw enforcement and general administration. Apply to by May 8, 2006.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spring Clean-Up

Our Strata Council wants our complex to really sparkle this spring and summer. In addition to undertaking landscaping and beautification projects, Alpine Village council and staff will be making sure that all residents are following all the bylaws, all the time. If you do not have a copy of the bylaws, you may call the manager or contact your landlord. Bylaws are also available here.

Please be aware that bylaw violations are subject to a $50 fine per week. Council does not like to impose fines but will do so if necessary. After all, following the bylaws is a matter of courtesy to your neighbours. Take pride in our complex!

If you have any questions, please contact Alpine Village staff by telephone or e-mail.

Have a great spring and summer!

Your Strata Council

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Meeting Minutes April 5th, 2006

Present: Jason Morris, Dan Veller, Antionette Valmonte, Bruce Ian Charneski, & Resident Managers Kevin Creamore & Sophie Samycia

Meeting called to order at 5:35pm

Motion to approve minutes of March 1st, 2006 Meeting
Motion: Dan 2nd : Bruce Carried

Presentation to Council: 2 owners requested to attend the April 5th meeting to express their concern about the enforcement of Bylaws in the complex. They feel that council and the strata managers are not being tough enough on the tenants & Owners that are breaking the Bylaws. Council has agreed that they need to be more rigid with the enforcement of bylaws. Council is looking into the regulations see if they can indeed be more forceful with owners and tenants with regards to bylaw infractions. Council will be fining the owners for the actions of their tenants. The Strata Mangers will be sending bylaw infraction letters to the Managers, Owners & Tenants when a Bylaw infraction occurs.


Treasurer's Report: A bookkeeper was hired and Kevin is in the process of working with them to bring everything up to date. Direct Debit is ready to go and any Owner wanting to use this feature can do so. The forms were sent out April 3rd. The first withdrawal will be May 1st 2006.

Insurance: Last month Kevin and Sophie started the process of getting Quotes from Insurance companies. The Complex insurance expires May 31st 2006. We have received a quote from Co-Operators who currently hold our insurance policy. We’re still waiting on a few more.

Direct Debit / Strata Fees: As noted in the Treasurer's Report the direct debit is ready to go. Many owners are behind in their Strata Fees because of there being no Direct Debit. If you haven’t paid your Strata fees for the last 3 month please call the Strata Managers and they will tell you were your account stands.


Managers Report: A new cell phone plan was chosen and Telus Mobility was nice enough to start the plan retro February 1st for us. Kevin & Sophie looked over the Bill for the phone line going into the office and made some change to that line as well that will save $12.00 a month. With the Insurance needing to be renewed Kevin and Sophie brought it to Councils attention that there hasn’t been an appraisal done since 2001. The cost is $300.00. Kevin and Sophie are going to talk to the appraisal company to see if we can get a better rate seeing that they have done Alpine Village’s appraisal’s in the past so all they would have to do is update some numbers.

Staffing: Jack Gagnon has been hire as the summer help. He started April 3rd. Kevin & Sophie have given their notice. They will continue to do the Strata Manager job until the end of May. Council will be placing an add in the news papers and in the Government Job Bank. Resumes will be accepted until April 30th 2006. Council will be excepting written resumes only. No Phone calls.

Form K’s: Owners and Managers are again forgetting to hand in there Form K’s. This form holds the tenants that rent here in Alpine Village to the bylaws that the Owners implement. As stated in the bylaws *1.04 An Owner will be charged a penalty for failing to provide the Management Company with a completed Form K prior to the Tenant’s occupancy. A penalty of $50.00 will be assessed to any Owner who fails to provide a Form K to the Management Company.

Council is going to enforce this Bylaw strongly. As a special consideration as of May 1st 2006 Managers and Owner will have 5 days after the Tenants move in to produce a Form K. As of June 1st 2006 the Form K’s must be in prior to the tenant moving in.

Speed Bumps: Some tenants and owners are not abiding by the speed limit posted in the complex. Kevin and Sophie will be looking at prices to install more Inverted Speed bumps in the complex.

Laundry Room: A letter was found in amongst the file as Kevin was organizing that stated that the laundry room at one point in time was running at a loss. Council is going to look as some numbers and will bring it up at the next AGM for a vote, whether to keep the laundry room open or shut it down.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm

Next Strata Council Meeting: Wednesday, May 3rd 2006, 5:30pm

Friday, March 24, 2006




Revised and Amended at Annual General Meeting of November 25, 2010

The Strata Council (the “Council”) of the Owners, Strata Plan PGS173 (the “Corporation”) has prepared these Bylaws and they are to be read in conjunction with the Bylaws outlined in the Strata Property Act.


1.01 No Owner shall Lease or rent their Strata Lot to another without making the prospective Tenant fully aware of the existence of the Strata Property Act and the Bylaws of the Corporation.

1.02 Owners leasing or renting their Strata Lot must note that all assessment, fines and other charges, which are levied by the Corporation, are against the Owner of the Strata Lot and it is an Owner’s responsibility to pay the Corporation for any contravention or breach of the Bylaws by the Tenant.

1.03 Where a Tenant or Occupant of a Strata Lot contravenes the Act, the Bylaws or the Rules or regulations prescribed by the Corporation, the Corporation, or person on its behalf may notify the Tenant or Occupant in writing of the contravention and demand its immediate resolution.

1.04 An Owner will be charged a penalty for failing to provide the Management Company with a completed Form K prior to the Tenant’s occupancy. A penalty of $50.00 will be assessed to any Owner who fails to provide a Form K to the Management Company.

1.05 On request by the Strata Corporation, a Tenant must inform the Strata Corporation of his or her name.

1.06 a) No commercial or retail is permitted in or on a residential strata lot, common property or limited common property. However, it is the intent of this bylaw that home based business will not be prohibited provided they meet the requirements of paragraph 1.06 b)

1.06 b) A home based business may be permitted on a strata lot, common property or limited common property if:

i)                            the unit owner, tenant or occupants obtains the prior written permission from the Strata Council, obtain all required licensed and otherwise complies with all municipal, provincial and federal laws; and,

ii)                           The home business does not:   

a.       interfere with the use and enjoyment by other owners, tenants or occupants of their property
b.       cause a nuisance, a hazard or unreasonable noise; or,
c.        create a parking concern in the sole discretion of the strata council.

1.06 c) If permission is granted to an owner, tenant or occupant to carry on a hobby-type business on a strata lot, then parking must meet the requirements of the applicable municipal bylaws and customer parking shall be restricted to the strata lot’s designated parking.

 2. PETS

2.01 An Owner, tenant or occupant may be allowed, with Council’s continuing support, entitled to keep two (2), but not more than two (2), domestic pets in a strata lot, only one (1) of which may be a dog. An owner, tenant or occupant that keeps a pet must comply with these bylaws and any rules with respect to the keeping of pets.

2.02 An owner, tenant or occupant that keeps a pet in a strata lot, either permanently or temporarily, shall register that pet with the strata council by providing to the office a written notice, signed by the owner, tenant or occupant setting out the name, breed and color of the pet, the strata lot number of the strata lot in which the pet is kept, the name and telephone number of the owner of the pet and the license number of the pet (when the pet is required to be licensed), as well as a picture and any ID tattoo or other identification.

2.03 All pets must be spayed or neutered and must have received shots or inoculations required by the bylaws of the City of Prince George.

2.04 Occupiers shall not allow pets in their control and care to damage the Corporations Property. Owners are liable for any damage to the Corporation’s assets and Common Property caused by pets residing in or visiting their Strata Lot.

2.05 The owner of any pets permitted to be kept shall at all times maintain his/her Strata Lot free of dirt or odors arising from the keeping of any pet.

2.06 The owner of any pet stall immediately and completely remove any feces deposited by a pet on the Common Property and dispose of it in a waste container or by some other sanitary means.

2.07 The owner of any pets permitted to be kept must ensure that all animals are leashed or otherwise secured when on the common property.

2.08 The owner of any pets permitted to be kept must control and remove from the Strata Lot after seven (7) days written notice from the Corporation, if the council ( on reasonable grounds) considers the pet to be a nuisance. Shall include any dog that barks excessively and incessantly for long periods of time whether indoor or outside.

2.09 No pet shall be left unattended by its Owner on any patio, balcony, front/back yard or any other part of the Common Property. Any pet of any kind on the Common Property without identification tags (i.e. collars with the name and address/phone of the owner) may be removed immediately.

2.10 Pets must not be left unattended for a period exceeding 24 hours.

2.11 All Owners and their Visitors and Guests, who have pets, must comply with the Bylaws of the Strata Corporation.

2.12 The Strata Council may, from time to time on behalf of the Strata Corporation, enact such Rules with respect to the keeping of pets as the Strata Council, acting reasonably, deems necessary or desirable, provided that, in the event of any conflict between these Bylaws and any such Rule, the provisions of these Bylaws will prevail.

2.13 There shall be no dog over 40 cm (18 inches) in height and/ or over 18kg (40 pounds) in weight or dogs of these designated breeds (or crossbreeds of these breeds): Pit bull terrier, German Shepard, Doberman, Rottweiler, be allowed to move into the complex without express written permission of the strata council. These dogs may not be onsite as guest dogs of residents. Offenders will be fined on a weekly basis until such dogs are removed.

The Strata Council (the “Council”) of the Owners, Strata Plan PGS173 (the “Corporation”) has prepared these Bylaws and they are to be read in conjunction with the Bylaws outlined in the Strata Property Act.


3.01 No laundry or washing shall be hung in such a way as to be readily visible from the outside of a Strata Lot.

3.02 No mops or dusters of any kind shall be shaken and no refuse shall be thrown out of the windows, doors or from the balcony of a Strata Lot.

3.03 No antenna, satellite dish, or similar structure or appurtenances thereto shall be erected on or fastened to Common Property, except as may be authorized by the Council. Satellite dishes are permitted with Council’s prior approval but cannot be attached to any part of the building, be it roof, walls or porch overhangs. Satellite dishes can be mounted on a freestanding pole (that is not more that six (6) feet in height above the ground and two (2) feet below the ground) in the back yard only – absolutely no dishes can be mounted in the front yard.

3.04 No signs, billboards, notices, flags or other advertising matter (except Real Estate “For Sale” and “ For Rent” signs) of any kind shall be placed on any part of a Strata Lot or Common Property without the prior written consent of the Council.

3.05    a) The exterior appearance of the buildings should not be altered by painting, ironwork, concrete or            other alterations to the Strata Lot.

           b) Sun reflectors, foil, or awnings not to be allowed. All permitted drapes, curtains and blinds are to                be of a neutral color and acceptable design, unless otherwise approved by Council. Use of blankets or  sheets as window coverings is prohibited without the prior consent of Council.

3.06 No plants (ivy or creeping type) shall be attached to the exterior surface of the building.

3.07 Do not remove any foliage, plants or flowers from the Common Areas without prior written approval from the Strata Council. If any Owner/Resident damages or removes foliage, grass, plants, flowers or trees in the Common Area, such damage or removal must be repaired or replaced at the Owner’s/Resident’s expense.

3.08 All planter boxes to be constructed from landscape ties only. No large construction is allowed.

3.09 No storage of any kind may be stored in the front yards of the building without first obtaining written permission from the Strata Council.

3.10 All Christmas decorations must be removed from the strata lot by February 1 the following year.

3.11        a) An owner must repair and maintain the owner’s strata lot except for repairs and maintenance that is the responsibility of the strata corporation under Alpine Village Strata Bylaws; and,

                b) An owner who has the use of limited common property must repair and maintain it except for repairs and maintenance that is the responsibility of the strata corporation under Alpine Village Strata Bylaws.


4.01 Ordinary household refuse and garbage shall be removed from each Strata Lot and deposited in containers provided by the Corporation for that purpose at a central collection point. All garbage shall be well wrapped and securely tied before depositing in the containers; any materials other than ordinary household refuse and garbage shall be removed from the Corporation’s Property at the expense of and by the individual Owners or Residents.

4.02 All cartons must be flattened and all trash placed inside the appropriate bins provided.

4.03 There shall be no littering on the Common Property, including the exterior and interior of the building. Cigarette butts are considered to be litter.

4.04 No bags of garbage are allowed to collect in the back or front yards of the units.


5.01 No structural alterations either to the interior or exterior of the building shall be made.

5.02 No alterations to wiring, plumbing, piping, or other services may be made unless such alterations do not affect any other Strata Lot or Common Property.

5.03 The Strata Corporation may require as a condition of its approval that the Owner agree, in writing, to take responsibility for any expenses relating to the alteration and to provide, at the request of the Strata Corporation, evidence of appropriate insurance coverage relating to the alteration.


6.01 No Owner, Tenant or Guest shall do anything on Common Property to damage any physical improvement thereto and facilities thereon including parking spaces, roof, lighting, steps and walkways, utility rooms, storage rooms, retaining walls, fences, laundry equipment, plumbing, wiring, landscaping, playgrounds and playground equipment, etc.

6.02 Owners are liable for any damage to the Corporation’s assets and Common Property caused by family members, Guests, Visitors, or Tenants.

6.03 An Owner causing damage to the Common Property or any Strata Lot due to negligence, or faulty plumbing such as blocked waste lines, overflowing bathtubs, sinks or toilets, leaking supply lines, faulty equipment or contents such as dishwashers, water beds, garberators etc. will be held financially responsible for the repair of the damage and the cause thereof. If a claim is made under the Strata Corporations insurance the Owner/Owners of the Strata Lot/Lots responsible for the damage will be charged back the amount of the deductible for each claim. All damage created must be repaired immediately.

6.04 An Owner who has the use of limited Common Property must repair and maintain it, except for repair and maintenance that is the responsibility of the Strata Corporation under these Bylaws.


7.01 All vehicles in the parking area must have at least storage insurance. All vehicles in the parking area may hold one storage insurance premium for a term not to exceed six (6) months. Parking of vehicles other than those owned or used by a Resident or their Guests is prohibited. For the purpose of this bylaw, vehicles will include cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, scooters or any motorized object utilized for transportation. Any vehicle in violation of the above shall be towed, or if not towed, a weekly fine shall be imposed.

7.02 An Owner, Tenant or Occupant of a residential Strata Lot must use parking stalls only for the parking of licensed and insured motor vehicles, and not for the parking of any other type of vehicle or the storage of any other item, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Strata Council.

7.03 Any vehicle parked in any area other than a designated parking stall (including visitor’s parking stalls) for more than 48 hours without permission by the Strata Council will be towed without notification and at the sole risk and expense of the vehicle Owner.

7.04 Vehicles dripping excessive oils or fuel will be prohibited from the parking areas until repaired. Owners of parking spaces with vehicles causing oil staining shall at the Corporation’s notification clean up all drippings, or on failure to do so in (7) seven days notice, be assessed the cost of clean up. The Strata Council reserves the right to prohibit a vehicle on Common Property, that continually leaks oil and where the Resident refuses to remedy the problem and properly repair the damage caused by their vehicle. A weekly fine shall be imposed if the above bylaw is violated.

7.05 Parking areas may not be used for storage of any kind.

7.06 No vehicle or equipment attached thereto that may constitute a potential fire or safety hazard, in the Corporations opinion, shall be permitted in the parking areas.

7.07 No automotive repairs or maintenance of vehicles in Common Area.

7.08 No vehicle shall park in a manner, which will reduce the width of the parking lot, neighbor’s parking spaces and walkways.

7.09 All vehicles found in unallocated spaces will be removed at the Owner’s expense or a weekly fine shall be imposed.

7.10 The speed limit within the complex is ten (10) kilometers per hour.

7.11 All vehicles must be in a moveable condition between November 1st and April 30th each year to facilitate the removal of snow and sweeping of gravel in the spring. One warning with a 24-hour provision will be given and if there is no compliance, the vehicle will be towed at the vehicle Owner’s expense.

7.12 No storage of any recreational equipment, such as tent trailers and canopy trailers to be parked on Common Property at anytime except with the permission of the Strata Council in the designated areas.

7.13 No vehicles are permitted on the Common Property unless they are road worthy.

7.14 Vehicles weighing over one ton GVW are not permitted to park in any parking stalls on the property unless the vehicle is being used for work hired for Strata Corporation.

7.15 An Owner, Tenant or Occupant shall not rent or Lease the parking space assigned by the Strata Corporation to his Strata Lot or otherwise permit that parking space to be regularly used by anyone that is not a resident of the building.

7.16 Owners are prohibited from backing their vehicle into parking stalls.


8.01 Hazardous materials, i.e. explosive or flammable materials shall not be stored or brought into the Common Property, Limited Property, or in any Strata Lot.

8.02 No Owner shall do anything or permit anything to be done that will increase the risk of fire or the rate of fire insurance on the building, grounds or any part thereof.

8.03 Suspected gas leaks shall be reported at once to BC Gas. Other leaks, i.e.: water, should be reported to the Caretaker, Council Members or the Management Company.

8.04 Waterbeds are not permitted, except where the Owner provides acceptable evidence of adequate insurance coverage to the Corporation. Any damage occurring therefore will be charged to the Owner of such.

8.05 No pyrotechnic (fireworks/fire crackers) device shall be discharged on the Corporations Property at any time.

8.06 Each Owner/Resident shall endeavor to avoid damaging the plumbing and/or electrical systems of the building, and any damage to any of these systems caused by the wrongful act(s) or neglect of any Owner/Resident shall be repaired at the expense of such Owner/Resident.

8.07 The Strata Corporation PGS173 (Alpine Village) will not be held responsible for any actions, claims, demands, liabilities, loss damage, injury or expense of any kind, including attorney fees, which may result for any reason from use of Common Area property, facilities and equipment.

8.08 Owners (or their representatives) must inspect their vacant units every two days during the months of October through March 31. Failure to do so, may impact on any claims against the insurance policy held by the strata.

8.09 An owner shall reimburse the Strata Corporation for the expense of any maintenance, repair or replacement and any loss or damages to the sewer system to that Owner’s strata lot, the common property, the limited common property or the content of same if the loss or damage arises out or is caused by or results from an act, omission, negligence or carelessness by flushing into the sewer system any material that is deemed not to be flushed in the sewer line by:

i)                     that owner; or,
ii)                   any member of the owner’s family; or
iii)                  the owner’s guests, employees, contractors, agents, tenants, or volunteers, but only to the extent that such expense is not met by the proceeds received from any applicable insurance policy, excluding the insurance deductible which is the responsibility of the owner.


9.01 Upon being advised in writing by any person that a breach of these Bylaws has been committed by any Owner or Tenant or Guest of any Resident, the Council shall: Give notice to the Owner, and the Tenant of any Owner, if applicable of the breach of the Bylaws in question. The notice to be given pursuant to this section shall set out in writing the number of the Bylaws breached, the nature of the breach and the amount of the fine.

9.02 Any person charged a penalty under any bylaw will have the right to put his case in writing and/or in person within thirty (30) days to the Strata Council.


10.01 Should any Owner of a Strata Lot or their Tenant be in contravention of the Bylaws, the Council shall be entitled to take any one or more of the following actions:

a. Take all necessary steps to terminate the Tenancy Agreement or Lease on behalf of the Owner of the Strata Lot.
b. Levy a fine of up to $50.00 per week for each week of contravention, such fine to be collected by the Corporation from the Owner of the Strata Lot, and Council is hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to collect such amount.


11.01 Monthly maintenance payments are due and payable in advance on or before the first (1st) day of each month. Maintenance fees not received will be subject to the fines outlined in the Bylaw 11.04.

11.02 For the purpose of these Bylaws the term “Maintenance Fees” shall mean assessed maintenance fees, penalties, special assessments, parking fees, legal cost, administration fees, collection costs, and any other unpaid amounts.

11.03 If an Owner is outstanding in their maintenance payments they will not be allowed to engage in any further financial responsibilities with the Strata Corporation until their account is cleared up. (i.e. rent an extra parking stall.)

11.04 An owner will be charged a penalty for failing to pay maintenance fee payments by the due date. A warning letter for the first month a payment is overdue, $10 for the 2nd month, and $25 for the 3rd and each subsequent month. After four months of non-payment the strata corporation may issue a lien against the strata lot in arrears. Fees may be waived if the owner is a resident at Alpine Village and has made or is making reasonable efforts to pay the current strata fees and has established a payment plan to have arrears caught up within 6 months.

11.05 In addition to bylaw 11.04, an owner late on his payments will be charged an interest rate of 10% per annum compounded annually and form part of the strata fees.

11.06 If after a line has been registered against the property for unpaid fees, fines and other charges, as per bylaw  the strata corporation will have the right to initiate court action and force the sale of the property to collect money owing.


12.01 In order to promote the safety, welfare, enjoyment, and comfort, of other Owners/Residents of the Property, the Resident and Guest shall not disturb, harass, or annoy other Occupants of the property or neighbors. In addition, noise of any kind, which in the reasonable opinion of the Strata Council may be calculated to disturb the comfort of any other Occupant of the Property shall not be made by the Resident or Guest, nor shall any noise whatsoever, including the playing of any musical instrument be repeated or persisted after a request to discontinue such noise has been made by the landlord. The Resident or Guest shall not cause or allow loud conversation, music, television, radio or irritating noise to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of other Occupants at any time, and in particular, between the hours of 10:00p.m. and 9:00a.m.

12.02 No instrument or other device shall be used within a Strata Lot which, in the opinion of the Council, causes a disturbance or interferes with the comfort of other Owners/Residents.

12.03 Sound reproduction shall be restricted so as not to disturb other Owners/Residents. If the sound or noise can be heard outside of any Strata Lot, it shall be deemed as being too loud.

12.04 The sidewalks, walkways, passages and driveways of the Common Property shall not be obstructed or used for any purpose other than ingress or egress from the Strata Lots and parking areas within the Common Property.

12.05 An Owner, Tenant or Occupant must not use a Strata Lot for any purpose, which involves undue traffic, or noise in or about the Strata Lot or Common Property between the hours of 10:00pm and 9:00am or that encourages loitering by persons in or about the Strata Lot or Common Property.


13.01 Communication between Owners/Residents and Council shall be in writing; signed by the Owner/Resident and shall be directed to the managing agent.


14.01 Non-permanent air conditioners and fans are permitted to be placed in unit windows between May 1st and September 30th of each year. These units must be removed between October 1st and April 30th or the Owner will be subject to fines. The surrounding decor must be of a neutral color. The air conditioners and fans must be secured in a manner that will not cause harm to the building or Residents.


15.01 Council will continue to maintain the exterior window frames, however, the repair and maintenance of the glass portion, including broken seals will be the responsibility of the Strata Lot Owner, as well as the maintenance of exterior doors.


16.01 Within 2 weeks of becoming an Owner, an Owner must inform the Strata Corporation of the Owner’s name, Strata Lot number and mailing address outside the strata plan, if any.


17.01 Council size

(a) Subject to subsection (2), the council must have at least 3 and not more than 5 members.

17.02 Council members' terms

(a) The term of office of a council member ends at the end of the annual general meeting at which the
new council is elected.

(b) A person whose term as council member is ending is eligible for reelection.

17.03 Removing council member

(a) No person may stand for council or continue to be on council with respect to a strata lot if the strata corporation is entitled to register a lien against that strata lot under the Act.

17.04 Replacing council member

(a) If a council member resigns or is unwilling or unable to act for a period of 2 or more months, the remaining members of the council may appoint a replacement council member for the remainder of the term.

(b) A replacement council member may be appointed from any person eligible to sit on the council.

(c) The council may appoint a council member under this section even if the absence of the member being replaced leaves the council without a quorum.

(d) If all the members of the council resign or are unwilling or unable to act for a period of 2 or more months, persons holding at least 25% of the strata corporation's votes may hold a special general meeting to elect a new council by complying with the provisions of the Act, the regulations and the bylaws respecting the calling and holding of meetings.

17.05 Officers

(a) At the first meeting of the council held after each annual general meeting of the strata corporation, the council must elect, from among its members, a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer.

(b) A person may hold more than one office at a time, other than the offices of president and vice president.

(c) The vice president has the powers and duties of the president

(i) while the president is absent or is unwilling or unable to act, or
(ii) for the remainder of the president's term if the president ceases to hold office.

(d) If an officer other than the president is unwilling or unable to act for a period of 2 or more months, the  
council members may appoint a replacement officer from among themselves for the remainder of the term.

17.06 Calling council meetings

(a) Any council member may call a council meeting by giving the other council members at least one week's notice of the meeting, specifying the reason for calling the meeting.

(b) The notice does not have to be in writing.

(c) A council meeting may be held on less than one week's notice if

(i) all council members consent in advance of the meeting, or
(ii) the meeting is required to deal with an emergency situation and all council members either

(1) consent in advance of the meeting, or
(2) are unavailable to provide consent after reasonable attempts to contact them.

(d) The council must inform owners about a council meeting as soon as feasible after the meeting has been called.

17.07 Requisition of council hearing

(a) By application in writing, stating the reason for the request, an owner or tenant may request a hearing at a council meeting.

(b) If a hearing is requested under subsection (1), the council must hold a meeting to hear the applicant within 1 month of the request.

(c) If the purpose of the hearing is to seek a decision of the council, the council must give the applicant a written decision within one week of the hearing.

17.08 Council meetings

(a) At the option of the council, council meetings may be held by electronic means, so long as all council members and other participants can communicate with each other.
(b) If a council meeting is held by electronic means, council members are deemed to be present in person.

(c) No person other than a member of the council shall be entitled to attend a meeting of the council unless authorized by a resolution of the council. In the course of a meeting of the council, any person or persons (other than members of the council) may be excluded from such meeting by a resolution of the council.

17.09 Voting at council meetings

(a) At council meetings, decisions must be made by a majority of council members present in person at the meeting.

(b) Unless there are only 2 strata lots in the strata plan, if there is a tie vote at a council meeting, the president may break the tie by casting a second, deciding vote.

(c) The results of all votes at a council meeting must be recorded in the council meeting minutes.

17.10 Council to inform owners of minutes

(a) The council must inform owners of the minutes of all council meetings within 2 weeks of the meeting, whether or not the minutes have been approved.

17.11 Spending restrictions

(a) A person may not spend the strata corporation's money unless the person has been delegated the power to do so in accordance with these bylaws.

(b) Despite subsection (1), a council member may spend the strata corporation's money to repair or replace common property or common assets if the repair or replacement is immediately required to ensure safety or prevent significant loss or damage.

17.12 Limitation on liability of council member

(a) A council member who acts honestly and in good faith is not personally liable because of anything done or omitted in the exercise or intended exercise of any power or the performance or intended performance of any duty of the council.

(b) Subsection (1) does not affect a council member's liability, as an owner, for a judgment against the strata corporation.

17.13 Eligibility to Council.

 a) The only persons who may be council members are the following:

i)                     owners;
ii)                   individuals representing corporate owners
iii)                  tenants who, under section 147 or 148 of the SPA have been assigned a landlord’s right to stand for council

                b) An owner in good standing may assign his or her rights to stand for council to a long term  
                occupant of more than 3 years, also in good standing, or any other qualified person providing that  
                the owner has submitted a Form A General Proxy (Section 56 of the Strata Property Act) to the
                Council along with a written notice to the Strata Corporation stating the name of the representative,
                 the power assigned and the effective time period.

c) No person shall stand for council or continue to be on council with respect to a strata lot if the
strata corporation is entitled to register a lien against that strata owner under section 116(1) of the
Strata Property Act

d) If a council member is unable to continue to be on council pursuant to section 17.13 c) then that
council member is deemed to have resigned for purposes of section 12 of the Standard Bylaws (Replacing Council Members)


18.01 Person to chair meeting

(a) Annual and special general meetings must be chaired by the president of the council.

(b) If the president of the council is unwilling or unable to act, the meeting must be chaired by the vice  
president of the council.

(c) If neither the president nor the vice president of the council chairs the meeting, a chair must be elected by the eligible voters present in person or by proxy from among those persons who are present at the meeting.

18.02 Participation by other than eligible voters

(a) Tenants and occupants may attend annual and special general meetings, whether or not they are eligible to vote.

(b) Persons who are not eligible to vote, including tenants and occupants, may participate in the discussion at the meeting, but only if permitted to do so by the chair of the meeting.

(c) Persons who are not eligible to vote, including tenants and occupants, must leave the meeting if requested to do so by a resolution passed by a majority vote at the meeting.

18.03 Voting

(a) At an annual or special general meeting, voting cards must be issued to eligible voters.

(b) At an annual or special general meeting a vote is decided on a show of voting cards, unless an eligible voter requests a precise count.

(c) If a precise count is requested, the chair must decide whether it will be by show of voting cards or by roll call, secret ballot or some other method.

(d) The outcome of each vote, including the number of votes for and against the resolution if a precise count is requested, must be announced by the chair and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

(e) If there is a tie vote at an annual or special general meeting, the president, or, if the president is absent or unable or unwilling to vote, the vice president, may break the tie by casting a second, deciding vote.

(f) Despite anything in this section, an election of council or any other vote must be held by secret ballot, if the secret ballot is requested by an eligible voter.

(g) An owner who is otherwise an eligible voter may not exercise his or her vote for a strata lot, except on matters requiring a unanimous vote, if the strata corporation is entitled to register a lien against that strata lot.

18.04 Order of business

The order of business at annual and special general meetings is as follows:

(a) certify proxies and corporate representatives and issue voting cards;

(b) determine that there is a quorum;

(c) elect a person to chair the meeting, if necessary;

(d) present to the meeting proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice;

(e) approve the agenda;

(f) approve minutes from the last annual or special general meeting;

(g) deal with unfinished business;

(h) receive reports of council activities and decisions since the previous annual general meeting, including reports of committees, if the meeting is an annual general meeting;

(i) ratify any new rules made by the strata corporation under section 125 of the Act;

(j) report on insurance coverage in accordance with section 154 of the Act, if the meeting is an annual general meeting;

(k) approve the budget for the coming year in accordance with section 103 of the Act, if the meeting is an annual general meeting;

(l) deal with new business, including any matters about which notice has been given under section 45 of the Act;

(m) elect a council, if the meeting is an annual general meeting; terminate the meeting.

18.05 Electronic Attendance at Meetings

Attendance by persons at an annual or special general meeting may be by telephone or other electronic method if such method permits all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other during the meeting.


19.01 Notwithstanding section 48(3) of the Act, if within ½ hour from the time appointed for an annual or special general meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be terminated if the meeting was convened upon the requisition of members; but in any other case, the meeting shall stand adjourned for a further ½ hour from the time appointed and, if within one hour from the time appointed a quorum is not present for the meeting, the eligible voters present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum


20.01 Subject to subsection (3) below, if a proposed expenditure has not been approved in the budget or at an annual or special general meeting; the strata corporation may only make such expenditure out of the operating

fund if the expenditure, together with all other unapproved expenditures, whether of the same type or not, that were made pursuant to this subsection (1) in the same fiscal year, is less than:

(a) $5000.00; or
(b) 15% of the total contribution to the operating fund for the current
year; whichever is less.

20.02 If the strata corporation makes expenditure under subsection (1) above, the strata corporation must inform owners as soon as feasible about any expenditure of more than $4500.00 on any single item.

20.03 Notwithstanding subsection (1) above, the strata corporation can make expenditure out of either the operating fund or the contingency reserve fund if there are reasonable grounds to believe that an immediate expenditure is necessary to ensure safety or to prevent significant loss or damage, whether physical, financial or otherwise