
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Alpine Village Strata
Council Meeting
November 8, 2017
Attendance:       Anneliese,          Gabby,                 Roberta
Call to order: 5:35 pm
Determined a quorum, 3 out of 3 council members attended
Old Business:
Roberta, reporting as Office Manager:  2 Liens were placed last month, and the paperwork has returned.   Summer staff has now all been laid off, Bill is our only full time staff and is working on finishing the fencing in “A” drive as well as keeping our common areas clean.   Trissy Singbeil’s part-time hours have been extended.
 AGM Package has gone out to all owners’ that have email in the office, mailed and hand delivered packages has also been delivered.  There were some mistakes in the Package, Roberta will send and information letter to owners, informing them of the mistakes and solutions.
The office has received pictures of Bylaw Breaches that Anneliese took on her drive through every weekend.  The biggest problems are window dressings and uninsured vehicles.  Will continue to monitor and the biggest law breakers will be fined.
New Business:
1.       Notice that there were some mistakes made with the AGM Package.  “Remedial work” and “Special Levy” were not worded as Resolutions, therefore cannot be voted on.  Which could be a good thing as 5 options would require 5 resolutions.  Council suggest that at AGM we poll the owners as to which 2 options they would like us to explore further.  Then set a date for an SGM to vote on those options.  The discussion time at the AGM will be used to explain each option to owners, and any other suggestions that come forward.  Roberta will write an information letter to owners, explaining the missing or mistaken issues.
2.       We received 2 emails from owners asking us to explore the stucco option further with more detailed information going to owners.  We will get as much information together as we can before the AGM and discuss it there.
3.       Lighting in the complex:  certain areas are darker than others.  Council looked at the security Cameras after dark, and isolated the darkest areas.  Gabby will look for 4 lights and we will have them installed.  If they make a difference in the Safety and Concerns of tenants, we will look at more.
4.       Possible mouse infestation:  Complaint from one unit of possible mice in the unit next door.  We will call 1st Defense and have them check out both units and see if there is an infestation.
5.       Unit A75 noticed back in May that an outside light and the security camera on the end of their unit, was being powered from their fuse box.  This was brought to the attention of council back in August, 2017.  Council offered the owner a discount in strata fees of $23.00 per month (which should be passed on to the tenant for their hydro) from Sept. 2017 onward.  According to LiCar, the strata lot owners are not satisfied with this offer. Council will look into having this issue looked at by an electrician and the cost of moving it to a different strata source.
Next Meeting: AGM November 26, 2017
Next Council Meeting: To Be Announced

Meeting Adjourned: 7:00 pm


Alpine Village Strata
Council Meeting
November 8, 2017
Attendance:       Anneliese,          Gabby,                 Roberta
Call to order: 5:35 pm
Determined a quorum, 3 out of 3 council members attended
Old Business:
Roberta, reporting as Office Manager:  2 Liens were placed last month, and the paperwork has returned.   Summer staff has now all been laid off, Bill is our only full time staff and is working on finishing the fencing in “A” drive as well as keeping our common areas clean.   Trissy Singbeil’s part-time hours have been extended.
 AGM Package has gone out to all owners’ that have email in the office, mailed and hand delivered packages has also been delivered.  There were some mistakes in the Package, Roberta will send and information letter to owners, informing them of the mistakes and solutions.
The office has received pictures of Bylaw Breaches that Anneliese took on her drive through every weekend.  The biggest problems are window dressings and uninsured vehicles.  Will continue to monitor and the biggest law breakers will be fined.
New Business:
1.       Notice that there were some mistakes made with the AGM Package.  “Remedial work” and “Special Levy” were not worded as Resolutions, therefore cannot be voted on.  Which could be a good thing as 5 options would require 5 resolutions.  Council suggest that at AGM we poll the owners as to which 2 options they would like us to explore further.  Then set a date for an SGM to vote on those options.  The discussion time at the AGM will be used to explain each option to owners, and any other suggestions that come forward.  Roberta will write an information letter to owners, explaining the missing or mistaken issues.
2.       We received 2 emails from owners asking us to explore the stucco option further with more detailed information going to owners.  We will get as much information together as we can before the AGM and discuss it there.
3.       Lighting in the complex:  certain areas are darker than others.  Council looked at the security Cameras after dark, and isolated the darkest areas.  Gabby will look for 4 lights and we will have them installed.  If they make a difference in the Safety and Concerns of tenants, we will look at more.
4.       Possible mouse infestation:  Complaint from one unit of possible mice in the unit next door.  We will call 1st Defense and have them check out both units and see if there is an infestation.
5.       Unit A75 noticed back in May that an outside light and the security camera on the end of their unit, was being powered from their fuse box.  This was brought to the attention of council back in August, 2017.  Council offered the owner a discount in strata fees of $23.00 per month (which should be passed on to the tenant for their hydro) from Sept. 2017 onward.  According to LiCar, the strata lot owners are not satisfied with this offer. Council will look into having this issue looked at by an electrician and the cost of moving it to a different strata source.
Next Meeting: AGM November 26, 2017
Next Council Meeting: To Be Announced

Meeting Adjourned: 7:00 pm


Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 6 2017 council meeting

Alpine Village Strata PGS173
Council Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2017

Call to order:      5:30 pm
Attendance:       Anneliese            Roberta                                Gabby                   Glen
Guest Speaker: Walter Babicz
                Walter brought us copies of the old and new Bylaws.  Walter explained the changes we had made in preparation of the vote.  Roberta will mark the changes so that the owners can compare the new changes with the old Bylaws, if they want to.  The new Bylaws will be included in the AGM Pkg.
                David Solmundson was looking for a “Boot” allowance.  This was denied, as the season is almost over and David was told before that he needed to put in for this allowance at the beginning of the season, not the end.
                Roberta had looked into Security Lights at Costco, but they had to be hard wired.   Glen mentioned some Solar Lights he had seen at Costco that would be bright enough for our intentions.  Roberta will go back to Costco and check these out.
                Roberta had quotes from Curtis Elite and Paladin, for security patrols.  We were looking for patrols from 9 pm till 5 am, with possibly sitting in certain spots, just to put some pressure on undesirables.
o   Curtis Elite: 3 patrols per night (drive through complex) $8.50 per patrol, but does not have the time to sit for 15 or 20 minutes.
o   Paladin Security: 2 guys, $51.00 per hour
o   Council talked about hiring our own security people at a starting rate of $18.00 per hour.  Security personal must be licenced.  Roberta calculated that we would need to guys to cover the hours, 7 days a week.  This could be a savings of up to $4000.00 per month over a Security Company.   This was tabled for discussion at a later date.
                We received quotes from Rock Tech, Giscome, and Extreme Landscaping.
·         Rock Tech:  quoted the same as last year, which turned out to be a lot more money for a lot less removal.
·         Giscome, (a division of Aurora) Gave us a quote very similar to what they had done for us in the past.
·         Extreme Landscaping, gave us a quote that was way beyond our means.
·         Roberta will pull the file for Giscome, and compare the last few years that we used them and get back to council.
A letter will be going out to owners, informing them of the actual due date of Strata Fees and that effective November 1st, 2017 late fees will start being applied to all late Strata Fees and the Bylaw that pertains to this situation.
o   2 Liens will be placed on different units who have fallen very behind in their Strata Fees.
o   We will be having Cora Wilson write the resolutions for the next AGM, to ensure that they are written according to the Strata Act.
o   Cora Wilson’s Office is willing to do our Liens for us, but this may be at a price higher than the Lien. 
§  For now we will continue to do the Lien process ourselves
o   The office will check around Prince George and see if any Lawyers here understand the Strata Act and are willing to take us on as a client and their pricing.
                Roberta was in Kelowna a couple of weeks ago and met with Bill Miller of CHOA.  The Discussions were on “Rentals, Strata Fees, and Council”.
o   Rentals: Can be done by our Strata Office, as long as it is done by a different person than the Strata/Office Manager.  So it is an option for the future if we really want to gain control of Alpine Village.
o   Strata Fees: Can be raised more than just by %points.  It is based on what the Strata needs’ to operate, and of course a vote.  If we want to repair Alpine, we are going to need to increase Strata Fees.
o   Council:  The discussion was on if council could stand for more than a one year term?  The answer is YES, as long as it is written into the Bylaws for our Strata.  With the way the Council changes now, it is hard to get anything accomplished.  When things are just starting to move, a new council is voted in and the process starts all over again.  This may be worth looking into for the future.
·         Glen has a grantee letter for the funding, and contractor’s budgetary quotes for the project.  Glen to crunch the numbers and do a spread sheet to get the figures for a special levy and how many years will be needed to pay the loan off.

September 7, 2017 Council Meeting

Alpine Village Strata PGS 173
Council Meeting
September 7, 2017

Attendance: Anneliese Paasch            Roberta Johnson            Glen Blair

Regrets:                 Gabby Tecson

Guest Speakers:    Latania Thomson - disputing “Breach” for E24
                             Bill Thomason - Maintenance

Call to order:         5:45 pm

Latania Thomson
Lodged a dispute regarding a “Breach of Bylaw” notice she received about her dog barking day and night, everyday.  Latania explained that she does have an anxiety disorder and this is a therapy dog.  When Latania is home, the dog does not bark.  Anneliese had talked to the neighbours on either side of Latania’s unit and they had no complaints regarding the dog.
Roberta will ask the complainant to come to the office or the next council meeting to have a discussion regarding this issue.
Will follow up with Latania with in the next 7 days.
Glen believes that there are Investigation forms for when a complaint comes to the office.  We need to find these forms and use them.

Bill Thomason    
Bill presented council with a list of how much fencing has been finished to date.  It shows that all the back yards in Phase 1 (the A, B, C, D drives) are now complete. 
Fencing between us and Grevman Court is failing and in need of repair.
            Roberta will contact council of Grevman Court and see if they will share the cost in repairing the fence and to include a v shape access to either driveway to prevent      people from climbing the fence.
Budget for the fencing is almost at its limit for this year.  Any more fencing for this           year, is deferred until  Bill gives an estimate on what is left, and while other            maintenance if handled.
Discussion on the exterior lights that are damaged and hanging from the units.  We will need to change these out as they could be a hazard.   Bill asked if we would be doing both the front and back exterior lights, the answer to that is Yes, and the lights would be the same.
            Glen had a quote for a pair of exterior lights for $39.99 at Home Hardware.           Perfect for what we want to budget and they will go well with any exterior siding       project.  The color to be white, the same as the windows and doors.
      Glen to order the lights, enough to fix the current broken ones.  Glen will also see what kind of a deal we can get by ordering bulk.
Asked Bill to check and map out all outside water taps, which ones are original and strata responsibility, and which ones are not.  Do a Budget for more, if needed, water taps.  Do all owners/tenants know how to turn off the water in the winter?
             Suggestion that the strata ensure that tenants know how to turn the faucet on and             off in the winter.

Unfinished Business
G66 - arrears, and Form H
            Unit Sold, Arrears are paid, and Form H is released to the Lawyer
Fencing Budget
            See Bill’s report above
Fence Between A30 and A31
            Bill fixed the fence between these units, better than ever
Email from Dustin @Hardie Interiors
            Deferred until siding project starts and only if Hardie is used
Bed Bugs -
            Gather and distribute the information from a Pest Control Company.
      Because this is a growing epidemic in Prince George and we need to prevent these      critters from spreading quickly,  If informed, Strata will call and deal with getting        the problem treated. This is an owner issue, even though it is no one’s fault as to     why it happens.  The owner will be billed for the treatments of their unit, and any            other units that it may have infested.
Unmovable/Uninsured Vehicles
            All uninsured and unmovable vehicles to receive a 10 day notice to insure or          remove vehicles from parking lot.  Parking insurance is acceptable. Reminder         notices that all vehicles must be in movable condition, especially in the winter           when the snow needs to be cleared, to go to each unit. Any car that remains             unmovable or uninsured after the 10 days, will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Richard and Jay - Stucco Repair
            Who are they and who have they worked for in the Past?
            Is this their Company and what is the name?
            We also need a second estimate on the repair
            We have 2 units in arrears enough  to start the lien process.  Roberta to get the       liens done and registered.
Date set for the SGM
            Still waiting for a detailed/itemized list from the Contractor, deferred until then

New Business

With school commitments, Desiree is no longer with the office. 
Trissy and Roberta are working together to keep the office open and productive. 

Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm