
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Council Meeting: June 7th, 2016

Present: Gord Rapson, Glen Blair, Dan Veller and Shaun Davis

Regrets: Gabby Tecson


Called to Order: 5:30pm

  • Daryl (a tenant)had a discussion with council regarding a noisy neighbour
  • Chris Cosariu, the new owner from F44 came in to meet the council members
  • Art Meise (Essential Exterior Finishers) came to the meeting to discuss the siding project
    Old Business:

  • 3 Dome Climbers were purchased for the playgrounds 3 @$190.38 each. $571.14
  • Insurance renewal: The same insurance company as last year. Hub International –Barton Insurance
    New Business:
  • Council has agreed to get a small Company Credit Card to be used in the office. $500.00 limit
  • Pet Bylaws: it was agreed that the pet bylaws need to be addressed and put to a vote at the next AGM
  • Wage increase for David, Bill and Phyllis-this will be addressed after staff evaluations have been completed.
  • Roto Rooter-It was agreed to set up a scheduled maintenance for the problem sewer lines
  • Letter to council-A letter was sent to council regarding a reimbursement for a front door. The answer was no. The doors are being replaced with the siding contract.
  • Color choices for the siding project-it still has not been decided which colors to use
    Report from Office Manager:

  • The GIC at the Scotia Bank-this needs to be held as security for the Electronic Funds Transfers from Owners
  • Contingency Reserve Account balance-$334,175.32
  • There are now only 2 undesirable units in the complex
  • Watering the lawns-do we want to take the time and the wage to have the grounds watered in the common areas? Yes. This will begin in the hot weather
  • Plumber- It was discussed that no call will be made to a plumber unless the owner or property manager sends a request in writing and agrees to pay the bill if the problem is internal.
  • Tree beside A34-A35. There was a request to have this tree removed. It is dripping sap on the vehicles. The answer is yes.
    Next Council meeting to be held: July 5th, 2016
    Meeting Adjourned: 7:30

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Alpine Village Strata Corporation - PGS173


Special General Meeting



Sunday May 1st, 2016,

The meeting was called to order 3:05 pm.
Certify Proxies and Corporate Representatives and Issue voting cards

  •  Proxies were certified and voting cards were issued.
Determine Quorum and Call to Order


  • Quorum was reached. There were 28 owners present and 125 by proxy. 153 votes. There were 2 spoiled ballots as the owner was not eligible to vote due to strata fee arrears. Total votes 151.

 Elect a Person to Chair the Meeting


  • Gord Rapson moved to elect Helen DeGroot to chair the meeting. Dan Veller seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Proof of Notice of Meeting

  • All present were in agreement that they had received notice of the meeting.
Approval of Agenda

  • Gord Rapson moved to approve the agenda. Glen Blair seconded the motion. All were in favor.

 Approval of Minutes from the last SGM

  • Elaine Nothstein moved to approve the minutes from the last SGM. Diana Tecson seconded the motion. All were in favor.

 Unfinished Business

  • There was a small discussion as to hiring a Lawyer to draft the paperwork for the project to reside Alpine Village. No vote was taken.

 Resolution – to obtain ¾ votes for the building envelope

  • Helen DeGroot requested a motion be made to amend the agenda to approve a majority vote for the resolution. Motion was made by Gord Rapson, Seconded by Lisa Jacques to approve the resolution by majority vote as the building envelope was identified in the depreciation report. All in favor. Carried. 

  • Gord Rapson made a motion to have 2 attending home owners count the voting cards. Seconded by Sharon Hordy.
  • The voting cards were counted by April James (home owner) and Bob Bingham (home owner) 153 total votes. YES-105
  •    NO- 46

  • The siding project for Alpine Village is to go ahead.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 pm


Council Meeting: May 3rd, 2016
Called to Order: 5:31
Present: Dan Veller, Glen Blair, Gord Rapson, Shaun Davis
Guest: Art Meise-siding contractor: there was a discussion regarding start date, windows, doors and anything else to do with the project.
Old Business:
  • Roofing-there was a discussion regarding the 5 roofs that still need to be replaced. One will be chosen later in the summer.
    New Business:
  • GIC-discussion to turn over the Strata GIC at maturity date
  • Playground Equipment-to purchase 3 Geo domes for the playgrounds. It was agreed to purchases them.
  • Boot Allowance-it was agreed that each maintenance employee would get a reimbursement of  $100.00 3 months after purchasing the foot wear.
  • Insurance policy renewal-instructed office manager to request 2 quotes from 2 different Insurance providers.
  • Look at the pet bylaws to see about revision-office manager will have a review for the next council meeting
  • A new owner requested that he be able to cut a hole in the exterior wall for a kitchen exhaust fan. Everyone was in agreement as long as a certified contractor was hired do the work.
    Report for Office Manager:
  • Collections-There is only one unit left that has not responded to the demand notices. This unit has been taken to court and Strata have been awarded a default order.
  • Superior Link Contracting-The office manager submitted to the courts a request for reimbursement of the money paid to have the fence erected along the highway. The office is waiting for a reply.
  • Fencing-the fences are now being erected behind A49-A53 and A44-A48
  • The office manager is to meet with Roto Rooter and set up a scheduled maintenance program to help keep the main sewer lines clean
    Insurance claims: None
    Council Notes:
  • Strata fee increase to begin June 1st 2016
    Next Council meeting to be held: June 7th 2016
    Meeting Adjourned: 6:45

Council Meeting: April 5, 2016

Meeting was called to order: 5:35PM

Present: Dan Veller, Glen Blair, Gordon Rapson, Gabby Tecson and Shaun Davis

Old Business:

  • The wiring for the roof lights above the office has been completed.
    New Business:

  • Roofs that still need replacing-E13-E24, F43-F54, G61-G74, G87-G100, H101-H114. These roofs that still need replacing will be addressed at a later date.
  • Patching the pavement- The office will be getting quotes for repairs to the pavement in the complex.
  • Parking lot sweeping-2 quotes- Rock Tech has been hired to sweep the gravel from the complex. This is taking place on Tuesday April 12, 2016.
  • 3 units suspected of drug distribution – We are looking into this with the RCMP.
  • The French drain in the courtyard needs to be cleaned out of built up sludge and gravel. Getting quotes from contractors.
  • It has been decided to close up the fence at the end of D Drive. No gate or opening.
  • It was decided to rent an auger to dig the holes for the fencing.
  • The front gate for A40 needs to be repaired.
  • The office has been asked to file a claim in Small Claims Court regarding the fencing project that was completed in 2014. In many place it is falling down and the company will not return to repair it.
             Report from Office Manager
  • All downspouts in the complex have been repaired
  • Fencing has commenced behind A14-A23. Also the back yards for A44-A48 and A49-A53.
  • Checked window well for A43- no sitting water, downspout is draining down the area that we dug up the cement.
    Next Council meeting to be held: May 3rd, 2016
    Meeting Adjourned: 6:20 PM

Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31, 2016

Homeowners, Tenants

Well it looks like spring is trying to get here in a hurry. It is time for spring cleanup. Just a few things I would like to address.

  • Cigarette butts are considered garbage. Please do not just throw them on the ground by your steps. The maintenance personal has cleaned up around every set of steps in the complex. Now when he does his daily rounds, if there are butts beside your steps or your front lawn, you will be sent an infraction notice. After 3 of these there will be fines imposed of $50.00 a week or every time the butts need to be cleaned up by maintenance.
  • The same goes for garbage bags, tires, or anything else left by the front steps.
  • It is time to clean the back yards also. This is the responsibility of the occupant. All garbage, dog feces and anything else that can cause rodent infestation must be cleaned up. If you don’t have the proper tools (rake, shovel) just come to the office and I will provide you with the necessary tools.
  • I will be sending out infractions regarding window coverings. Flags and sheets are not to be used as window coverings. Ratty blinds are also included. This is stated in bylaw 3.05 b) Sun reflectors, foil, or awnings not to be allowed. All permitted drapes, curtains and blinds are to be of a neutral color and acceptable design, unless otherwise approved by Council. Use of blankets or sheets as window coverings is prohibited without the prior consent of Council.
    Please have these changed to the proper window covering.

Help us keep the complex as clean as possible. This makes it a much better place to live.


Phyllis Thorkelson

Office Manager

Alpine Village Strata PGS173


Alpine Village
Special General Meeting Minutes
Sunday March 20th, 2016, 3pm
Time was given between 3-4pm for all owners to have an open floor for questions and answers.
Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm
Certified Proxies and Corporate Representatives and issued voting cards
Quorum reached as 134 present: 134 in attendance of which 29 were in person
            -Motion by Karrie Cookhouse
            -Seconded by Jody Maida
Motion to have Gordon Rapson to chair the meeting
            -Motion by Shaun Davis
            -Seconded by Maureen Bricker
Proof of Notice of Meeting - Unanimous
Approval of Agenda - Unanimous
Approval of Minutes from the last AGM
            -Motion by Dave Henderson
            -Seconded by Jody Maida
There was no unfinished business
Resolutions #1) Siding Proposal-134 Votes -96 Yes
                                                                         -37 No
                                                                         -1 Abstention
            NOT PASSED-100 votes were needed to pass Resolution #1
Resolution #2) Color Choices     -134 Votes -94 Yes
                                                                          -39 No
                                                                          -1 Abstention
            NOT PASSED-100 votes were needed to pass Resolution #2

Resolution #3) Amount per Unit -134 Votes -119 Yes
                                                                           -14 No
                                                                           -1 Abstention
PASSED-100 votes were needed to pass Resolution #3
An amendment was made regarding Resolution #3-On the condition that 239 units are completed on time and on budget as presented. Once the special levy for a unit is paid in full, the special levy will be removed.
New Business-
A motion was made: In the event any owner experiences extreme financial hardship because of the increase of monthly payment for the Special Levy, Council will review any requests on a case by case need.
                        -Motion by Karrie Cookhouse,
-Second: Valerie Conklin,
Meeting Adjourned at 5:15 pm

Council Meeting: March 1st, 2016
Meeting called to order: 5:30 PM
Present: Dan Veller, Shaun Davis, Gordon Rapson and Gabby Tecson.
Regrets: Glen Blair
Elaine Nothstien requested a meeting with council. She has been very concerned with all the garbage around the complex. She has been assured that the garbage will be picked up daily.
Also discussed were parking issues. Every occupant living in the complex only has “ONE” parking spot. None of the visitor spots can be rented. The visitor spots are for just that, visitors. These spots cannot be claimed by anyone. It is first come, first serve.

 Unfinished Business:

It was decided that the electrical wiring from the rental unit, D80, needed to be redirected to the breaker box in the office.
  • Complaints:
Council dealt with 2 different complaints from tenants regarding the noise from their neighbour next door. It was decided that normal daily noise is acceptable. E.g. Children playing, television or stereo noise (with-in reason). Remember, this is high density living and the noise carries through the walls.
    New Business:
 A lien was placed against SL 179 for nonpayment of Strata Fees.
A father of an owner asked of there was any kind of compassion break for his son (an owner) due to medical reasons. Council said NO.  Strata fees must be paid every month.
  • Maintenance:
Down spouts on the side of A43 and A23 were repaired.
Some new signs were put up for parking spots and there has been lots of cleaning of the complex
  • Next Council meeting to be held: Tuesday April 5th, 2016.
    Meeting Adjourned: 7:00 PM



January 5, 5:30PM Council Meeting:

 Present: Dan Veller, Glen Blair, Shaun Davis, Gabby Tecson. Regrets-Gord Rapson


Guest speaker: Art Meise-Essential Exterior Finishers gave some very valuable information to council regarding siding, windows and doors.

New Business:

  • Flooring in the office.
    It was discussed to change the flooring in the front office.
  • Camera system-moving forward with Brentssat.
    There was a discussion regarding upgrading the monitor’s and the DVR’s in the office.
  • Siding quotes
    4 different quotes were looked at. We are still waiting for one more quote.
  • Window replacement quotes
    4 different quotes were looked at.
  • Gutters
    This will be addressed again at a later date.
  • Icicles hanging form the windows
    This will be addressed at a later date
  • Stata payment
    Require all owners to either use EFT or postdated cheques. No e-transfers or Visa
             Report from Office Manager

  • Collections in December. $5541.72 was collected from delinquent owners towards arrears.
  • Place a lien SL179
  • Court documents: re SL168 and SL210
    Insurance claims: Nil
    Meeting Adjourned: 7:00 PM
    Next Council meeting to be held: February 2nd, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

January Newsletter

Welcome to 2016.


                I would like to start by saying Thank you to the owners and tenants residing in the complex.

The complaints and problems have decreased dramatically.


There are still a few issues that need to be dealt with. Each one in itself is quite small but when you put them all together every day it becomes a big issue.

  • Please do not back your vehicles into your parking stall. The fresh air returns are on the fronts of some of the units and the exhaust from the vehicle is being drawn into the unit. Bylaw 7.16 states: “Residents are prohibited from backing into the parking stall”.
  • There are still uninsured vehicles in the complex. Bylaw 7.01 states: “All vehicles must have insurance and be movable from Nov.1st to April 30”.
  •  There were 5 vehicles towed during the last snow removal. They were either uninsured or not shoveled out. This will continue every time the snow needs to be removed.
  • There have been quite a few complaints regarding noise. The kind of noise from inside the units. If you have children, please try and keep it down a bit. If you listen to loud music, make sure your speakers are not against the neighbouring wall. It vibrates, causing pictures to fall off the wall next door. Please show your neighbour some consideration.
  • There are still some units with the wrong kind of window coverings. Bylaw 3.05 (b): “All window covering must be either white or a light neutral color”. Please have these changed.
  • Please do not write on the exterior of your door. If you must post a notice, use paper and tape it to the door.
  • There is to be no storage in the front of your unit. For example: Tires, Bar-B-Que, and lawn chairs. Please have these moved to your back yard.
    Please do not hesitate to contact me in the Alpine Village office if you have any questions or concerns.
    Thank you
    Phyllis Thorkelson
    Office Manager

January 5, 5:30PM Council Meeting:

 Present: Dan Veller, Glen Blair, Shaun Davis, Gabby Tecson. Regrets-Gord Rapson


Guest speaker: Art Meise-Essential Exterior Finishers gave some very valuable information to council regarding siding, windows and doors.

New Business:

  • Flooring in the office.
    It was discussed to change the flooring in the front office.
  • Camera system-moving forward with Brentssat.
    There was a discussion regarding upgrading the monitor’s and the DVR’s in the office.
  • Siding quotes
    4 different quotes were looked at. We are still waiting for one more quote.
  • Window replacement quotes
    4 different quotes were looked at.
  • Gutters
    This will be addressed again at a later date.
  • Icicles hanging form the windows
    This will be addressed at a later date
  • Stata payment
    Require all owners to either use EFT or postdated cheques. No e-transfers or Visa
             Report from Office Manager

  • Collections in December. $5541.72 was collected from delinquent owners towards arrears.
  • Place a lien SL179
  • Court documents: re SL168 and SL210
    Insurance claims: Nil
    Meeting Adjourned: 7:00 PM
    Next Council meeting to be held: February 2nd, 2016

 Council Meeting:  Tuesday December 1, 2015

Meeting called to order: 5:30

Council Positions

President…………………….Gord Rapson

Vice President…………….Gabriel Tecson

Secretary/Treasurer……Glen Blair

Council Member………….Dan Veller

Council Member………….Shaun Davis


Present: Gord Papson, Gabbie Tecson, Glen Blair, Dan Veller, and Shaun Davis

New Business: 60 amp service

  • Dan Veller produced a letter from the insurance company stating that 60amp service is all that is required for apartments and condominiums.
    Maintenance: While the weather permits the fencing is still going on behind units A7-A16.
    Report from Office Manager

  • Visitor Parking- Strata will be enforcing this bylaw. Parking space is very limited and everyone needs to abide by the bylaw.
    7.03 Any vehicle parked in any area other than a designated parking stall (including visitor’s parking stalls) for more than 48 hours without permission by the Strata Council will be towed without notification and at the sole risk and expense of the vehicle Owner.

  • Complaint letter- There was 2 complaint letters.
    1)-regarding a dispute between 2 separate units
    2)-noise bylaw infraction
  • Owner Information-The office will be sending out an information sheet to all owners. We need the correct contact information.
  • Confidentiality Agreement for Council-A motion was made to have this agreement signed by each council member. More information will be discussed at the SGM later this council term.
  • Power for Upstairs-It has been determined that the power going to the 2 large flood lights on the top of the office building is being charged to the rental unit upstairs. Strata will pay for the power consumption of these 2 lights until an electrician can redirect the wiring to the panel in the office.
  • Tenant eviction-According to the BC Strata Property Act (Sec138 (1) ), the strata has the right to give the tenant a notice terminating the tenancy.

Eviction by Strata Corporation

138  (1) A repeated or continuing contravention of a reasonable and significant bylaw or rule by a tenant of a residential strata lot that seriously interferes with another person's use and enjoyment of a strata lot, the common property or the common assets is an event that allows the strata corporation to give the tenant a notice terminating the tenancy agreement under section 47 [landlord's notice: cause] of the Residential Tenancy Act.


  • Bylaws regarding windows and doors- A motion was made to discuss at the upcoming SGM (later in this council term) that the doors be changed to a 6 panel door.
  • Fines-The office will be giving out more fines. Non-insured vehicle, illegal parking, too many pets etc.….
  • Office manager to take Strata Management course- It was agreed the office manager is to take the Strata Management course.


  • Strata management- The office manager will be taking the Strata Management course offered by UBC. It must be completed in 8 months.
  • Bed bugs- There have been some complaints regarding bed bugs. The owner needs to call a pest control company and have the unit fumigated.  The units on each side of the infested unit need to be fumigated also.
    There is information out there to help you with the process to get rid of them.
  • Upgrade security – It was discussed that the security system needs some upgrades. This will be discussed at a later date.
  • Waste management- It was discussed if it would be more economical if we were to bring in a large roll off bin or to continue using the maintenance staff to get rid of all of the large ticket items e.g.… couches, beds, fridges, stoves. We will address this again in a month or two.
    In Camera:
    Insurance claims: There have been no new insurance claims this year.
    Next Council meeting to be held: Tuesday, January 5th @ 5:30 PM.
    Meeting Adjourned: 6:45