
Monday, December 23, 2013

Meeting Minutes December 19, 2013

December 19 / 2013
Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting
PGS # 173

Present: Derek Fullerton ; Beth Beeson ; Sharon Hordy
Regrets: Kerry Godwin
Home Owner: Emily Bain
Guest: Helen DeGroot (Licar Management Group)

Call to Order: At 7:05 PM

Discussion:  A  Licar staff has been requested to provide guidance to the Strata Council with respect to the Strata Property Act and Regulations and how to proceed in accordance with the Act.  The Licar  staff was requested to assist with preparation of the wording for an ad for an office manager and to assist in preparation for interviewing prospective candidates.  The Licar staff has not voting rights nor will the Licar staff exhibit any influence to Council beyond advising what is an acceptable level of education and experience for the office manager position.

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To appoint Emily Bain as Council Member
Seconded : by Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To approach   Strata/Property Management companies: Licar; Pace; Majestic; Gateway and Max-Save regarding consulting services.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy
Solution: We will contact each company for quotes for their consultation services.

Motion: (by Emily Bain) To excuse Kerry Godwin from participating on Council
Seconded: by Beth Beeson

Motion: (by Emily Bain) To hire Ahmed & Co to prepare 2013/2014 Budget and Contingency Reserve Statement.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

In Reference to the Motion from the AGM to send a letter to all owners regarding their own insurance to cover deductible, Council strongly recommends all owners and tenants to inquire with their insurance provider.
Motion: (by Beth Beeson) For Council to meet with our Insurance Company to familiarize ourselves with our Strata Corp coverage.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

Motion: ( by Derek Fullerton) To meet with our Strata Maintenance employee, Mike, to familiarize ourselves with his duties and work schedule and to follow up, with respects to  the Motion from the AGM (that was Carried), to have the alley-ways cleaned.
Seconded: by Emily Bain

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To instruct our Office manager, Karrie Cookhouse, to provide an update on outstanding accounts receivables.
Seconded: by Derek Fullerton

Next Council Meeting on Friday Jan 3rd / 2014   at 7PM

Meeting adjourned at 10:12 PM

Monday, December 16, 2013

Meeting Minutes December 14, 2013

                          Emergency  Strata Council Meeting
                                                December  14  2013

We the Council have agreed to wave the 7 days posted notice for Council Meeting so that we can attend to the important business that has come before us.

Present:  Derek Fullerton; Beth Beeson ; Sharon Hordy
Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To accept the resignation of Peter Schut
Seconded: by Derek Fullerton

Motion: (by Derek Fullerton) To accept the proposal against Council for the Special General Meeting and we will be sending it out January 3rd. The SGM meeting date will be Wednesday January 29th at 7:00 PM.
Seconded: by Beth Beeson

Motion: (by Derek Fullerton) To disable Blog comments because the Blog is for information purposes, not discussion.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To accept Karrie Cookhouse’s verbal agreement to rescind her resignation of the position Office Manager until a suitable replacement can be found.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

Meeting Adjourned at 11:55 am

Next Council Meeting is as previously scheduled, Thursday Dec 19th 7:00 PM

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Meeting Minutes December 6, 2013

                     ALPINE STRATA - PGS#173
                         Strata Council Meeting
                                    Dec  6  2013

Present:  Beth Beeson ; Sharon Hordy ; Peter Schut (via telephone call at 7:15 PM)
Regrets: Derek Fullerton
Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To reschedule the meeting to Thursday 19th as Derek Fullerton is absent due to a friend`s tragic medical emergency and Derek is needed at the hospital.
Seconded: by Peter Schut

Next Strata Council meeting: Thursday Dec 19th at 7:00 PM
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Meeting Minutes November 25, 2013

                     ALPINE STRATA - PGS#173
                         Strata Council Meeting
                                  Nov 25 / 2013

Present: Derek Fullerton ; Beth Beeson ; Sharon Hordy ; Helen DeGroot (LICAR Management Group)
Regrets: Peter Schut
Regrets: Kerry Godwin

Duties for Council:
President: Sets the Agenda and Meeting dates (for AGM, Special General Meeting, and Council Meetings).
Meeting Notice goes out to Council 7 days prior to Meeting and is posted in the Office.
Vice-President: Stand-in when President is not available to chair the meeting.
Secretary: Records minutes of Council Meetings and post the minutes in the office and on the Blog.
 Non-resident owners get a copy sent and/or emailed to them.
Treasurer: Reviews financial records and reports to Council.

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To nominate Derek Fullerton for President.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Sharon Hordy) To nominate Beth Beeson for Vice-President and Treasurer.
Seconded: by Derek Fullerton

Motion: (by Beth Beeson)To nominate Sharon Hordy for Secretary.
Seconded: by Derek Fullerton

Peter Schut and Kerry Godwin are Directors at Large

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To instruct the Accountant to prepare the Financial Statement for the year ended Sept 30/2013 in compliance with the Strata Property Act.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) When we get the Financial Statements from the Accountant, call a Special General Meeting to approve them and to approve the Contingency Reserve Statement.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To remove the names of the previous signing authorities: Dan Veller; Sherry Powney; Dave Henderson and Lorna Bihori,  AND  name three signing authorities for the Bank: Derek Fullerton; Beth Beeson and Sharon Hordy,   ANY TWO of the three to sign, and they are: Derek Fullerton, Beth Beeson and Sharon Hordy.
Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To Accept the resignation of Karrie Cookhouse, Office Manager.
Seconded: by Derek Fullerton

Motion: (by Beth Beeson) To advertise for an Executive Secretary for the Strata Corporation.
Seconded: by Derek Fullerton

Next Council Meeting: Friday Dec 6th / 2013  at 7:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned: at 9:10 PM
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.
Have quorum.
Motion made by G62 to have Derek Fullerton chair the meeting. Motion seconded by C79.
All in favour. Motion passed.
Motion made by E2 to have presentation on siding. Motion seconded by A12.
Motion voted down.
Motion made by G62 to have budget moved to first on the agenda. Motion seconded by C79.
Motion carried.
Questions asked: Why are expenses not broken down on the budget, why were all soffits done and not just the ones needed without informing owners, where is the general ledger on the soffit work.
Issue brought up: Lack of communication between council and owners.
Solution: Breech of conduct. Check minutes from last AGM about soffits.
Discussion: A1 wants an independent report on soffit spending. Immediate repairs needed should have been done, but not all of it. Council did not let owners know about continued work on soffits in proper time. Council had a list of four contractors. Only one called back. Council thought price of $10 per lineal foot fair. Council used $20,000 marked for soffits from last year’s budget.
A105 suggests that if 3 quotes not available in the future, then owners should be contacted to phone around and help get quotes. A1 wants contractors from Vancouver to be able to quote.
Break down of number of units considered emergency: 40. Number of units done without permission: 199. Contractor doing the work was paid by the hour. Many are upset because they feel contractor milked it.
Question asked on who determines if something is an emergency. Which expert does Alpine use? City consultant on issues, Convoy consulted for material costs.

Motion made to have better communication from council on expenditures exceeding allowable limits placed into bylaw at future meeting by F43. Seconded by E6.
Motion carried.
Motion made by the representative properties managed by Li-Car to amend bylaws to limit the spending power of council. Motion seconded by G62.
Motion carried.
Other questions and discussion: C79 asks where unit entitlement schedule is. A105 requests that it be done in the future. Representative of Li-Car properties asks where budget for spending from CRF is. Council’s understanding was that no monies could be spent from CRF unless it was an emergency. Strata Property Act says that CRF is for repairs. Suggestion that special meeting be held to lay out budget for CRF spending. 30% of strata fees should be going toward CRF. May need to raise fees to accommodate all repairs.
Motion made by E3 that no money come out of CRF, other than emergencies, until a special meeting held. Motion seconded by E25.
Motion carried.
Motion made by H110 to postpone voting on siding until 3 bids obtained.
Representative of Li-Car managed properties points out that special levy on siding is moot because it could come out of CRF.
Recommendations in depreciation report should be used to schedule long term repair needs. Draft of depreciation report was not available until the day of the meeting and had not been read yet.
Question asked on what happens if budget not passed. No one would get paid (bills, etc.)
Vote on budget: Motion made by A2 to vote to pass the budget. Motion seconded by A12.
Vote passed with one abstention. Budget approved.
E3 asks for clarification of previous budget.
Election of Council:
Motion made by A2 to do secret ballot. Motion seconded by E25.
Motion carried.
Independent counters for vote are Glenis Edgeworth and Bill Manders, both of Prince George.
Standing for council:
Peter Schut
Kerri Godin
Derek Fullerton
Beth Beeson
Sharon Hordy
Dan Veller
Dave Henderson
Sherry Powney
Dan Veller – 66
Dave Henderson – 65
Sherry Powney – 63
Peter Schut – 91
Derek Fullerton – 111
Keri Godin – 86
Beth Beeson – 96
Sharon Hordy – 92
Amount of Error: 4
New Council:
Derek Fullerton
Beth Beeson
Sharon Hordy
Peter Schut
Keri Godin
Approval of meeting minutes for Nov 29, 2012 AGM minutes
Motion made by E3 to approve. Motion seconded by H110.
Motion carried.
Unfinished business:
No unfinished business.
President’s Report read by owners before meeting
Pet By-Law
Approval of wording in draft: Motion made by representative of Li-Car managed properties to approve. Motion seconded by F57.
Motion carried. New pet bylaw to be registered within 60 days of AGM.
Insurance Report:
New insurance company, premiums lower.
Only strata can make an insurance claim, not the owners. The broker is on the hook for money if owner makes a claim.
Motion made: New council will talk with new insurance broker before any new claims. Motion seconded by C79.
Motion carried.
Recommendation: Letter to go out to all owners to have condo insurance to cover deductible.
Financial Statements for 2012-2013
Motion to approve made by A53. Motion seconded by E28.
Question: Can not approve due to inconsistency in statements above balance forward from previous year. No operating statements: so financials not accurate.
Motion failed.
Recommendation: Financial statement to be properly presented to next general meeting.
Motion: Accounting firm retained by strata council to be instructed to prepare financials in accordance with strata law.
Motion carried.
New Business:
Motion made: In future, strata to be professionally managed. Hire professionally trained office manager instead.
Motion carried.
Hire professionally for contracting and networking.
CHOA May & September seminars in town.
Feb 18 & 19 – BuildX for education in Vancouver.
Motion made to have alleyways cleaned.
Motion carried.
Better communication with owners & strata utilizing technology: Blog and emails networking.
Important on communication & education on business utilize info & technology.
Meeting date for new council. All turned into office manager.
Consultant to help new council.
Motion to destroy ballots. Seconded by A53.
Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 11:29 p.m.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Meeting Minutes October 17th


Cal to order 6:12

In attendance Karrie, Sherry, Dave, Dan

Strata had purchased 3 motion sensor solar lights to see how they work, so far they are quite bright enough, depends on how many batteries the lights go through to see if they are feasible and whether to purchase more.

One unit has put in a request for re-payment from when the soffiting issues we had this past winter Karrie to find out more information.

Strata have had more complaints about A-Drive, tried contacting the owner at our last meeting on the phone but no answer so we left a message.

Strata has had the same unit complain about the lattice again, strata will not pay for the replacement of lattice. The property manager is to look after this complaint.

Karrie is still trying to collect fines on some of the  units outstanding..

Karrie is to write letters to owners whom have let their units go until it is affecting the other units.

Karrie to contact the company that did the deprecation for the complex so it is ready for AGM.

Strata is getting ready for AGM.

Meeting Minutes October 3rd

In attendance Dave, Dan, and Sherry.
Call to order 6:00pm
Karrie has been  collecting back strata payments. Some units Strata has had to put liens on.
D-Drive wants better parking, Karrie to have garbage cans moved to Visitor parking out front of office
Strata got 2 quotes on redoing the gutters and Karrie to let MT gutters know they got the contract.
Strata got 2 quotes on Snow removal, Karrie  to contact Aurora that they have the contract for 2013/2014 snow removal. They will come to remove the snow no sooner than when it is 4” deep.
Strata has received many different complaints these are barking dogs, noise, and again children Karrie to issue fines where applicable
Karrie to have an Electric company come and re-run wires to the Office sign on Upland so it will light up that corner.

Strata has been receiving letters back on the siding being replaced.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Our AGM date has been set for November 20, 2013. AGM packets are in the mail!

In addition, I have made the AGM packet available online through this link:

Photo of proposed siding colors can be viewed here:

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Council Meeting Minutes August 2013

Aug. 28th Strata Minutes

~ Meeting called to order at 6:15. In attendance Dan, Dave Lorna and Sherry

~ Grevman Court had some damages and want Alpine village to pay for them as the fence is down. Alpine Village Strata could not find anyone to do until Sept.  Karrie is away on holidays when she gets back she is to contact our lawyer and to send a letter to Grevman Court with our intentions.

~ Council is to phone owners about siding the front of the building to see if everyone is in support of the moving forward with siding of the complex.

~ Karrie has been doing a very good job of collecting past due Strata payments.

~ Strata has received one snow removal quote and is waiting for more to come before decision is made.

~ Karrie and Lorna are going to the CHOA meeting as it is a Monday and all other council is working.

~ Council got Mikes report and are very happy with his progress.

~ Strata has talked about  building a Storage area for RV’s, trailers, or Cars, Karrie is to send out a letter to find out how much interest there is, there will be a charge to be determined.

~ Budget for soffit work is on par with what was projected.

~ Cal is almost done.

~ Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm

Friday, August 23, 2013


All of the meeting minutes should now be available in the archives. I apologize for not having June and July up on time.

Council Meeting Minutes July 2013


Call to order  6:06 Dan, Dave Lorna and Sherry in attendance.

A new staff has been hired to manage the outside of the complex. Strata is very happy he is doing very well.  As well we had to hire 2 new staff members to work with Mike.
Removal of tree between A Block and Greeveman Court has been taken down and Berm fixed fence is to be put up soon.
D Block wants a big cement block removed Kerri will get Mike on it ASAP.
Office Manager has had many complaints about Court Yard. Strata can’t do anything without written complaints.
Office Manager has had problems getting a hold of certain owners so Strata will send a registered mail to them they will have to sign for it.
One of the new staff members has had an idea about the putting drain pipes into the ground. Strata will put this into consideration they need to think about things like the frozen ground in the winter time as well as how much work it would be.
Office Manager is getting quotes on replacing the rest of the gutters.
Office Manager to contact Crackmaster to fix a crack in A Block.
Office Manager is to look into getting a credit card so she does not have to use her own for certain things.
Dave to get siding letter to be out by the end of the week. The cost will go by the frontage of each unit.
The financials are on par with the budget.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm

Council Meeting June 2013

June 13th 2013 Alpine Village Strata Minutes

In attendance Dave, Jody, Sherry, Dan, Lorna
Call to order 5:30 pm
The June strata meeting was moved up a week due to Sherry not able to attend the regular meeting.
Strata has decided to get the worst of the fencing replaced it will cost $13.39 per foot to replace and it will be approximately 1,434 feet of fencing to be done. Superior link was chosen and it will cost about $21,505.41.
The complex insurance was up for renal and we have gone with Co-Operators ( Kerri could you please insert the savings)
The Deprecation Report was decided upon and NDL Consulting out of Vancouver was Chosen (Kerri could you please inert how much this is costing)
Strata staff borrowed a drill from the contractor and it was stolen. Strata has replaced the drill but staff is not to borrow any tolls from them again.
Greevman court has contacted us they want us to remove a section of fence so they can get the tree removed that is breaking our fence. We have asked if they would go a partnership and while the equipment was there if they would get rid of the big cement pillar that was there and we would remove the broken light pole that was inside the pillar.

Strata again have had complaints about some things happening around the complex at night. We had discussed having a meeting with property managers to discuss this. As well Kerri will have a chat with police.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Council meeting change announcement

The council meeting for July 2013 has been moved from the 18th to the 11th. This change is so that all council members may attend the meeting.

If you have any questions or issues you would like to discuss with council, please submit your issue in writing so that you may be added to the agenda.

All owners and all residents (owner or not) may address council if they wish and inform council of their intent in writing before the scheduled time of the meeting.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
One owner came to the meeting to see if council would let them do a bi-weekly payment plan to get caught up on out dated strata fees. She had a few concerns that council will address this summer.
Strata decided that we will allow it. Karrie to look into this matter.
We had two gentlemen come and give us a quote on fencing the complex. We have two others to look at.
Council will look into it further.
We had three paving quotes to fix some of the pot holes and other paving that needs to be done
Council decided to go with Rock Tech. Karrie to look into this matter.
We have three quotes for the deprecation Report that we need to have done before the end of the year.
Council has put this on hold as there is no traveling expenses or Accommodation, Karrie to look into this matter.
Insurance: nothing new to report.
Block watch had a great meeting. They are in need of a few things such as High Visible Vests and some printing to be done.
Council has decided we will supply.
Pet Bylaw
Pet Bylaw has come back from the lawyer and council will have to make sure the wording is correct.
Soffiting is on budget council is very pleased.
Past due Strata
Past due strata dues Karrie is working on and seeing results
Spring news letter
Karrie is working on the spring newsletter and is going to have some great information for all in the complex.
Summer staff
We have hired two new staff to work for the summer. One has already quit but has since been replaced.
Council is pleased with the finical statements to date.
An issue with the Peaks again
Council has asked Karrie to find someone to fix them or take them down ASAP

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30pm

Council Meeting Minutes April 2013


Called to order at 5:59
In attendance Dan, Dave, Lorna, Sherry
D Drive approached council they would like to get a block watch program going.
Karrie spoke with Linda Parker getting the information and will send out a letter to all owners and every townhouse in the complex to set up an evening for a meeting with Linda. As well to be put in the letter we need volunteers to hook lights up in their residence so the cameras can reach further and will deter crime.
 Council has been asked to remove a letter from a units file. The owner asked to come to council to discuss and was a no show, so letter will stay in their file.
Asked to have a unit come in to talk about back strata payments this owner did not show up.
Quotes for sweeping the parking lot:
Got 3 from $2430.00 to $3000.00
Was decided to go with Acme.
Insurance quotes waiting to get from 3 service providers
Deprecation quotes We have 2 in waiting on 2 or 3 more. This needs to be done this summer.
Fencing quotes we have 2 waiting on more. Another suggestion was to hire 1 or 2 additional staff and have them do the fence
Strata decided to hire an additional 1 or 2 staff to do fences
Paving quotes Council has one waiting on more.
Will have Allen fill in the holes
Tree removal in a few units waiting on quotes
Karrie has given council a list of Summer Maintenance Goals and council has hired two staff members to help get this done. 
Dave to purchase a aerator attachment from Princess Auto it is a plug type.
Karrie to purchase 2 new high visible vests for the staff members.
UNBC has approached Alpine Village to purchase an ad for their Booster magazine Council has decided not to purchase an ad.
Waiting on the lawyer to get our pet bylaw back until it is registered the old bylaw is in effect
Karrie to contact lawyer to find out how much longer before we get it back.
Council approved to move $30.000.00 from the contingency fund over to maintenance to help pay for the installation of Sofiting, Labour and Materials.
Dave is to do a letter about the siding after council reviews it will be sent to all owners
Meeting adjourned 7:15

Council Meeting Minutes March 2013


Call to order at 6:00

Petition to have a letter removed from a file and noise bylaw.
Decision was to leave letters on both units file but the fine is removed.
Spring CHOA meeting May 25th 2013 going are Dan, Dave, and Karrie
Karrie working on getting Insurance quotes for deprecation reports.
Fencing quotes: Two have come in but, waiting on a third wants the snow to be gone first.
This is a complete removal and redo.
A Letter for leans on outstanding strata payments is to be drawn up and sent out to the lawyer and CHOA for confirmation. 
Soffiting installment is going very well. It looks very good we are happy.
Dan got quotes for Hardy Plank Board which is a siding that is very durable.
This has a 30 year warranty and is washable and can be painted with a special paint.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31

Friday, March 22, 2013

Meeting Minutes February 21st 2013

February 21st, Strata Minutes

Meeting called to order 6:pm in attendance Jody, Lorna, Sherry, Dan and Kerri

Karrie got 1 quote for fencing so far.

We need to have trees removed in D section because of the damage they are causing.


1 $974.40

2 $600.00

3 $600.00 to $700.00

Decided to go with Sky High decision was to get them removed ASAP.

Paving quotes: again only got one in. the others want to wait until after snow is gone. We will revisit in the spring.

Karrie has contacted 2 stucco companies neither has returned her calls. She will call back after March 1st.

Hub insurance has contacted us they would like to give us a quote on insurance we said sure.

CHOA Spring meeting is set for May 25th 2013. Some council members will attend.

Karrie will be away from March 7th – 12th she will leave notice on door.

Strata has had some complaints about certain tenants, Karrie will contact owners and have a chat with them.

Cal is averaging about 4 soffits per day.

Karrie has posted summer position at CNC so hopefully we will get the position out there.

Karrie to check with snow Removal Company there was a lot of damage done to fences this year.

Karrie to look into fencing with a longer life span

Dan is to meet with someone who does siding info to follow

Meeting adjourned at  7:15