Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Meeting Minutes September 7, 2004

Present: Dan Veller(President), Mike McAdams(Vice President), Jason Morris(Treasurer/Secretary), Navaz Murji(Director), and Amanda Hanison-Nagel(Office Manager)

Meeting called to Order at 5:30 PM


Motion: Dan/Mike. To approve the minutes of the August 10, 2004 council meeting. Carried.

Manager’s Report

Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.


Insulation: Council will take strong measures to examine the remaining units for attic insulation as this matter has gone on too long. Cooperation would be appreciated! Attempts will be made to access these units from adjoining units.

Roofs: Council heard no concerns from owners with respect to shifting roof overhang replacements funds to begin replacing roof shingles ($31,000). A firm was selected to begin work on three buildings deemed of highest priority pending a final reference check.

A Drive Entrance improvement: a line will be cut in the pavement along the A Drive fence to allow for landscaping improvements. This is the area along Grevman Court in which trees were removed.

Block Watch: The first Block Watch meeting will be September 21 at 7:00pm in suite # G73.


Process of dealing with problems: Council discussed the need for a clear protocol for addressing and responding to potential bylaw infractions. Gateway Management will provide a draft for the next meeting.

Property Tax Base: Council estimates that Alpine Village’s contribution of all units to city property tax is $260,000. This information will be conveyed to the city in an effort to reconvene discussions about neighbourhood improvements.

Late Fees: As part of ongoing financial oversight, Council will review all accounts for the past six months to ensure that bills, such as telephone, heating and so on, are paid promptly.

Fences: Council plans to paint the fences that are visible to outsiders as part of beautification efforts. Staff will perform this function at minimal cost.

Correspondence: Council reviewed e-mail correspondence from an owner.

AGM: As Treasurer, Jason will meet with Gateway to begin AGM budget preparations.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM. Council wishes to thank Amanda for her participation and as well, owners, for their valued input. The next meeting will be October 5, 2004, 5:30PM.