Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Meeting Minutes August 9, 2007

Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting

Attendance: Dan; Mike; Heather; Pat; Dave; Claude Absent: Maureen

Called to order 5:40 P.M.

Claude (complex Manager) Report;

· Fence on Upland St. due to be painted next week
· New Unit #'s on Strathcona Ave to be installed shortly.... with 1900 to be displayed on fence
· More boards have been ordered for the fence
· Painting has been halted (except trim) and the whole siding issue must be reviewed.
· We must develop long range plans for siding
· PG strata have been approached to help defer cost of new fence. Their share would be $1500.
· Roofing should be completed by end of September
· Dan is going to talk with some siding contractors to see what they think our best options may be
· Storm sewer problems have been pinpointed... a engineer will be consulted to see what solutions may be available to us
· All overtime by employees of Alpine Village must be preauthorized by management
· Any overtime worked must be taken in time off during the current pay period
· Excess cash in Alpine chequing account is to be removed and invested in GIC's and other secure investments.
· Terasen Gas wants gates installed on back fences to enable access to gas meters. security and privacy issues are a concern
· Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM

Next meeting September 13, 2007 5:30 PM

Meeting Minutes July 12, 2007

Alpine Village Minutes

Meeting Called to order 5:35 pm
In Attendance: Maureen, Dan, Dave, Pat, Heather, Jack, Claude.

Claude's Report: BC hydro donated $2500. 00 for easement
Roofers to start first week of August
Painting has been arranged
Maintenance is on schedule and proceeding well.
PG strata is unwilling to cost share new fencing

General Topics: Please start preparing for AGM. Review bylaws and think of any changes that should be made. Consider any projects or improvements that should be presented to the ownership.
Insect control is not up to expectations. We have contract with pest control and should use it more. Contact office with any related problems and Claude will get pest control to handle it.

Meeting Adjourned 6:52