Thursday, June 07, 2018

6 June 2018 Council Meeting Minutes.

Call to order 5:30

In attendance Gabby, Chris, Sharon, Anneliese

Also in attendance: Gord Rapson

* Gord was asked to give quote on leaking window repairs.
   Gord agreed and left the meeting.

* Discussed to have new roof put on G drive

* approved to send out letter to owners  and approved last minutes.

* Discussed meeting with new applicant office manager on June 7, 2018
   with Anneliese
* Another discussion on what lighting needs to be decided on and implemented

* Gabby has scaffolding and is talking to another two contractors for Alpine
   siding repairs to be done asap. (Hansen and Pedersen opted out overnight)
   Briefly discussed main windows. (depending on what window fits each unit, we
   would like the 3 panel window best) Have colours and other details ready for order.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm

May 30 Council Meeting

Cal to meeting 5:15 pm
In attendance  Sharon, Anneliese, Chris

Also present: Bill, Shawn Stubbs

For discussion:

*Roofs : Most dire is G roof, then H.  D-Drive is good for 1-2 years more.
*Shingles on E1 need to be looked at and repaired.
*Lighting: Bill has angled bulbs on the poles in F-Drive. Angles beams out
more. Still need to look at brightening Alpine up further
* Shawn came to discuss someone vandalizing cars etc. We had lengthy discussion and
agreed to look into starting up a Block Watch again. Will ask RCMP to do more
patrols on week ends, at night.

* Gabby had to work late wo was not present to discuss siding repairs. We will catch up.

Meeting adjourned at approx. 6:30 pm