Present: Dan Veller, Jason Morris, Resident Manager’s Kevin and Sophie, and Margaret Anderson from Gateway Property Management. Navaz Murji Attended by phone.
Motion to approve minutes of March 1, 2005 Meeting
Motion> Navaz 2nd> Dan Carried
The topics of Courier and Photo copy charges as well as Roofing were missed and will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
Variance in the strata fee line on statement: Margaret investigated and found that the correct amount was being stated on statement, but the budgeted amount was entered wrongly. This has been corrected. Margaret will fax a copy of corrected statement to Navaz.
Attic Insulation: Dan reports that we can no longer rent machines to blow the insulation in ourselves. He has some quotes, and will be getting more. Dan will discuss with council what materials we wish to use, to what R factor we wish to go to, and report to council over email in the next week.
Foundations: Chito reports that he has submitted all reports to Amanda. She will email these to all of council. Amanda will forward any information she has on the foundations to Kevin.
In camera discussion about a unit on G drive.
Investments: Margaret has supplied Navaz with a detailed report on the contingency fund (where it is invested and its performance). Navaz requests the information on where the operating budget monies are invested and who is making the decisions about where and how they shall be invested. Margaret will supply these answers.
Photocopy machine: Gateway will take over leasing costs of the photocopy machine effective May 1.
Newsletter: Margaret has supplied Kevin and Sophie with a partially completed spring newsletter, and software. Sophie will complete the newsletter with current topics, and if time permits Gateway will send out with these minutes. Sophie will take over the responsibility of the newsletter, and Jason will proof. Newsletters will be delivered by hand to all residents.
Education: Dan and Kevin will attend a seminar on April 11, 2005 on basement foundations and crawlspaces at a cost of $25 each. Margaret will register them. There may be a CHOA seminar in early May on administrative topics. If so, Sophie will attend. Margaret will register her.
Motion to have Sophie attend this meeting.- Dan 2nd Jason Carried
Strata Fee Arrears: Amanda supplied council with details on her collection duties of all strata amounts owing. She supplied updated information to April 5, 2005. Council wishes to state that they believe there is an inordinate amount of arrears and they are directing Gateway to be more aggressive in collections. They wish to announce to all members with strata fee arrears, that the fines noted in the bylaws will be applied uniformly beginning August 1, 2005.
Council requests all members get welcome packages for all units, even if they already own several units, and packages are followed up with telephone calls. Gateway currently sends out Welcome packages to all purchasers, whether they own at Alpine already or not and will continue to do so. All Welcome packages include pre-authorized payment forms and instructions on strata fee payment options and guidelines, as well as other forms and details regarding Alpine Village. Gateway will continue to do all strata fee collection. Navaz states that he did not receive welcome packages for units bought recently. Gateway disputes this, and says that welcome packages were sent out. Kevin will forward any fees he receives to Gateway. Kevin has forwarded some pre-authorized payment forms to owners and will continue to do so. Navaz, treasurer, would like to bring a motion to the next AGM to amend our bylaws to decrease late fees fines so that they will be more reasonable to apply.
Manager’s Report: Kevin and Sophie have moved the desk etc. and set up their office in E5. The telephone line will remain in the old office and be forwarded to their new cell number. The fax line account has been closed. The alarm account has been closed. Motion to upgrade the strata computer at a price of approximately $350 Motion> Dan 2nd> Jason Carried
Lighting: Kevin has one proposal coming, and several others in progress. There are 43 poles with 80 to 85 lights involved.
Email list: Kevin and Sophie have received the email addresses from Gateway. Together with the email addresses they have received, about 70% of the owners are represented.
Motion to supply Kevin and Sophie with a petty cash of $100.
Motion> Navaz 2nd> Dan Carried. Margaret will have cheque prepared.
Kevin reports that he and Chito have organized the maintenance and garden sheds and updated the inventories. He would like to see the garbage centralized and the recycling expanded. He will investigate prices etc. There are some old appliances that must be cleared out. Council directs Kevin to call a local used dealer to see if they might be sold. Motion to buy a new pressure washer at a cost of approx $650. Motion> Navaz 2nd > Dan Carried
Chito has requested power be installed in the back garden shed. After discussion it was decided it is not necessary at this time.
Kevin and Sophie will begin supervising and signing off Chito’s timesheets effective immediately.
Kevin notes that the eavestroughs drain very close to the foundations. He will investigate if there are ways to connect to storm drains in some situations.
Insurance: Our new insurance will be due in May. Margaret asked if council wishes to have an independent appraisal done. Council decided to ask Dan to speak with his contacts and have an appraisal done for free.
Long Term Maintenance Program: Council requests that Gateway supply a long term maintenance plan as discussed at the last AGM.
Blockwatch: Amanda supplied council with details of members in Blockwatch. Several members have moved since out initial meeting. One of our co-captains may be moving away soon, and we are looking for a replacement. Sophie and Kevin will be recruiting members and encouraging everyone to be co-captains. The goal is to have one in each drive. Sophie will add that topic to the newsletter.
Financials: Navaz requests copies of the February financials. They were sent to him on March 10, 2005, but will be resent right away. Council should expect to receive financials around this time each month, and if they are not received by the 15th, they are asked to call Amanda at Gateway for an explanation.
Spring: Margaret noted that it is time for some spring inspections: playground equipment, hoses, signs, fences. Trees must be inspected for pruning, and plans must be made to order flowers and shrubs. Dan recommended that Kevin and Sophie speak with Josh at Art Knapps, and see if they will send a representative to give us advice on plantings. This report could go to the Beautification committee for their ideas.
Driveway Sweeping: This year we will have our maintenance personnel do the driveway clean ups with the new power washer.
Form Ks: Council gives Kevin permission to purge the strata files of old form Ks concerning previous tenants. Council reminds all members that there are fines for not having current form Ks on file with the strata.
Next Strata Council Meeting: Tuesday May 3, 2005, 5:30PM
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
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