Monday, January 10, 2005

Meeting Minutes January 10, 2005

Present: Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, Jason Morris, Margaret Anderson. By phone: Navaz Murji and Ralph Case.

Minutes: December 6th meeting minutes approved. Unanimous.

Insurance: Margaret brought documentation that the council is covered for Director’s Liability Insurance. A copy will stay in the Alpine Village office with the full insurance policy. Margaret also brought up discussion on recent human rights decisions and the imperative for sensitive response to any human rights requests.

Margaret supplied the council with written information about mould – its effects and remediation guidelines. Although Prince George is not known for severe mould problems, in an effort to be proactive the council is bringing forth a motion to put a policy into place if we should ever need to deal with it. CMHC gives advice on when it is an appropriate time to call in professionals based on the actual size of a mould occurrence. Moved that Alpine Village adopt the policy of following the guidelines in CMHC’s guide “Fighting Mould – The Homeowner’s Guide” (CE08). The Guide will be in the Alpine Village office and any maintenance persons responding to a mould complaint will check the guide and call in a professional if necessary.
Moved by Navaz. Seconded by Jason – carried.

Discussion that there should be a bylaw or policy regarding inspection of vacant units during the winter months. Council instructs Gateway to discuss with council before any dealings with insurance companies, claims, etc. Margaret will bring a draft policy to the next meeting.

Foundation Inspections: Inspections have been suspended until warmer weather.

Resident Manager: The position was posted in the newsletter that went out in early December to all residents and owners, and it was also posted in the Help Wanted of the Citizen paper for two weeks. Dan, Jason and Mike will take resumes received and perform interviews etc. The job description and benefits are agreed upon in camera.

Committees: The all-committee meeting is scheduled for next Monday, January 17th at 6:30pm in the Coast Hotel Coffee Shop. Chito will deliver flyers to remind residents, and Gateway will call those who volunteered at the AGM.

Next council meeting: Tuesday, February 8, 2005 at 5:30pm.