Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005

Present: Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, Jason Morris, Navaz Murji and Margaret Anderson.

Motion for Approval of the minutes of January 10, 2005 Moved> Dan 2nd> Mike Carried

Alpine Village is now a member of CHOA, the Condominium Home Owners’ Association of British Columbia and has the benefit of all the related resources. A list of services was distributed to all the council members.

Treasurer’s report: Navaz has been receiving financial information by email. He requests that these statements be sent to all council members and that the balance sheet be included. He also requested further detailed information on all wages paid out since November 1, 2004. Hard copies of all invoices will be available to Navaz whenever he comes to town.

Council has made the following requests from Gateway about expenses: If possible, remove Alpine from the Telus directory. Cancel Canadian Springs account (water delivery). Report back on lease arrangements for photocopier. Buy a sump pump for drain problems (Dan Veller will do this). Check into buying a wet-vac and report back to next meeting.


Attic Insulation: All inspections are complete. There is money in this year’s budget for upgrading required. Margaret will send a detailed list of affected units and their requirements to Dan.

New committees: The new committees all met for coffee on January 17th. They will form three committees with a council member heading up each one. The committees and their council liaisons are: Civic Pride – Jason, Beautification – Dan, and Maintenance – Mike. They will work on creating and organising policies and plans in their respective areas. Each committee leader has a list of their members and will meet sometime in February. Action plan: Committee leaders will report back to next council meeting. Beautification: Committee will discuss policies for improving back yards.

Council requests all residents to report any trees growing or starting to sprout up in backyards. Action plan: This request will go into next newsletter. It will be going to all owners in these minutes.

Resident Manager Search: Interviews have been held for a strata resident manager. The wages to be offered are $2000 plus rent (as a taxable benefit) for the successful candidate. A request for closed bids on offering housing to the new resident manager will be sent out to all owners. The housing must be minimum 3 bedrooms because one room will be used for strata purposes. Council will conduct reference checks etc. on candidates without input from Gateway, and make a decision shortly. Action plan: Closed bid requests will be sent out to all owners immediately. Action plan: Margaret will supply Navaz and Dan with an example of Gateway’s Employment package to be completed by applicants.

Navaz requests a list of admin duties to be performed by Gateway.

Replacement Reserve Fund: Gateway and council agree that it is in everyone’s interests to increase our contributions to the replacement reserve fund. This year we are contributing 10%. Council will plan a campaign to owners to increase that percentage for next year. Action plan: We will start an email mailing list of owners, with the goal being having most owners on the list by summer.


Bylaw Amendments: Margaret suggests that we bring the following amendment to the next AGM or special meeting: 1.Rentals 1.06 Owners who have vacant units during the winter months (November to March) must inspect these units for frozen pipes and / or damage due to the weather a minimum of every 2 days during these months. Action plan: Council requests that Margaret check with local insurance agencies for timelines. Mike suggests that we bring the following amendment to the next AGM or special meeting: It is mandatory that all units have at least one working fire extinguisher onsite.

Gateway reports that approximately 25 warning letters were sent out to residents in January about bylaw infractions. Most of these were concerning trash etc in yards. All owners/residents are responsible for maintaining their own back yards.

Doorframe Expense: We had a request for reimbursement for a warped doorframe from E26. Council will respond within a week. Action plan: Mike will investigate prices and report to council by email. Action plan: Margaret will solicit estimates from local carpenters on their rates per hour for typical carpentry jobs. Dan will assist.

Satellite dish request: A51 requests that they be allowed to erect a pole some inches over allowed limit. Council grants permission considering the location is not in a visible place.

Margaret reports that we have had two reports of minor fires in January. Both fires report damages below our deductible amount for insurance. The owners concerned were informed of Alpine’s policy of owners being responsible for amounts under the deductible in the 3rd week of January. Please note it is very important for all owners/residents to have proper insurance and practice fire safe procedures. Margaret will ask for report on outdoor lighting from Amanda and bring to next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm.