Thursday, December 27, 2012

E-mail Address Change

Alpine Village has been going through the process of changing their email address. Our old address was This email will be disabled on or about the 6th of January 2013.

Our new email address is

Most people already have the new email address and have been using it. It just has not been made official yet as we wanted to give time for the change to occur.

Again, the email address of will no longer work after the 6th of January 2013.

Friday, December 14, 2012

AGM Meeting Minutes November 29, 2012

Alpine Village Strata AGM Minutes

-Registration was at 6:30 meeting was to start at 7:00pm.

-Certified Proxies

-Determine Quorum

-7:00pm meeting called to order at 7:00pm

-Elected Dan Veller as Chair Person of this meeting

-Proof of notice - Unanimous

-Vote to amend minutes

Motion by Dave Henderson 2nd Elaine to elect council first Unanimous

-People running for council Dave Henderson, Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Lorna Bihori, Jody Maida, Peter Schut, as Peter lives in Vancouver a suggestion was to have conference calls on the night of council -meetings if he was successful. A vote was taken and it was unanimous.

Elected to council are Dave Henderson, Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Jody Maida and Lorna Bihori.

5 council for 2013.

-Approval Agenda Unanimous

-Minutes approved unanimous

-Unfinished business from last AGM

-Presidents report

-Ratification of proposed amended & New Bylaws

-Meeting stopped due to 2 separate times on the AGM Package.

Meeting restarted at 7:35 there was 2 times on the AGM Package

-Certified Proxies

-Determine Quorum

-7:00pm meeting called to order at 7:00pm

-Elected Dan Veller as Chair Person of this meeting

-Proof of Meeting - Unanimous

-Amend minutes to do election 6 people

-Vote to amend minutes

Motion by Dave Henderson 2nd Elaine to elect council first Unanimous

-People running for council Dave Henderson, Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Lorna Bihori, Jody Maida, Peter Schut, as Peter lives in Vancouver a suggestion was to have conference calls on the night of council meetings if he was successful. A vote was taken and it was unanimous.

Voters instructed to write down the five names they wanted to see on council. 4 did not write down five names, so the names they wrote down got a vote, others did not.

Dan Veller: 115 votes

David Henderson: 97 votes

Lorna Bihori: 113 votes

Jody Maida: 95 votes

Sherry Powney: 76 votes

Peter Schut: 46 votes

Votes verified by Karrie Cookhouse and Heather Bonner.

Elected to council are Dave Henderson, Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Jody Maida, and Lorna Bihori.

5 persons on council for 2013.

-Approval Agenda Unanimous (Note to Karrie: revise this letter. Held at 7:30 call to order 7:00pm watch times dates and years on minutes)

-Minutes approved unanimous

-Unfinished business from last AGM nothing

-Presidents report

-Ratification of proposed amended & New Bylaws.

To replace the existing bylaw paragraph 2.01 with a bylaw that states that each unit may only have two (2) pets (cats or dogs).
Existing bylaw paragraph reads:
2.01 An Owner, tenant or occupant may be allowed, with Council’s continuing support, entitled to keep two (2), but not more than two (2), domestic pets in a strata lot, only one (1) of which may be a dog. An owner, tenant or occupant that keeps a pet must comply with these bylaws and any rules with respect to the keeping of pets.

#1 Passed 118 in favour 0 opposed 0 abstained

To replace the existing bylaw paragraph 2.07 with a bylaw that states that all pets (cats and dogs) must be on a leash when outside.
Existing bylaw paragraph reads:
2.07 The owner of any pets permitted to be kept must ensure that all animals are leashed or otherwise secured when on the common property

#2 Passed 95 in favour: 23 opposed 0 abstained

To replace the existing bylaw paragraph 2.13 with a bylaw that states that no dogs of the following breeds (or crossbreeds of these breeds) are allowed to move into the complex: Pit Bull Terrier, German Shephard, Doberman, Rottweiler.
Existing bylaw paragraph reads:
2.13 There shall be no dog over 40 cm (18 inches) in height and/ or over 18kg (40 pounds) in weight or dogs of these designated breeds (or crossbreeds of these breeds): Pit bull terrier, German Shepard, Doberman, Rottweiler, be allowed to move into the complex without express written permission of the strata council. These dogs may not be onsite as guest dogs of residents. Offenders will be fined on a weekly basis until such dogs are removed

#3Passed 101 in favour 17 opposed 0 abstain

Suggestion was to in future to write old and new & highlight propose changes

Suggested Create a procedure for when they get new tenants & send to owns and property managers.

Suggested: Newsletter outlining pet bylaws to everyone including visiting pets.

Send letters to property managers re Bylaws

New Budget

Professional & Legal increase due to new provincial law on depreciation report must be done by a
Professional (CHOA anticipates $20,000) public information on all strata’s;

Wages & Maintenance

Budget was $90,000 Actual $$39,769 reason for under budget locating contractors to do major work.
Concerns with unsafe work habits. Strata purchased steel toed boots and high visibility vest.

Vote on budget

Passed 115 in favour and 2 opposed 1 abstain

Strata fee increase Passed 99 in favour 19 opposed

Insurance Report passed Unanimous

New Business

Fire Hydrants need long poles

Alleyways need to be cleared & Shovelled, sanded, at all times
Vote in favour 84 opposed 8

Gates that have locks if the resident wants they can be removed

Exterior Maintenance should be top priority (Peaks have OSB painted) used to be shingled. & they have disintegrated.
Siding on buildings (i.e. A79)
Concerns with structure damage due to rain and water
Upland in poor condition on outside of buildings. Strathcona Ave, shingles should be on peaks OSB will expand it needs protection. Strathcona buildings had shingles and council replied that shingles would be installed as soon as it was possible, spring or summer.

Council has also stated that as soon as we can get qualified contractors to actually respond, all issues will be seen to in maintenance and repair.

Realty $80,000 and 2012 $52,000 50% decrease. It was also stated that the value of the building has dropped due to the appearance. After some time to review, Dan Veller has determined that there has been lots of lower end unit being sold at bargain prices and that has lowered the average selling price, which also lowers the assessment value and the market price. Hopefully this is almost over and the values should continue to rise from now on.

-Window Casings, Stucco around windows is rotten and mold issues. New windows installed by owners don’t stop the rotten issues. Council has addressed this and is just waiting to get proper contractors to do qualified repairs.

Congratulations for getting the roofs done. Excellent Accomplishment, adds value.

Fencing: cement to protect posts.

New Cameras were put in to cover playgrounds & blind areas as approved by ¾ vote at AGM 2011..

Suggested for strata to contact the Carpenters union hall and see if we can find a retired carpenters to take on big jobs.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Special Meeting November 1, 2012

Minutes for meeting Nov. 1st 2012
Meeting called to order 5:30 pm Dan, Sherry, Dave, Lorna
Allen Report will continue to paint the under peak roofs
(Strata passed)
Parking in D section
(Strata will revisit in the Spring)
Karrie has found a handyman to do more repairs
(Strata Passed)
There were 6 new security cameras installed in the month of October.
Had some issues with old wiring A-Tech will come next week to fix.
(Strata passed)
Stone Garbage cans will be here on Monday for the play grounds
Grevman Court is saying our fence is falling down but it is their tree that is pushing it down.
(Strata has asked for letter be sent to notify them)
Strata got 2 quotes for another answering company.
(Karrie is looking into it a little bit more.)
AGM Packages out by Nov.9th. 2012
(Karrie will look after)
Meeting adjourned 6:40pm   

Meeting minutes October 22, 2012

Strata Minutes Oct 22nd 2012.
Starta lot 175 want to be informed when decisions are made.
(Starata voted in favor to let  Strata lot know)
Strata  175  lot said she went to city hall and they do not have the registry on the size of lots
(Strata manger will contact city hall or registry and CHOA)
Strata lot  175  wants to know WCB Safety Rules for what Allan should be wearing on his feet and a process to inspect his work contact CHOA
(Strata asked Karrie to contact WCB and find out please let strata lot  175 know what came back)
Dan told Strata lot 175 she is the only one that complains so nothing will be changed
(Note from Dan: after 30 minutes of her complaining about everything we do, including how we record the minutes, how the maintenance is done, the fact that we do not have an inspector on staff and on and on, I was a little frustrated. I also stated that she was the only person complaining and therefore we could not change everything we do based on the opinion of one person.)
Owner occupancy is up and rising when Karrie took over it was 35 units and now it is 47 units.
We had Marathon come in and clean all gutters.
We need to have someone come out to look at some of the shingles as there is an overlap into the gutters. 
A through D Eaves troughs are being looked at to be replaced next summer.
A foreclosure lawyer has asked for some paper work on what is owed by owner and back taxes.
(Strata is sending)
Strata Lot 068 Curtains were the wrongs Strata manager had the wrong owner’s address. Owner had given correct address.
(so fines are forgiven)
Realtor wants financial statements on Strata.
(Strata said these are for owners only so they will be sent to owner NOT realtor.) 
A Drive Lighting is very poor.
(Allen changed light bulbs)
AGM is set for Nov 29 at 7:00pm door open at6:30 pm
Reviewed Allen’s Maintenance Report
Typical fall duties
(Strata passed council is pleased)
Halloween Competition
(Strata passed judging to be done on Tuesday 30th)
Meeting adjourned 8:00pm 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Announcing Date of 2012 Annual General Meeting

The date for the 2012 Annual General Meeting has been chosen.

When: November 29, 2012
Where: Alpine Village Strata meeting room
Time: 7:00 PM
Doors Open: 6:30 PM

AGM packets will be mailed out at either the end of next week (November 2nd) or early the following week. Depends on printing times.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

October Strata Meeting Change

The regular Strata Council Meeting has been changed to Monday, October 22, to accommodate staff schedules.

The meeting will be held at 5:15 P.M.

As always, if you have issues you would like to discuss with council, you are more than welcome to attend.

Please remember to submit notice of intent to attend the meeting in writing along with your issue so that our council members have time to do any research they may need to find answers for you.

September 2012 Minutes

Minutes from September 18th 2012,

Meeting called to order at 6:06pm.
Dave Henderson, Sherry Powney, Lorna
Dan Fraser came at 7:00pm
079 wants to change her windows, a basic white window,
Windows approved by Strata.
079 wants to know what strata regulations are about having a licensed and certified person on staff to in complex. 079 does not feel that the peaks are done right. She has said that C 90 looks like it is going to fall off. 079 brought up concerns about using OSB board. What are the BC Provincial rules are on the installing peaks, Strata will look into it.  079 has spoken to many neighbours about disruptions around the complex and brought it forward to strata but brought no letters of complaint from anyone. Get Allen proper footwear as he is not wearing Steele toes, Strata has instructed him to purchase a pair and bring in the receipt and we will reimburse him for them up to $125.00 as well purchase a high visable vest for Allan. Strata will also pay for sand bags to be put in front of 079 house for flooding reasons in the spring and will get it fixed in the spring or whenever it can be done properly.
A big issue is the cigarette butts just thrown around the complex.  As well Allen is throwing cig but around in the complex. And ask him to stop.
Get Allen to clean up behind G62 again. G62 wanted to know if anything was found out about her smaller yard. We were under the understanding she was going to look into it but did not. Dan as well was to look into it but he was not at meeting yet to explain to us if he had found out anything.
Strata has been asked to have the electrical doors fixed.
Strata is looking into new fencing for next year.
Allen No Report
Kerri Report:
G89 mad about litter letter.
Security Cameras quote for 6 new cameras $7,000-$8,000 and a $1,000 for ladder truck to be installed
Wants to have The Smile signs brought down more to eye level.
Call an electrician to fix lights on top of building and Alpine Village sign and anything else that may need fixing.
Brad wants lights fixed
Have Kerrie get lights so they can be replaced.
Wants new phone
Approved new phone
Garbage cans ordered $450.00 each plus installation of $400.00
Approved by strata
Clean gutters Marthon
Approved Strata
Bench Rentals wants some of the big rocks
Yes for some kind of work back
G81 and G82 we need to fix front steps

August 2012 Minutes

Aug 16th 2012.

Meeting called to order at 6pm. D58 and D67 both had asked to speak to strata about an ongoing battle between them. Both parties have called the RCMP on each other multiple times. There were a few suggestions like meet together with strata try to mediate a solution for them.  But in the end strata there is nothing Strata can do to help them they need to work it out.
Owner of G62 came to talk to strata about g63 has dog poop in the back lane way we have instructed Allen to clean it up. Would like more lights in G drive as well, this is something Strata has already been looking into. As well G62 back yard is 5 o 6 paces smaller than others and wants it made bigger. She was informed that she would have to go to city hall to check about it. Dan as well said he would look into it for her.
Jamie has asked for a wage increase we will let him know on Aug.7th 2012.
Allen Report,
All peaks were done some just need to be painted underneath and those will be done soon. The ones are 99-104, lines are being painted, and New A1 and A7 fence G72 and H20 inside new stucko, New Post G67,
We really need to invest in new fences for the complex.
Kerri report,
D drive complaining about each other using each other’s power strata recommended shutting off the power to by turning the breaker off.  Brad gave us a list of broken lights that need to be fixed.
Meter in Kerri’s back yard needs a gate. Strata is looking into playground equipment for H Drive, more cameras approx. $675.00 each and garbage cans for around the complex. 
E5 had fines from over a year ago that were never followed up on by strata management so strata voted towrite it off.
Kerri to get prices on water damage in G69, get prices on 15 or 20 light fixtures.  We had some issues with the Interior pest control not showing up Kerri had spoken to him on a few occasions so voted to go with Orkin instead . 

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Meeting Minutes July 2012

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
July 18, 2012

Attendees: Dan Veller, Lorna Bihori, Sherry Pownee, Dave Henderson

Meeting Called to order at 6:00 pm

Mrs Bain from C79 addressed council and provided a detailed written letter:
C drive camera blocked by tree
Suspected illegal activity and vandalism happening in playgrounds etc
Poor quality fence repair
Littering, including 100’s of cigarette butts
Pets and Children are creating problems as they are not controlled
Yard sloping and has caused flooding in unit
Happy with new Office Manager (doing walkarounds etc)

Ms Beeson from G62 addressed council and provided photos and written letter:
Poor quality of workmanship around complex
Pet feces in neighbor’s back yard (odor and also drains into her yard)
Too many pets next door


provided us a list of what has been completed
Finding problems in back yards (unsanitary and cluttered)
Property vandalism occurring
Tree from Grevman court pushing on our fence

Karrie A 107 tree growing in backyard pushing fence
Birds nesting in A drive on building
Provided insurance policy for review

Budget Reviewed – Authorized to purchase a table saw up to $200
-Hire someone to caulk windows
-Get quotes for more cameras
-Get quotes for tree trimming
Council walked around complex:
Noted problem trees
Paving/pot hole problems
Buildings needing scraping and painting
Buildings needing stucco repair
Buildings requiring better ventilation
Resident in C drive upset with lock on outside of back yard gate

C79 issue with ground sloping to be addressed, tree will be trimmed for camera, fence
repair will be relooked at
G 62 issue with pet feces, letter to resident
Birds nesting on building = pest control will be contacted

Meeting ended at 9:30 pm

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Council Meeting June 2012

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
June 21, 2012

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Lorna Bihori, Sherry Pownee, Dave Henderson

Meeting Called to order at 6:10 pm

Mr & Mrs Bingham addressed council re:
F41 plywood shed/doghouse    -  protects their pets and keeps them quiet
-         6 ft high to accommodate Mr Bingham
Council = must be painted to match complex
The shed is fine if kept maintained, but pets must comply with complex’s bylaws.

ALAN – Letter to owners/residents
                        -gates are for strata & utility companies use
                        -locks are not to be on the inside
            -  wants a 4 pce ladder that also works as a scaffold = Approved
            -  summer to do list presented to council – get the A frames (safety) down!  Then worry about repair and replace

KARRIE – D drive dumpster lake – everything is set & paid for just has to be dry to do in 1 day.
-         Jamie to make up hours missed but paid for – lawn mowing on Sat and weed whacking alleys
-         Working on form k’s and updating files
-         Couple sets of walkie talkies for office use
-         Dumpster signs

Meeting ended at 7:35 pm

Council will meet next on July 18, 2011 at 6:00 pm

Friday, June 22, 2012

Meeting Minutes for May 2012

Ron has put in his notice, and Karrie Cookhouse has been interviewed for the position.

We have offered Karrie the position and she has accepted.

We had an issue with the sweepers, they did not do all of Alpine Village so we had to have them come back and do it. Sweeping cost $2,300.

Dan is talking to a few people to fix the drain in D Drive, there will be culverts installed and fill with crushed rock and angled so it drains properly. It will be left to pave next year so it has time to settle, as well we will see what other paying needs to be done and that hopefully will be done as well.

We are still waiting on the lawyer to get back to us regarding the dog bylaw.

Dan has been speaking with 4 insurance companies on our insurance will bring it back to next meeting.
The cleanup bbq has been canceled for Sunday May 20th 2012 as it is the Sunday of the long weekend.

Dan and Sherry went to the CHOA meeting held at the Ramada in Prince George.

One of the most important things they brought back to the Strata was the BC government is making deprecation a law on the all complex’s in BC. This could cost us up to $15,000 to pay someone to come and do.

The buildings are in need of Air flow vent’s being fixed, strata will see if there is money in the budget.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meeting Minutes April 2012

Alpine Village Strata Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2012

6:05 Meeting called to order. Dan, Dave, and Karrie present.

·        German Shepard moved into complex. Letter to be sent to property manager to remind them that this is a banned breed and to have the dog removed.

·        Visitor parking not to go 24 hours.

·        Spring newsletter to be put out.

·        Some light posts not working. Alan to determine if it is line to post or if the resident of unit has post turned off.

·        Condition of grounds after winter damage assessed. Damage to be fixed when all of the snow has melted away.

·        1 quote received for aerating and fertilizing. Second quote to be obtained for review at May strata meeting.

·        Financials reviewed and found to be in order.

7:25 Meeting adjourned

Meeting Minutes March 2012

Alpine Village Strata Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2012

6:03 p.m. Meeting called to order. Dan, Dave, Lorna, and Karrie present.

·        Quotes for aerating and seeding to be gathered for next council meeting.
·        Health and safety issues discussed:
1. Letter presented on noise complaint. Proper procedure determined and to be implemented immediately.
2. Suspicious activity in one unit to be watched. Will cooperate with police to resolve.
3. Removal of barbecue in front walkway of one unit to be requested because of suspicious activity.
4. Aggressive dog discussed in January has been removed. Fines accrued need to be paid.
·        Bryan Reed has finished 3 of the repairs assigned. Some difficulty in contacting residents has slowed final 3 repairs. Bryan will be asked to do work caulking outside doors and windows around the complex along with fixing facings.
·        The number of peaked roofs left to be replaced to be determined for repairs.
·        Financials reviewed and approved.

7:00 p.m. Meeting closed

Meeting Minutes February 2012

Alpine Village Strata Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2012

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order. Dan, Sherry, Lorna, and Karrie present.

·        Bryan Reed presented estimates on repairs. Totals $5490. Work approved.
·        Compensation claim because a car ran into a snowbank with a boulder in it. Claim denied by council.
·        Motorcycle parked in walk way. Council asks that it be removed from the property or insured and parked in owner's parking spot.
·        Permission sought to park trailer for permanent on site storage. Permission denied by council.
·        Council determines that all communication with the property management company Lycar be handled by e-mail only. All communications to be reviewed by council.
·        CHOA Property Depreciation seminar to be attended by Dan and Sherry on May 12, 2012 at the Ramada.
·        Financial statements reviewed and approved by council.
·        Discussion of cameras, lighting, and yard maintenance scheduled for April meeting.

8:15 p.m. Meeting closed.

Meeting Minutes January 2012

Alpine Village Strata Council Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2012

6:04 p.m. Meeting called to order. All council persons present.

·        Health and safety issues discussed
1. Too many pets in a unit
2. Disturbance at one unit where police were called and arrests made. Have Ron contact owner and ask for eviction.
3. One issue of disturbing the peace. Letter to be issued in warning.
4. Aggressive dog. Removal of dog requested.
·        Bryan Reed to be brought in to give estimates on repairs from flat roof leaks. Ron asked to make a list of the worst to give to him.
·        Crime stoppers to have a barbecue during our spring clean up.
·        Put notice in spring newsletter for a lawn care person.
·        Gather estimates for lawn company to aerate and seed grassy areas
·        Financial statements reviewed and approved.

7:45 Meeting closed

AGM 2011

Alpine Village
Annual General Meeting
Held November 29, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm

Certified Proxies and Corporate Reprentatives

Quorum reached as 138 present in person or represented by proxy.

Dan Veller elected to chair the meeting.

Agenda approved unanimous

AGM minutes of November 23, 2010 approved

Unfinished Business
            -Insurance – CHOA says it is not enforceable can only suggest, not require

President’s Report

Ratification of Resolution #1 (Pet Bylaw) =
Yes (111)  No (17)  Abstain (0)  Spoiled (10)

Ratification of Resolution #2 =
                                    Yes (126)  No (6)  Abstain (0)  Spoiled (6)


Financial Statements 2010 – 2011
Comments – complaints = very little maintenance done (approx 30 A frame peaks were rebuilt, approx 30 window framess scraped, rotten wood replaced, recaulked, fencing)
Only 1 employee for a complex this large  (actually 1 fulltime employee and 2 part-time employees)

Financial Statements of proposed Budget for 2011 – 2012
                        -maintenance increase ( more manual labor)
                        Gutters will be looked into
                        Snow Removal for common pathways

New Business:
            Lighting and cheap bulbs are an issue
            Water pours from gutters onto lighting and between stucco
            Windows – drafty (Northwest Energy comes into homes, grants available)
            E 28 has 2 gas meters in back yard and no gate for access

Election of Council
            Dan Veller, Kari Cookhouse, Dave Henderson, Sherry Powney, Lorna Bihori

Approval of Budget 2011/12 = 138

Approval of Increase =    0% Increase (33)   5% Increase (105)

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 pm

Meeting Minutes October 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
October 6, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein,
Lorna Bihori

Zeba & Mr. Russ attended regarding unit G69 (requested to meet with council)
            10 months having to clean up water
            carpet rotten
            wood rotten
            requested numerous times of Claude to speak with council (no help)
            concrete is also damaged
            wood around window is rotten
            holes in the wood by windows
            roof overhang caused all the issues
            Claude seen, Cathy seen, Ron seen!
Council to give answer to Zeba by tomorrow – Zeba wants it done by end of Oct

Council agreed to hire Brian (recently interviewed) for G69 and then proceed from there.

A27 Dog Issue – letters and fine as well as conversations with management company and owner have taken place
            Council agreed 7 day notice to be issued tomorrow (witnesses and pictures of dog in premise, as well as running loose on common property).

Concerns with Hourding issues – Ron to see City of Prince George

Continued Review of Upcoming AGM Package

Meeting called to an end at 7:35 pm

Next council Meeting will be October 13, 2011 for AGM preparation

Meeting Minutes September 15, 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
September 15, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein

Meeting Called to order at 6:00 pm

Al’s Report:
            3 posts need to be replaced
            Continuing with A Frames
            Continuing with Window Frames, and seals
            Will fix flat roofs and facia’s
            Need a new drill – council agreed to purchase one from Home Depot
Ron – would like an Accounting Course and Computer Courses

Reviewed preparation for upcoming AGM

Meeting called to an end at 7:20 pm

Next council Meeting will be October 6, 2011

Meeting Minutes September 8, 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
September 8, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein

Meeting Called to order at 6:00 pm

Interviewed Brian in regards to doing some carpentry around the complex (by job)

Alan and Jamie continue to focus on window sills

Reviewed Budget

Council agreed to do another Halloween Decorating Contest with prizes being
            1st place $100, 2nd place $75, and 3rd place $50

Reviewing Snow Removal, Waste Management, and Insurance Costs

Meeting called to an end at 7:12 pm

Next council Meeting will be September 15, 2011 for AGM preparation

Meeting Minutes August 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
August 18, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Sherry Powney, Dave Henderson

Meeting Called to order at 5:35 pm

Al gave a Report

            60 out of 64 Flat roofs painted
            Weeding D Drive
            Trimmed trees
            D & A Drive Windows scraped and painted
            Replaced Ties on Walkways that were warped
            Started on Door Frames and Peaks
                        Some Peak roofs need replacing
            Grass cutting
            Repairing Fences and Gates
Al is requesting to keep Jamie on for the month of September, Adrian will be returning to school.
Ron seconded this motion!

Ron gave a Report
            D Drive hassle about towing vehicles
            Dead mice should be issue for owner’s not strata
            Form K’s are being filled out
Most residents and owners are responding well to bylaw infraction letters, and complying to them
Propose to send letters to Property Managers regarding form K’s not being filled out and fining them $50 for non compliance.

Council approved extending Jamie’s employment for the month of September
Council approved issue with non compliance of Form K’s by rental units.

Meeting called to an end at 6:40pm

Next council Meeting will be September 8, 2011

Meeting Minutes July 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
June 2, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein, Lorna Bihori
Meeting started at 6:10 pm

Reviewed Insurance Policy
            To lower premium and reduce liability limit to $5,000,000
            Raise deductible to $25,000

Nominated Sherry Powney to join council

Buy a leaf blower/vacuum for maintenance department

Need Signage for Dumpsters – Cathy and Alan looking into this

Trees need to be looked at

Grevman Court A Drive Fence – still no response

Meeting called to an end at 7:20 pm

Next council Meeting will be June 16, 2011 

Meeting Minutes June 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
June 2, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein, Lorna Bihori
Meeting started at 6:10 pm

Reviewed Insurance Policy
            To lower premium and reduce liability limit to $5,000,000
            Raise deductible to $25,000

Nominated Sherry Powney to join council

Buy a leaf blower/vacuum for maintenance department

Need Signage for Dumpsters – Cathy and Alan looking into this

Trees need to be looked at

Grevman Court A Drive Fence – still no response

Meeting called to an end at 7:20 pm

Next council Meeting will be June 16, 2011 

Meeting Minutes May 19, 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
May 19, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein, Lorna Bihori
Meeting started at 6:03 pm

Council went as a group to see E27, and D75 water damages
            D75 is owner’s responsibility
            E27 is window seal and gutter issue

Dan interviewed summer help – offer extended

F46 Tree – black rot – common property

Telus wants keys to the electrical rooms – the key will be available during business hours at the office

A31 – Plug in Sewer – Power Snake couldn’t go down further than 7 feet
            -owner’s issue – no one else affected

Reviewed a 2nd Resume for student summer help (Dan to interview)

Insurance Quote – get a 2nd opinion

Janitorial for the office is no longer required – New Hire Ron will take care of this

Council approached Sherry Powney to join council as we require another member and she was next in line with the most votes at the AGM

Meeting called to an end at 7:30 pm

Next council Meeting will be June 2, 2011 

Meeting Minutes May 12, 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
May 12, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein, Lorna Bihori

Meeting started at 6:00 pm

Interviewed:      Ron Janzen – people skills, maintenance knowledge

Behind G drive – water issue – pump truck called in to drain it – arrange to have it paved this summer

Reviewed Resume for Summer Help – offer extended

Fire Hazard – City of PG wants Gate Locks Removed

D75 Back bedroom leaking – council to go and see
G hole in exterior of building – Dan to go look

Meeting called to an end at 8;00 pm

Next council Meeting will be May 18, 2011 for AGM preparation

Meeting Minutes April 2011

Monthly Strata Council Meeting
April 12, 2011

Attendees:  Dan Veller, Dave Henderson, Elaine Nothstein, Lorna Bihori
Meeting started at 6:06 pm

Power Shed Roofs (8) = $800 (Arctic Roofing quote)

Parking Lot Sweeping

Gutters after roofs are complete = 14 buildings will be done instead of 8 due to 30% savings!

Alan – cleaning common properties
            Sign in sheet – 2 copies
            Wants wage review

April 30 – Spring Clean Up

A79 Report to review

Over 50 units in non compliance re: windows

$23, 400 owing strata fees = 6 units no response – hire a lawyer

Meeting called to an end at 7:25 pm

Next council Meeting will be May 19, 2011