Present: Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, Jason Morris, Margaret Anderson. By phone: Navaz Murji and Ralph Case.
This is the first meeting of the new strata council for the year 2004 / 2005.
We have the same committee members as last year, and they will be taking the positions of:
President: Dan Veller
Treasurer: Navaz Murji
Secretary: Jason Morris
Member at Large: Ralph Case
Member at Large: Mike McAdams
Roofs: Dan Veller reports that one section has been completed and paid for. Due to the cold weather, work has slowed. The quality of the work completed is very good.
Block Watch: We are actively recruiting more Blockwatch members. We have a new captain who signed up after the AGM. Her paperwork is being processed. Margaret is also going to check out if we have Citizen Patrol groups in Prince George. If so, this is something the Civic Pride committee may be interested in.
Insurance: Margaret supplied excerpts from our insurance policy to council members. A complete copy of the policy will be available in the Alpine office. We reviewed major points of the policy. An important item of note was fungi and mould is not covered. Navaz suggested we ask Scott Ullrich (president of Gateway) for his advice in dealing with mould issues. Margaret will do so.
Answering Service: The answering service has been reinstated. There have been problems with Telus, but it should be in service soon.
Committees: Three new committees consisting of owners and residents will be formed. They are the Beautification, Civic Pride, and Maintenance committees. Several residents signed up at the AGM. The first meeting for all committees combined will be at the Coast Hotel coffee shop, January 17th, 6:30pm. Council will attend. This will be noted in the newsletter to go out in December.
After the AGM there was discussion of beginning an owner-investor group. This group will include owner residents and local offsite owners. The first meeting of this group will be Wednesday, February 16, at the Coast Hotel coffee shop, 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome. This will also be noted in the December newsletter.
Agenda Calendar: Margaret has prepared a calendar to assist in agendas for the entire year and a notebook for preparing agendas and minutes. A copy of this calendar overview was distributed to council members. It is hoped that there will be additions all year, and next years calendar will be even more comprehensive. (attached)
Community Planning Meeting: Margaret reported that she attended the Community Planning meeting on Dec 2 at Carney Hill School. It mostly consisted of a presentation by an UNBC environmental Planning class who used our neighbourhood as a class project this past semester. They had some very good ideas, and a copy of their report is in the Alpine office. After the presentation there was discussion about ways to foster civic pride and spirit. The class did find that there is lots of funding available for work in the neighbourhood; we just need some concrete plans and committed citizens to implement them. The Carney Hill Neighbourhood group will be meeting again, and we will be notified about the next meeting.
Foundation Inspections: The inspections are continuing. Most vacant units have been inspected and Chito is continuing his investigations. A summary should be available for next council meeting.
Correspondence: We had a request for glass replacement. Mike informed an owner that a bylaw was passed a few years back to have glass deemed the responsibility of individual owners.
We had a report to council that our Security Patrol was patrolling too quickly. Margaret will call the company.
CHOA: Mike McAdams reported on the benefits to the strata on joining the Condominium Home Owners Association, including an insurance review.
Motion: That Alpine Village Strata corp. shall join CHOA, at a cost of $550.00
Moved by Dan Veller
Second by Mike McAdams
Margaret will make the arrangements.
Resident Manager: Council has decided to hire a resident manager to begin in the early New Year. Chito will remain as maintenance person. Council will work on defining the job description over the next few weeks. Margaret will ask for resumes and proposals in the newsletter, and a newspaper ad. She will forward these to council and they will do their own interviews etc.
All short listed applicants will undergo rigorous reference checks and a criminal record check.
Waste Removal: Margaret has limited the number of trash pickups after monitoring showed that the bins were not full.
Next council meeting: Monday, January 10th 5:30 in the Alpine office.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Monday, November 22, 2004
AGM Minutes November 22, 2004
Held on Monday, November 22, 2004
Held at Days Inn, 600 Quebec Street, Prince George, British Columbia
At the request of Council, the meeting was chaired by Scott Ullrich from Gateway West Management Corporation.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.
The attendance register was taken at the door. There were 155 Owners represented in person and by proxy. Under these circumstances, a quorum was present and the meeting was, therefore, able to proceed with the business at hand.
It was moved by Strata Lot 133 and seconded by Strata Lot 172 that the notice dated October 29, 2004 was proper notice as per the requirements of the Strata Property Act. CARRIED.
It was moved by Strata Lot 133 seconded by Strata Lot 172 to adopt the agenda for the evenings meeting. CARRIED.
It was moved by Strata Lot 54 and seconded by Strata Lot 134 to approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held November 26, 2003 as circulated. CARRIED.
The President’s report was presented by Dan Veller and is attached for the owner’s reference.
The Owners were presented with two possible budget options. Budget “A” which resulted in no increase in maintenance fees and Budget “B” which resulted in an approximate 11% increase in maintenance fees. The difference between the two budgets being that the extra funds received under Budget “B” would go to increasing the Contingency Reserve Fund.
There was a motion by Strata Lot 54, seconded by Strata Lot 109, to approve the Operating Budget 2004 - 2005. It was noted there is no increase in maintenance fees. Last year surplus of $31,197.51 being carried forward to the new budget. .
A discussion ensued regarding the two budgets and following the discussion the vote was taken to approve Budget “A”.
In favour: 155 Opposed: 0 Abstentions: 0 THE MOTION CARRIED.
BE IT RESOLVED as a ¾ Vote Resolution of the Owners Alpine Village PGS 173, that the owners approve the proposed amendment to bylaw 2.02.
An Owner, Tenant or Occupant that keeps a pet in a Strata Lot, either permanently or temporarily, shall register that pet with the Strata Council by providing to the office a written notice, signed by the Owner, Tenant, or Occupant setting out the name, breed and colour of the pet, the Strata Lot number of the Strata Lot in which the pet is to be kept, the name and telephone number of the Owner of the pet and the license number of the pet (when the pet is required to be licensed), as well as a picture and any ID tattoo or other identification.
The Following motion to approve the ¾ Vote Resolution by moved by Strata Lot 133 and seconded by Strata Lot 210.
In favour: 108 Opposed: 7 Abstentions: 40 THE MOTION CARRIED.
BE IT RESOLVED as a ¾ Vote Resolution of the Owners Alpine Village PGS 173, that the owners approve the proposed amendment to bylaw 2.10.
Pets [previously “Dogs”] must not be left unattended for a period exceeding 23 hours.
The Following motion to approve the ¾ Vote Resolution by moved by Strata Lot 133 and seconded by Strata Lot 134.
In favour: 114 Opposed: 1 Abstentions: 40 THE MOTION CARRIED.
BE IT RESOLVED as a ¾ Vote Resolution of the Owners Alpine Village PGS 173, that the Owners of the Strata Corporation authorize the Council to terminate the contract with Gateway West Management Corporation to take effect January 31, 2005.
The Following motion to approve the ¾ Vote Resolution by moved by Strata Lot 136 and seconded by Strata Lot 159.
There was a extensive discussion regarding this resolution and the vote was called.
In favour: 98 Opposed: 54 Abstentions: 3 THE MOTION DEFEATD.
A copy of the insurance certificate for Alpine Village was included in the meeting package for owner’s reference.
The Chair noted the Alpine Village bylaws allow for 5 individuals to serve on Council. The floor was open for nominations. The existing Council was again nominated and there being no additional nominations, were elected by acclamation.
Dan Veller
Jason Morris
Navaz Murgi
Ralph Case
Mike McAdams
The floor was open for general discussion.
Council requested volunteers to serve on three new committees, and the following individuals accepted
Civic Pride Committee - Antonette Valmonte/Karen Snodgrass/Maureen Bricker
Beautification Committee - Laurna Bihori/Maureen Briker/Betty Andrews
Maintenance Committee - Willie Friesen
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Held at Days Inn, 600 Quebec Street, Prince George, British Columbia
At the request of Council, the meeting was chaired by Scott Ullrich from Gateway West Management Corporation.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.
The attendance register was taken at the door. There were 155 Owners represented in person and by proxy. Under these circumstances, a quorum was present and the meeting was, therefore, able to proceed with the business at hand.
It was moved by Strata Lot 133 and seconded by Strata Lot 172 that the notice dated October 29, 2004 was proper notice as per the requirements of the Strata Property Act. CARRIED.
It was moved by Strata Lot 133 seconded by Strata Lot 172 to adopt the agenda for the evenings meeting. CARRIED.
It was moved by Strata Lot 54 and seconded by Strata Lot 134 to approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held November 26, 2003 as circulated. CARRIED.
The President’s report was presented by Dan Veller and is attached for the owner’s reference.
The Owners were presented with two possible budget options. Budget “A” which resulted in no increase in maintenance fees and Budget “B” which resulted in an approximate 11% increase in maintenance fees. The difference between the two budgets being that the extra funds received under Budget “B” would go to increasing the Contingency Reserve Fund.
There was a motion by Strata Lot 54, seconded by Strata Lot 109, to approve the Operating Budget 2004 - 2005. It was noted there is no increase in maintenance fees. Last year surplus of $31,197.51 being carried forward to the new budget. .
A discussion ensued regarding the two budgets and following the discussion the vote was taken to approve Budget “A”.
In favour: 155 Opposed: 0 Abstentions: 0 THE MOTION CARRIED.
BE IT RESOLVED as a ¾ Vote Resolution of the Owners Alpine Village PGS 173, that the owners approve the proposed amendment to bylaw 2.02.
An Owner, Tenant or Occupant that keeps a pet in a Strata Lot, either permanently or temporarily, shall register that pet with the Strata Council by providing to the office a written notice, signed by the Owner, Tenant, or Occupant setting out the name, breed and colour of the pet, the Strata Lot number of the Strata Lot in which the pet is to be kept, the name and telephone number of the Owner of the pet and the license number of the pet (when the pet is required to be licensed), as well as a picture and any ID tattoo or other identification.
The Following motion to approve the ¾ Vote Resolution by moved by Strata Lot 133 and seconded by Strata Lot 210.
In favour: 108 Opposed: 7 Abstentions: 40 THE MOTION CARRIED.
BE IT RESOLVED as a ¾ Vote Resolution of the Owners Alpine Village PGS 173, that the owners approve the proposed amendment to bylaw 2.10.
Pets [previously “Dogs”] must not be left unattended for a period exceeding 23 hours.
The Following motion to approve the ¾ Vote Resolution by moved by Strata Lot 133 and seconded by Strata Lot 134.
In favour: 114 Opposed: 1 Abstentions: 40 THE MOTION CARRIED.
BE IT RESOLVED as a ¾ Vote Resolution of the Owners Alpine Village PGS 173, that the Owners of the Strata Corporation authorize the Council to terminate the contract with Gateway West Management Corporation to take effect January 31, 2005.
The Following motion to approve the ¾ Vote Resolution by moved by Strata Lot 136 and seconded by Strata Lot 159.
There was a extensive discussion regarding this resolution and the vote was called.
In favour: 98 Opposed: 54 Abstentions: 3 THE MOTION DEFEATD.
A copy of the insurance certificate for Alpine Village was included in the meeting package for owner’s reference.
The Chair noted the Alpine Village bylaws allow for 5 individuals to serve on Council. The floor was open for nominations. The existing Council was again nominated and there being no additional nominations, were elected by acclamation.
Dan Veller
Jason Morris
Navaz Murgi
Ralph Case
Mike McAdams
The floor was open for general discussion.
Council requested volunteers to serve on three new committees, and the following individuals accepted
Civic Pride Committee - Antonette Valmonte/Karen Snodgrass/Maureen Bricker
Beautification Committee - Laurna Bihori/Maureen Briker/Betty Andrews
Maintenance Committee - Willie Friesen
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Meeting Minutes September 7, 2004
Present: Dan Veller(President), Mike McAdams(Vice President), Jason Morris(Treasurer/Secretary), Navaz Murji(Director), and Amanda Hanison-Nagel(Office Manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:30 PM
Motion: Dan/Mike. To approve the minutes of the August 10, 2004 council meeting. Carried.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Insulation: Council will take strong measures to examine the remaining units for attic insulation as this matter has gone on too long. Cooperation would be appreciated! Attempts will be made to access these units from adjoining units.
Roofs: Council heard no concerns from owners with respect to shifting roof overhang replacements funds to begin replacing roof shingles ($31,000). A firm was selected to begin work on three buildings deemed of highest priority pending a final reference check.
A Drive Entrance improvement: a line will be cut in the pavement along the A Drive fence to allow for landscaping improvements. This is the area along Grevman Court in which trees were removed.
Block Watch: The first Block Watch meeting will be September 21 at 7:00pm in suite # G73.
Process of dealing with problems: Council discussed the need for a clear protocol for addressing and responding to potential bylaw infractions. Gateway Management will provide a draft for the next meeting.
Property Tax Base: Council estimates that Alpine Village’s contribution of all units to city property tax is $260,000. This information will be conveyed to the city in an effort to reconvene discussions about neighbourhood improvements.
Late Fees: As part of ongoing financial oversight, Council will review all accounts for the past six months to ensure that bills, such as telephone, heating and so on, are paid promptly.
Fences: Council plans to paint the fences that are visible to outsiders as part of beautification efforts. Staff will perform this function at minimal cost.
Correspondence: Council reviewed e-mail correspondence from an owner.
AGM: As Treasurer, Jason will meet with Gateway to begin AGM budget preparations.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM. Council wishes to thank Amanda for her participation and as well, owners, for their valued input. The next meeting will be October 5, 2004, 5:30PM.
Meeting called to Order at 5:30 PM
Motion: Dan/Mike. To approve the minutes of the August 10, 2004 council meeting. Carried.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Insulation: Council will take strong measures to examine the remaining units for attic insulation as this matter has gone on too long. Cooperation would be appreciated! Attempts will be made to access these units from adjoining units.
Roofs: Council heard no concerns from owners with respect to shifting roof overhang replacements funds to begin replacing roof shingles ($31,000). A firm was selected to begin work on three buildings deemed of highest priority pending a final reference check.
A Drive Entrance improvement: a line will be cut in the pavement along the A Drive fence to allow for landscaping improvements. This is the area along Grevman Court in which trees were removed.
Block Watch: The first Block Watch meeting will be September 21 at 7:00pm in suite # G73.
Process of dealing with problems: Council discussed the need for a clear protocol for addressing and responding to potential bylaw infractions. Gateway Management will provide a draft for the next meeting.
Property Tax Base: Council estimates that Alpine Village’s contribution of all units to city property tax is $260,000. This information will be conveyed to the city in an effort to reconvene discussions about neighbourhood improvements.
Late Fees: As part of ongoing financial oversight, Council will review all accounts for the past six months to ensure that bills, such as telephone, heating and so on, are paid promptly.
Fences: Council plans to paint the fences that are visible to outsiders as part of beautification efforts. Staff will perform this function at minimal cost.
Correspondence: Council reviewed e-mail correspondence from an owner.
AGM: As Treasurer, Jason will meet with Gateway to begin AGM budget preparations.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM. Council wishes to thank Amanda for her participation and as well, owners, for their valued input. The next meeting will be October 5, 2004, 5:30PM.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Meeting Minutes August 10, 2004
Present: Ralph Case(Director), Dan Veller(President), Mike McAdams(Vice President), Amanda Hanison-Nagel(Office Manager), and Margaret Anderson(Property Manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:30 PM
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
We had two guests to this meeting. They brought discussion about cats, ideas for security, and concerns about speeding within our complex. We shall have all signs checked for needed repair and look for more good spots for new signage.
Block Watch
The Block Watch program is still under way. We now have a captain and co-captain, and we hope to have the first meeting in September.
Attic Inspections/insulation
Attic inspections have not progressed. We still need entry to inspect a few units. We have received an estimate for material and machine to insulate, and we are looking for one more estimate from a professional installer. Dan Veller will supply a name for us to call.
A-Drive window dips A1-A16 have been completed. Several issues about landscaping were discussed: Suggestions for contracting the flower maintenance in common areas next spring, supplying plants and encouraging individuals to do their own yards, and looking into planting trees along Strathcona Street were discussed.
D-Drive Drain
We have received a quote from one contractor about installing a new drain on D drive. We are asking for one more quote from a company that uses a different system of installation (Badger).
We have received 3 similar bids for much needed roofing repairs. Due to the requirements of immediate action in these repairs, council has decided to use money from the amount in the budget for roofing overhangs to handle these repairs. The contract will be awarded at the next council meeting (September 7, 2004). If anyone has an objection to this use, you must contact the office by phone, fax, email or mail before the next council meeting.
A-Drive Entrance improvement
We have received a quote for cutting the asphalt on A drive. Discussion will resume at the September meeting.
Next Meeting September 7, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM
Meeting called to Order at 5:30 PM
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
We had two guests to this meeting. They brought discussion about cats, ideas for security, and concerns about speeding within our complex. We shall have all signs checked for needed repair and look for more good spots for new signage.
Block Watch
The Block Watch program is still under way. We now have a captain and co-captain, and we hope to have the first meeting in September.
Attic Inspections/insulation
Attic inspections have not progressed. We still need entry to inspect a few units. We have received an estimate for material and machine to insulate, and we are looking for one more estimate from a professional installer. Dan Veller will supply a name for us to call.
A-Drive window dips A1-A16 have been completed. Several issues about landscaping were discussed: Suggestions for contracting the flower maintenance in common areas next spring, supplying plants and encouraging individuals to do their own yards, and looking into planting trees along Strathcona Street were discussed.
D-Drive Drain
We have received a quote from one contractor about installing a new drain on D drive. We are asking for one more quote from a company that uses a different system of installation (Badger).
We have received 3 similar bids for much needed roofing repairs. Due to the requirements of immediate action in these repairs, council has decided to use money from the amount in the budget for roofing overhangs to handle these repairs. The contract will be awarded at the next council meeting (September 7, 2004). If anyone has an objection to this use, you must contact the office by phone, fax, email or mail before the next council meeting.
A-Drive Entrance improvement
We have received a quote for cutting the asphalt on A drive. Discussion will resume at the September meeting.
Next Meeting September 7, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Meeting Minutes June 1, 2004
Present: Dan Veller (President), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Ralph Case (Director); Michael McAdams (Director); Amanda Hanison-Nagel (on-site manager), Margaret Anderson (property manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the May 4, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report
Efforts are underway to estimate the replacement costs of Alpine Village assets to allow for better financial planning.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Council and staff toured the complex to identify all summer landscaping projects and priorities.
Amanda will hire landscaping help on a casual, as-needed basis. Window dips along Upland drive A will be filled with dirt and then shrubs to “green” this drive. It is expected this project to cost less than $200.00. Motion: Jason/Dan: To approve not more than $200.00 to fill in the Drive A window dips. Carried.
Block Watch
An Alpine Village block watch meeting will be held following processing of criminal record checks. The first newsletter will be distributed to inform residents of the first meeting.
Attic Inspections/insulation
Cost estimates to replenish attic insulation have been received. Full details will be available following an exact determination of the amount of insulation required.
Next Meeting
July 6, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 PM
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the May 4, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report
Efforts are underway to estimate the replacement costs of Alpine Village assets to allow for better financial planning.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Council and staff toured the complex to identify all summer landscaping projects and priorities.
Amanda will hire landscaping help on a casual, as-needed basis. Window dips along Upland drive A will be filled with dirt and then shrubs to “green” this drive. It is expected this project to cost less than $200.00. Motion: Jason/Dan: To approve not more than $200.00 to fill in the Drive A window dips. Carried.
Block Watch
An Alpine Village block watch meeting will be held following processing of criminal record checks. The first newsletter will be distributed to inform residents of the first meeting.
Attic Inspections/insulation
Cost estimates to replenish attic insulation have been received. Full details will be available following an exact determination of the amount of insulation required.
Next Meeting
July 6, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 PM
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Meeting Minutes May 4, 2004
Present: Ralph Case (Director), Navaz Murji (Director), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Dan Veller (President), Amanda Hanison-Nagel (On-site manager) and Margaret Anderson (Property manager).
We would like to thank Ralph Case and Navaz Murji for flying in from the lower mainland. Also thanks to Dan Veller, who attended by conference call while suffering from the flu.
Dan called meeting to order at 5:45pm.
Motion: Dan/Navaz. To approve the minutes of the April 6, 2004 council meeting. Carried.
Attic inspections
Required insulation must be sprayed. We have the option of renting a sprayer and doing it ourselves, or hiring a company to install the insulation. We will ask Chito to supply some figures for each option by next meeting.
There may be government grants to cover part of the expenses. Margaret will investigate and report back to the next meeting.
Spring Clean up
Jason and Amanda inspected the neighbourhood. They found some bylaw infractions. Jason has written to the city and Amanda has called.
Block Watch
We have received a good response for the Block Watch. The captain and the co-captain must receive their criminal record checks, and then we will announce a date for the first meeting.
The council agrees to supply refreshments and facilitate the Block watch meetings in what ways we can.
The newsletter will highlight the Block Watch. Margaret will prepare a draft and email a jpeg of this first newsletter to the council members.
Overweight parking
This vehicle has been here since before the bylaw; thus, it is not affected. Council will revisit the vehicle weight bylaw at the AGM discussions.
Playground Equipment
We have a picnic table at one of the playground areas. Council approves of two more spruce tables.
Drive D drain + driveways
We have received one quote for patching only so far. We will get more info for next meeting.
Roof overhangs – Dan will get a quote from Spruce Capital for us.
Landscape Walkthrough
Amanda and Jason will ask Chito to join them for the landscape walkthrough on Thursday, May 6. They will consider what will be the best solution for filling the window dips. Council approves up to $200 to fill. Amounts over will come back to council for approval. They will also discuss shrubs, etc for the rock gardens and alternatives for easy maintenance.
Repainting Doors
Council directs Chito to begin painting vacant unit doors on H drive. We will monitor the costs and report back at the next meeting.
Margaret supplied the council with a maintenance calendar in a notebook form. There are several suggested topics for each month concerning both maintenance and management discussions in agenda form.
Parking lot sweeping
The costs came in this year at $150 less than last year. Next year’s budget will incorporate the sweeping into the snow removal costs.
Sewer line flushing
Last year lines were flushed at a cost of $1700. Dan will discuss with Amanda some alternative ideas (ie camera monitoring) and we will get some estimates.
Council directs Chito to inspect and flush all blocked eavestroughs and check downspouts
Meeting adjourned at 6:30
We would like to thank Ralph Case and Navaz Murji for flying in from the lower mainland. Also thanks to Dan Veller, who attended by conference call while suffering from the flu.
Dan called meeting to order at 5:45pm.
Motion: Dan/Navaz. To approve the minutes of the April 6, 2004 council meeting. Carried.
Attic inspections
Required insulation must be sprayed. We have the option of renting a sprayer and doing it ourselves, or hiring a company to install the insulation. We will ask Chito to supply some figures for each option by next meeting.
There may be government grants to cover part of the expenses. Margaret will investigate and report back to the next meeting.
Spring Clean up
Jason and Amanda inspected the neighbourhood. They found some bylaw infractions. Jason has written to the city and Amanda has called.
Block Watch
We have received a good response for the Block Watch. The captain and the co-captain must receive their criminal record checks, and then we will announce a date for the first meeting.
The council agrees to supply refreshments and facilitate the Block watch meetings in what ways we can.
The newsletter will highlight the Block Watch. Margaret will prepare a draft and email a jpeg of this first newsletter to the council members.
Overweight parking
This vehicle has been here since before the bylaw; thus, it is not affected. Council will revisit the vehicle weight bylaw at the AGM discussions.
Playground Equipment
We have a picnic table at one of the playground areas. Council approves of two more spruce tables.
Drive D drain + driveways
We have received one quote for patching only so far. We will get more info for next meeting.
Roof overhangs – Dan will get a quote from Spruce Capital for us.
Landscape Walkthrough
Amanda and Jason will ask Chito to join them for the landscape walkthrough on Thursday, May 6. They will consider what will be the best solution for filling the window dips. Council approves up to $200 to fill. Amounts over will come back to council for approval. They will also discuss shrubs, etc for the rock gardens and alternatives for easy maintenance.
Repainting Doors
Council directs Chito to begin painting vacant unit doors on H drive. We will monitor the costs and report back at the next meeting.
Margaret supplied the council with a maintenance calendar in a notebook form. There are several suggested topics for each month concerning both maintenance and management discussions in agenda form.
Parking lot sweeping
The costs came in this year at $150 less than last year. Next year’s budget will incorporate the sweeping into the snow removal costs.
Sewer line flushing
Last year lines were flushed at a cost of $1700. Dan will discuss with Amanda some alternative ideas (ie camera monitoring) and we will get some estimates.
Council directs Chito to inspect and flush all blocked eavestroughs and check downspouts
Meeting adjourned at 6:30
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Meeting Minutes April 6, 2004
Present: Dan Veller (President), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Ralph Case (Director); Michael McAdams (Director); Navaz Murji (Director); Amanda Hanison-Nagel (on-site manager), Margaret Anderson (property manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the March 2, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report: New budget categories will be added to make it easier for owners to review financial matters. Efforts will be undertaken to assess the laundry in terms of profitability.
Manager’s Report: Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Guest: An owner presented their concerns to council concerning parking and screen doors.
Attic Inspections: Again, the attic inspections are almost complete.
Spring Cleanup: Council and staff will conduct a walkthrough of the neighbourhood and point out city bylaw infractions to the city on April 14.
Block Watch: There has been some interest in this program and council will continue to pursue it.
Mailboxes: Residents wishing to have an external mailbox must have it installed by the on-site staff. Mailboxes must be white in colour.
Sweeping Drives: Council reviewed offers to sweep all drives of gravel and sand.
Bulk Lumber Order: Purchasing lumber in bulk for general needs was discussed. Storage problems and security were raised.
Overweight Truck parking request: A weight slip will be provided to council before a decision is made.
Fence request – G86: Upon request from an owner, Council approved for Chito to construct a fence in front of G86 for the purpose of keeping people off the grass.
Speeding Signs: Recurring complaints about speeding residents and visitors prompted a memo to all residents that was recently sent out.
Security: Having security guards regularly patrol the council was looked at. This would be a matter for an AGM should there be resident and owner interest. Security lights along Driveways E-H Strathcona were discussed. Costs will be obtained.
Playground Equipment: Benches from a local supplier will be purchased for the playground areas.
Driveway A Landscaping: The area along Grevman Court where trees were removed was examined in terms of landscaping. Michael will examine options.
Drainage on Driveway D Upland: A recurring rainwater drainage problem by the garbage bins will be resolved this year by onsite staff.
Tree Planting: Different trees were discussed to replace dead or damaged ones.
Driveway repairs: Various cracks and minor problems will be repaired this year with an aim to avoiding any future, costlier problems from developing. Council would like to seal coat the surfaces next year and then paint parking lines.
Next Meeting May 4, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 PM
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the March 2, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report: New budget categories will be added to make it easier for owners to review financial matters. Efforts will be undertaken to assess the laundry in terms of profitability.
Manager’s Report: Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Guest: An owner presented their concerns to council concerning parking and screen doors.
Attic Inspections: Again, the attic inspections are almost complete.
Spring Cleanup: Council and staff will conduct a walkthrough of the neighbourhood and point out city bylaw infractions to the city on April 14.
Block Watch: There has been some interest in this program and council will continue to pursue it.
Mailboxes: Residents wishing to have an external mailbox must have it installed by the on-site staff. Mailboxes must be white in colour.
Sweeping Drives: Council reviewed offers to sweep all drives of gravel and sand.
Bulk Lumber Order: Purchasing lumber in bulk for general needs was discussed. Storage problems and security were raised.
Overweight Truck parking request: A weight slip will be provided to council before a decision is made.
Fence request – G86: Upon request from an owner, Council approved for Chito to construct a fence in front of G86 for the purpose of keeping people off the grass.
Speeding Signs: Recurring complaints about speeding residents and visitors prompted a memo to all residents that was recently sent out.
Security: Having security guards regularly patrol the council was looked at. This would be a matter for an AGM should there be resident and owner interest. Security lights along Driveways E-H Strathcona were discussed. Costs will be obtained.
Playground Equipment: Benches from a local supplier will be purchased for the playground areas.
Driveway A Landscaping: The area along Grevman Court where trees were removed was examined in terms of landscaping. Michael will examine options.
Drainage on Driveway D Upland: A recurring rainwater drainage problem by the garbage bins will be resolved this year by onsite staff.
Tree Planting: Different trees were discussed to replace dead or damaged ones.
Driveway repairs: Various cracks and minor problems will be repaired this year with an aim to avoiding any future, costlier problems from developing. Council would like to seal coat the surfaces next year and then paint parking lines.
Next Meeting May 4, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 PM
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Meeting Minutes March 2, 2004
Present: Dan Veller (President), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Ralph Case (Director), Amanda Hanison-Nagel (on-site manager), Margaret Anderson (property manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the February 3, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report
Jason reviewed the costs of sewage backups over the past eight months. Strata is spending nearly $200.00 per month on avoidable back-ups. Residents will be encouraged to use common sense when flushing the toilet and putting items in the sink. Strata Council does have the authority to charge negligence back to the owners.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A summary for February is as follows: 48 memos re. bylaw infractions; 18 breach of bylaw letters; two fines imposed. Regional Security has put security signs in place for the complex. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Attic Inspections
The attic inspections are almost complete. When they are complete, Council will address the issue of inadequate insulation in some sections.
Gateway provided insurance details for Alpine Village. These materials are available for viewing in the office.
Overweight Vehicle
A request to park an overweight vehicle in the complex was concluded upon learning that the vehicle in question is not overweight.
Spring Clean Up
Council will conduct a city bylaw walkthrough of the surrounding neighbourhood in spring and write to the City requesting their efforts at ensuring compliance. The aim is to improve the appearance of the neighbourhood. Interested residents are welcome to participate in this activity. Please contact the office.
Tree Replacement
Office staff will determine the number of trees that require replacement.
Council directed office staff to replace the steps connecting Driveway D Upland to Driveway F Strathcona, and to install a sturdy railing there.
Strategic Plan
Council reviewed a Strategic Plan for Alpine Village that was created some time ago. Council will assess the plan over the next few months. All are welcome to examine the plan in the office and their contributions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Block Watch
Dan presented information on how to establish Block Watch for the complex. The RCMP are keen to see this occur. Council is looking for two volunteers for this endeavour. Further information is available at the office.
Council will be producing a spring newsletter informing residents and owners of their activities, requesting suggestions and soliciting assistance for various projects such as Block Watch and neighbourhood clean-up and revitalization. Residents and owners are invited to make submissions for inclusion in this upcoming publication.
Gateway Responsiveness
Council discussed ways to ensure that their requests to the property management company are dealt with expeditiously. The presence of a local office with staff is expected to rectify the matter.
Amanda attended the local SPCA AGM and presented information about Alpine Village pet bylaws. These bylaws were warmly received. Council thanks Amanda for her efforts.
Mail Delivery
Amanda noted that there are a few duplicate mailing addresses in Alpine Village that dates back several years. She is working with Canada Post to resolve this peculiar situation.
Next Meeting: April 6, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 PM
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the February 3, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report
Jason reviewed the costs of sewage backups over the past eight months. Strata is spending nearly $200.00 per month on avoidable back-ups. Residents will be encouraged to use common sense when flushing the toilet and putting items in the sink. Strata Council does have the authority to charge negligence back to the owners.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A summary for February is as follows: 48 memos re. bylaw infractions; 18 breach of bylaw letters; two fines imposed. Regional Security has put security signs in place for the complex. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Attic Inspections
The attic inspections are almost complete. When they are complete, Council will address the issue of inadequate insulation in some sections.
Gateway provided insurance details for Alpine Village. These materials are available for viewing in the office.
Overweight Vehicle
A request to park an overweight vehicle in the complex was concluded upon learning that the vehicle in question is not overweight.
Spring Clean Up
Council will conduct a city bylaw walkthrough of the surrounding neighbourhood in spring and write to the City requesting their efforts at ensuring compliance. The aim is to improve the appearance of the neighbourhood. Interested residents are welcome to participate in this activity. Please contact the office.
Tree Replacement
Office staff will determine the number of trees that require replacement.
Council directed office staff to replace the steps connecting Driveway D Upland to Driveway F Strathcona, and to install a sturdy railing there.
Strategic Plan
Council reviewed a Strategic Plan for Alpine Village that was created some time ago. Council will assess the plan over the next few months. All are welcome to examine the plan in the office and their contributions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Block Watch
Dan presented information on how to establish Block Watch for the complex. The RCMP are keen to see this occur. Council is looking for two volunteers for this endeavour. Further information is available at the office.
Council will be producing a spring newsletter informing residents and owners of their activities, requesting suggestions and soliciting assistance for various projects such as Block Watch and neighbourhood clean-up and revitalization. Residents and owners are invited to make submissions for inclusion in this upcoming publication.
Gateway Responsiveness
Council discussed ways to ensure that their requests to the property management company are dealt with expeditiously. The presence of a local office with staff is expected to rectify the matter.
Amanda attended the local SPCA AGM and presented information about Alpine Village pet bylaws. These bylaws were warmly received. Council thanks Amanda for her efforts.
Mail Delivery
Amanda noted that there are a few duplicate mailing addresses in Alpine Village that dates back several years. She is working with Canada Post to resolve this peculiar situation.
Next Meeting: April 6, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 PM
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Meeting Minutes February 3, 2004
Present: Dan Veller (President), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Ralph Case (Director), Navaz Murji (Director), Amanda Hanison-Nagel (guest), Margaret Anderson (property manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the January 6, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report
The Secretary-Treasurer has reviewed all financial statements and invoices between October 2003 to the end of December 2003.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda.
Old Business
Attic Inspections
Attic inspections are almost complete pending two units with access problems and two units in which no contact with occupants has been able to occur at this time.
Exterior Painting/Strathcona Roof Overhangs
The Council will address these issues and the companies involved when the weather allows.
Screen Door Guideline Notices
These were distributed to all units on January 13, 2004.
Work Orders
Grounds staff now complete work orders for all tasks completed.
Exterior Window Dips
Amanda reported that filling these in requires determining whether a city permit is required. There are not fire regulations at issue.
Repainting Entrance Doors
This will be a summer project. Please note that doors are not the responsibility of a strata corporation. However, council wants to ensure a uniform appearance.
Gateway is reviewing the strata corporation’s insurance to ensure that we are covered for all eventualities in a cost-effective manner.
New Business
A request for an overweight vehicle to park in Alpine Village was received. Council will inspect the vehicle before making a determination.
Playground Equipment
Council will explore options to expand the existing playground equipment. It is thought that providing benches would be desirable, though Council is open to suggestions.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:15 PM
Next Meeting: March 2, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the January 6, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report
The Secretary-Treasurer has reviewed all financial statements and invoices between October 2003 to the end of December 2003.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda.
Old Business
Attic Inspections
Attic inspections are almost complete pending two units with access problems and two units in which no contact with occupants has been able to occur at this time.
Exterior Painting/Strathcona Roof Overhangs
The Council will address these issues and the companies involved when the weather allows.
Screen Door Guideline Notices
These were distributed to all units on January 13, 2004.
Work Orders
Grounds staff now complete work orders for all tasks completed.
Exterior Window Dips
Amanda reported that filling these in requires determining whether a city permit is required. There are not fire regulations at issue.
Repainting Entrance Doors
This will be a summer project. Please note that doors are not the responsibility of a strata corporation. However, council wants to ensure a uniform appearance.
Gateway is reviewing the strata corporation’s insurance to ensure that we are covered for all eventualities in a cost-effective manner.
New Business
A request for an overweight vehicle to park in Alpine Village was received. Council will inspect the vehicle before making a determination.
Playground Equipment
Council will explore options to expand the existing playground equipment. It is thought that providing benches would be desirable, though Council is open to suggestions.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:15 PM
Next Meeting: March 2, 2004 5:30 PM
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Meeting Minutes January 6, 2004
Present: Dan Veller (President), Mike McAdams (Vice-President), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Navaz Murji (Director), Amanda Hanison-Nagel (guest)
Regrets: Ralph Case (Director)
Meeting called to order at 5:40 pm.
Motion: Mike/Dan. To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting. Carried.
Motion: Jason/Mike. To approve the minutes of the December 4, 2004 council meeting. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report
A full report will be provided at the next meeting. Council is working to develop a list of assets that will require eventual replacement. The approximate replacement value of these assets will then begin to be budgeted for in the contingency fund with an aim to avoiding future special assessments.
Manager’s Report
The on-site manager will begin providing a summary of activities to Council for each meeting, commencing at the next meeting.
Old Business
Attic Inspections
Progress on the attic inspections to prevent mildew and structure deterioration has been fast and efficient since the last strata meeting. There are only a few left to inspect and at this rate the task will be finished by February 1.
Exterior Painting
A second opinion has been received regarding the peeling paint on the building in the courtyard. Dan will discuss this opinion with Tran Painting and General Paint and then report back to council.
Walkie Talkies
Council expressed disappointment that walkie talkies for maintenance staff have yet to be purchased, due to a time delay in petty cash reimbursement from the property management company. Steps will be taken to complete this purchase and ensure that petty cash for such purposes is always available.
Work Orders
Council decided to establish written work orders for maintenance work but is still awaiting the proper forms from the property management company.
New Business
Several issues that were raised by owners at the recent Annual General meeting were addressed by Council at this meeting:
Motion: Dan/Jason: To engage the services of Regional Security to conduct nightly patrols of the Alpine Village grounds at a cost of $105.00 per month.
Discussion: Council will ensure that the security company posts numerous signs around Alpine Village alerting people that the complex has security.
Screen Door Guidelines
Amanda Hanison-Nagel will distribute a notice to all units outlining screen door requirements. Screen doors in disrepair will be required to be fixed, replaced or removed.
Exterior Window Dips
Council will investigate any potential fire or safety hazards associated with filling in the exterior window dips that have become unsightly crevasses, with an aim to beautify the complex.
Repainting Unit Entrance Doors
While doors are not strata jurisdiction, to ensure a uniform complex, Council will explore options to ensure that any doors painted the wrong colour are repainted.
Other issues Council discussed included:
Complaints regarding an excessively noisy vehicle in D-Drive Upland was dealt with.
Strathcona Roof Overhangs
Council will continue to determine the most cost effective way of dealing with this replacement expense.
Council requested the property management company assist them in reviewing the corporation’s insurance to ensure that owners are protected from any eventualities.
On-site manager
Council decided to request Amanda Hanison-Nagel to attend each Council meeting as she carries out much of council’s directives. In matters of conflict or confidentiality, Amanda will be excused from those meeting portions.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm
Next meeting: February 3, 5:30 pm
Regrets: Ralph Case (Director)
Meeting called to order at 5:40 pm.
Motion: Mike/Dan. To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting. Carried.
Motion: Jason/Mike. To approve the minutes of the December 4, 2004 council meeting. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report
A full report will be provided at the next meeting. Council is working to develop a list of assets that will require eventual replacement. The approximate replacement value of these assets will then begin to be budgeted for in the contingency fund with an aim to avoiding future special assessments.
Manager’s Report
The on-site manager will begin providing a summary of activities to Council for each meeting, commencing at the next meeting.
Old Business
Attic Inspections
Progress on the attic inspections to prevent mildew and structure deterioration has been fast and efficient since the last strata meeting. There are only a few left to inspect and at this rate the task will be finished by February 1.
Exterior Painting
A second opinion has been received regarding the peeling paint on the building in the courtyard. Dan will discuss this opinion with Tran Painting and General Paint and then report back to council.
Walkie Talkies
Council expressed disappointment that walkie talkies for maintenance staff have yet to be purchased, due to a time delay in petty cash reimbursement from the property management company. Steps will be taken to complete this purchase and ensure that petty cash for such purposes is always available.
Work Orders
Council decided to establish written work orders for maintenance work but is still awaiting the proper forms from the property management company.
New Business
Several issues that were raised by owners at the recent Annual General meeting were addressed by Council at this meeting:
Motion: Dan/Jason: To engage the services of Regional Security to conduct nightly patrols of the Alpine Village grounds at a cost of $105.00 per month.
Discussion: Council will ensure that the security company posts numerous signs around Alpine Village alerting people that the complex has security.
Screen Door Guidelines
Amanda Hanison-Nagel will distribute a notice to all units outlining screen door requirements. Screen doors in disrepair will be required to be fixed, replaced or removed.
Exterior Window Dips
Council will investigate any potential fire or safety hazards associated with filling in the exterior window dips that have become unsightly crevasses, with an aim to beautify the complex.
Repainting Unit Entrance Doors
While doors are not strata jurisdiction, to ensure a uniform complex, Council will explore options to ensure that any doors painted the wrong colour are repainted.
Other issues Council discussed included:
Complaints regarding an excessively noisy vehicle in D-Drive Upland was dealt with.
Strathcona Roof Overhangs
Council will continue to determine the most cost effective way of dealing with this replacement expense.
Council requested the property management company assist them in reviewing the corporation’s insurance to ensure that owners are protected from any eventualities.
On-site manager
Council decided to request Amanda Hanison-Nagel to attend each Council meeting as she carries out much of council’s directives. In matters of conflict or confidentiality, Amanda will be excused from those meeting portions.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm
Next meeting: February 3, 5:30 pm
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