Present: Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, Jason Morris, Navaz Murji, Margaret Anderson and new managers Kevin and Sophie. By phone: Ralph Case.
Motion to approve minutes of February 8, 2005 council meeting.
Moved > Jason Second> Dan Carried
Council requests that in future minutes are approved by 3 council members before being distributed. Council states that no response is not to be considered authorization. Please use ALPINE VILLAGE in the subject line of all emails.
Treasurer’s report: Navaz examined financials for January, 2005 and requests response from Gateway about courier expenses and long distance expenses. He had some questions about the variance in revenue. Margaret will look into this and get back to council at the next meeting.
Wages: Margaret supplied complete details of wages paid to date this year.
Telus Directory: We are currently paying $8 per month for our listing in the white pages. If we wish to cancel for 2006, we must have our notice in writing before October 6, 2005. Margaret suggests that this is a reasonable expense for owners to find Alpine’s strata number easily whether in town or not.
Water: Bottled water has been cancelled.
Photo copy machine: Currently has a one year lease, at less than the amount paid last year. Strata has been paying ¼ of costs (sharing with the rental pools). Council says they do not wish to use machine anymore. This lease may not be cancelled. Margaret will look into any possible alternatives to the continuation of Strata’s use of this service as well as the expiry date of the lease.
Sump pump and Wet Vac: Strata already owns these items.
Attic Insulation: Dan will email report to council by the end of this week about progress on installing insulation where needed.
Door Frame: Mike has investigated and finds the price quoted to be fair. We will reimburse Mr. Troy for his expenses. Kevin will get prices on multiple installations of frames.
Lighting Report: Amanda supplied us with a report containing prices for various lighting products for use in post lighting around the complex. Margaret will give list to Kevin to use. Kevin will prepare a report with suggestions for improving outside lighting to council.
Basement Foundations: Dan will meet with Chito and Kevin to discuss completing foundation inspections. Margaret had been told the inspections had stopped due to the freezing weather. Dan does not believe the freezing weather will affect inspections.
Email List: We have received a few email addresses from owners interested in receiving emails from council. Margaret will forward these to Kevin who will create the official email list. We are asking all owners to provide us with e-mail address in an effort to keep in touch with them regarding issues that need their input as well as reducing postage costs
Resident Manager: Sophie Samycia and Kevin Creamore have been hired as our new strata manager couple. They were already tenants in Alpine Village, so council decided not to move their housing, as Kevin and Sophie felt this would be disruptive and Council agreed. This unit is owned by a council member. Council noted that they are situated in a good area for supervision, and asks that any objections about housing be sent to council immediately. The Council member who owns this unit abstained from discussions and voting.
Motion that managers will remain in their current housing and Alpine Village will pay $510 per month for housing as part of salary.
Moved > Jason Second > Dan Carried Abstained > Navaz
Dan and Mike will be the contact people for new managers to council. Margaret will supply them with a maintenance calendar for the year for an overview. They will be bringing the computer, desk, fax machine etc to their home office and Margaret will order business cards for them.
Telephone: The office telephone will be forwarded to the new manager’s home office for now. The costs for this phone and fax were previously being shared with the rental pools with council paying ¼. The rental pools will no longer be paying for these lines. The fax line will be cancelled as soon as a decision is made about the alarm system.
Inventory: Margaret will be meeting with Kevin, Sophie and Chito on March 2 and they will receive inventory lists of office supplies and tools to inspect and sign.
Signage: Office signs will be removed at the old office site and in driveway. Notices will be posted about how to contact Sophie and Kevin by phone, writing and in person.
Pavement and Roads: Reminders of bylaws concerning oil on our pavements will be sent out with newsletter. Barriers of rock will be put back in place for summer months after the powersweeping is completed.
Community Clean Up: April 24th is the Neighbourhood Clean up day. It will be noted in our newsletter. Alpine Village is once again adopting 2100 Upland Block and 1900 Strathcona Block as its caretakers.
Resident requests: We had requests about parking at H108, Satellite placement at G91, and mould problems at C90. Kevin will investigate and report back to council.
Roofing Debris: We had a complaint about debris from the roofing last fall in back yards. Due to the problem accessing the back yards, we request owners to put debris over the fences into the lane, where maintenance can access it.
Telephone: Mike requests that Gateway Property Management, managing Alpine Rental Pools refrain from answering the telephone as Alpine Village because some people might assume that they are speaking with the Strata Council Office. Gateway Property Management rental pools telephone will be answered identifying themselves as the rental pools.
Meeting adjourned 6:55pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 5 at 5:30pm
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
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