Present: Dan Veller (President), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Ralph Case (Director), Amanda Hanison-Nagel (on-site manager), Margaret Anderson (property manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM
Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the February 3, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.
Treasurer’s Report
Jason reviewed the costs of sewage backups over the past eight months. Strata is spending nearly $200.00 per month on avoidable back-ups. Residents will be encouraged to use common sense when flushing the toilet and putting items in the sink. Strata Council does have the authority to charge negligence back to the owners.
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A summary for February is as follows: 48 memos re. bylaw infractions; 18 breach of bylaw letters; two fines imposed. Regional Security has put security signs in place for the complex. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
Attic Inspections
The attic inspections are almost complete. When they are complete, Council will address the issue of inadequate insulation in some sections.
Gateway provided insurance details for Alpine Village. These materials are available for viewing in the office.
Overweight Vehicle
A request to park an overweight vehicle in the complex was concluded upon learning that the vehicle in question is not overweight.
Spring Clean Up
Council will conduct a city bylaw walkthrough of the surrounding neighbourhood in spring and write to the City requesting their efforts at ensuring compliance. The aim is to improve the appearance of the neighbourhood. Interested residents are welcome to participate in this activity. Please contact the office.
Tree Replacement
Office staff will determine the number of trees that require replacement.
Council directed office staff to replace the steps connecting Driveway D Upland to Driveway F Strathcona, and to install a sturdy railing there.
Strategic Plan
Council reviewed a Strategic Plan for Alpine Village that was created some time ago. Council will assess the plan over the next few months. All are welcome to examine the plan in the office and their contributions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Block Watch
Dan presented information on how to establish Block Watch for the complex. The RCMP are keen to see this occur. Council is looking for two volunteers for this endeavour. Further information is available at the office.
Council will be producing a spring newsletter informing residents and owners of their activities, requesting suggestions and soliciting assistance for various projects such as Block Watch and neighbourhood clean-up and revitalization. Residents and owners are invited to make submissions for inclusion in this upcoming publication.
Gateway Responsiveness
Council discussed ways to ensure that their requests to the property management company are dealt with expeditiously. The presence of a local office with staff is expected to rectify the matter.
Amanda attended the local SPCA AGM and presented information about Alpine Village pet bylaws. These bylaws were warmly received. Council thanks Amanda for her efforts.
Mail Delivery
Amanda noted that there are a few duplicate mailing addresses in Alpine Village that dates back several years. She is working with Canada Post to resolve this peculiar situation.
Next Meeting: April 6, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 PM