Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Meeting Minutes March 1, 2006

Present: Jason Morris, Dan Veller, Antionette Valmonte, Navaz Murji (By Phone), Marguerite Odendahl, Bruce Ian Charneski, & Resident Managers Kevin Creamore & Sophie Samycia

Meeting called to order at 5:35pm

Motion to approve minutes of January 4th, 2006 Meeting
Motion> Dan 2nd> Bruce Carried


Treasurer's Report: Council has just received the January financials from Gateway and will be using that as the starting point for the Bookkeeping. The Pre Authorized Debit is still in the works and should be up and running very soon, Council is just waiting on the bank. Kevin & Sophie will be sending out a letter requesting the owners banking info for those that would like Pre Authorized debit.

Lighting Around the Complex: It has been brought up by 2 owners that there are not happy about having to pay the $1.01 a month for the out side lights attached to there units. At the AGM it was voted to not pay out the $1.01 a month to the owners that have these lights hooked up to their units. Council asked Kevin & Sophie to look into what it would cost to have all the lights hooked up so the Strata paid for the power. Three companies were contacted and all three gave prices ranging from $70,000 to $85,000 to do the work. Council will no longer spend any more time on this issue and the issue can be brought up at the next AGM.

Strathcona Park Playground: Jason & Antonette are still working on a letter to the city about what they are going to do about the Playground at Strathcona Park.


Managers Report: A new printer was purchased. Kevin and Sophie have started the process for getting Quotes form insurance companies for the complex so that when the Insurance comes up in May Council is ready for renewal. A letter went out with last Minutes about Council sending out the minutes to only the owners that request them. With Gateway gone the phone calls to Kevin & Sophie have almost doubled. This has raised the cost of cell phone bill. The current plan is no longer sufficient so Kevin will look into a better plan. A Real Estate Lawyer needs to be found to help in the process of placing liens on certain Units. Kevin & Sophie will be looking into a few Lawyers here in town.

Form B’s: In accordance with the Strata Property Act council can only charging $35.00 per Form B. 2 council members have to sign the Form B’s or Kevin & Sophie, who have been Authorized by Council, can sign them.
Motion>Navaz 2nd> Jason Carried

Noise Complaints: There have been a lot of noise complaints the last little while around the complex. A lot of these complaints are unjustified. It is like apartment living and everyone will have to put up with some noise from thier neighbours. If you find that the noise is unreasonable please call the police first .After the police have given you a Police Report Number then call the Strata Managers.

Owner Request: An owner has requested to have phone lines run along the outside of the building by Telus to there unit. Council sees no problem with this as long as if there are any costs in the future the owner will be liable to pay those costs.

Council Member: Marguerite Odendahl has given notice in writing that she can no longer assist on council due to a conflict in time management. Council is sorry to see Marguerite go. This brings quorum for meetings form 4 council members down to 3.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05pm

Next Strata Council Meeting: Wednesday, April 5th 2006, 5:30pm