Meeting called to order at 5:30pm
Attendees: Dan Veller, Mike McAdams, David Henderson, Maureen Bricker, Lorna Bihori
Guests: Claude DesRoches, Heather Bennett
Heather Bennett presented a plan to put in a horseshoe pit (contractor to do it) by E25 on common property. She said there is a tenant who is also a contractor and is willing to do it. This would eliminate the weeds and they would put gravel in pits rather than sand to eliminate cat feces problem. They would look at a removable pin in order to eliminate any liability issues. She estimated $900 for labor and materials. Council decided to look at putting a pit in a fenced enclosure in D drive's entrance area.
Claude DesRoches submitted his manager’s report which included:
WR Ventures submitted a quote for siding but it is too highly priced - Decided to ask WR Ventures to re-quote with only replacing the wood with vinyl and leave the stucco untouched. Council also decided to search through CHOA for alternatives to siding
Insurance - Property, Fire & Liability - looked into cost factors and feasibility re such extras as earthquake and flood endorsements. Will look into further
Decided not to build a fence between us and Strata #1 at this time.
Researching construction options to redo the doorway overhangs in a costly and feasible manner prior to siding
updates on the continued bylaw infractions
Landscaping - topsoil on order, fertilizer and seed on standby awaiting soil conditions for the bobcat to work without sinking.
Summer help - PG Native Center, Job action, Multicultural
Front fences along A75-80 to become uniform, keep all the gates straight no design on some and not on others
Lawns to mowed and trimmed immediately and then maintained Wednesdays and Thursdays weekly thereafter
Ensure hoses and taps are ready for the season
Council decided the month’s priorities should be:
1) Lawn Care
2) Landscaping
3) Summer help hired
4) Projects i.e. roofs, fences
5) Bylaws such as the broken window in A 103 and window coverings throughout the complex. Council is looking at constructing a letter to have the managers and owners clean up their properties and ensure they are meeting bylaw standards to aid Claude in this huge ongoing task
Landscaping - do the lime to kill the moss, aerate, top sand, seed and fertilize then water, water, water and mow. After meeting with the landscape companies we realize we are too late to kill the moss for this year!
Maureen will call contractors to get quotes so that the landscaping can be put into effect immediately. Lorna to email Claude with a couple companies willing to do labor tryouts for 2 hours at $8-$10/hr so that we can get the flower beds cleaned up and try out this summer help agencies to see who is worth hiring for the summer.
Janitor - Maureen to offer Janitor contract to the person council agreed with, along with the guidelines agreed upon.
Mike and Dan will talk with the owner of D80 to see if a final agreement can be hashed out so that the common property attached with this unit can be properly dealt with prior to the sale.
Meeting ended after council did a walk around of some of the landscaping problem areas.
Next meeting June 19, 2008 at 5:30pm