Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Meeting Minutes January 3, 2014

  January 3rd  2014
  ALPINE STRATA Council Minutes – PGS 173

   Present: Beth Beeson; Sharon Hordy; Emily Bain:
   Administrative Services: Helen DeGroot (Licar Management Group)
   Regrets: Derek Fullerton

1.  Call to order:  7:12 PM

2.  Additions to Agenda:
    - Maintenance: Roofing receipts
    -New Business: Loan(s) to Claude DesRoches
    -New Business: Hiring Office Manager
    - Correspondence for Karrie Cookhouse

3.  Approve Agenda:
      Motion: (by Emily Bain) To approve agenda
      Seconded: by Sharon Hordy

4.  Approve Minutes:
Motion: (by Sharon Hordy) To approve past Council Meeting Minutes (previously circulated) Nov 25, Dec 6,      Dec 14, Dec 19  &  Dec 30 / 2013.
     Seconded: by Emily Bain

5.  Correspondence: (from owners or others)
     - Letter of Resignation from Karrie Cookhouse
     Motion: (by Emily Bain) To acknowledge receipt of correspondence.
     Seconded:  by Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Emily Bain) to Accept Karrie Cook’s resignation (2 week notice) that was given Dec 30 2013.(Friday Jan 10 2014 is her last day) 
     Seconded: by  Sharon Hordy

Motion: (by Emily Bain) To respond to the owner of E6 advising that the Strata Council has complied with the  requirements of  Section 43 of the Strata Property Act and has advised the petitioners through the minutes that the petition was nullified.
  Seconded:  by Sharon Hordy
  6.  Old Business:  None

7.  New Business:

      Motion:  (by Emily Bain) To approve hiring C.D. Wilson Law Corp.  for legal advice in respect to the ‘petition’.
      Seconded:  (by Beth Beeson)

Motion: (by Sharon Hordy) To have C.D. Wilson Law Corp. vet  the current bylaws of the Strrta Corp. for compliance with  the Strata Property Act.
   Seconded:  by Beth Beeson

 Hiring of Office Manager:  Date to be determined.

Motion:  (by Emily Bain) To request copies of cheques from Accountant  providing advances/loans or documentation of loans  to  Claude DesRoaches in 2007 and 2008 in the amount of $1500 apiece.
Seconded:  by Beth Beeson

Motion:  (by Emily Bain)  To contact the Roofing Company(s) that did the roofing for Alpine Strata over the past  years to   obtain copies of invoices and payments received.
Seconded: by Beth Beeson

8.  In Camera: 8:30 PM

9.  Next Meeting: Thursday, January 16th  2014

10.  Meeting termination time: 9:30 PM