Friday, May 11, 2018

Alpine Village meeting minutes  9 April 2018

1. Office staff ad. issues getting applicants. Council member Chris suggested he'd take a look at the ad and give some feedback to attract more applicants. ACTION ILTEM
2. 5 th council member discussed and had some options.
3. Tree removal. Council did a walk around at the end of the night to identify trees to be trimmed and trees to be cut down.
3. Strata maintenance update:
   (a) pot holes being filled.
   (b) A Drive flooding being addressed
   (c) only broken fences will be fixed or replaced
   (d) need more and better lighting all over
   (e) parking lot painting discussed
   (f) discussion on moving garbage bins to central location (I-Drive)
        (I) existing camera needs to be redirected
        (II) may need more lighting
   (g) Reviewed financial statement.
        Insurance is high. Council suggested we should try and put in a bylaw that owners insure the inside of their units ie.  plumbing/electrical/flooding etc. justification being that starat would not be responsible for interior damage as this would deplete our income and raise our insurance even higher is nothing changes.

5. New Business was not discussed
6. Meeting adjourned at 7.38 pm