4 July 2018 Alpine Village Council Meeting 5:20 pm
In attendance; Gabby, Sharon,Anneliese and Chris
Call to order 5:20 pm
Agenda: Approved
* Roofing: Have one quote, still waiting for 2 more . Will be doing F and G Drive roofs this month.
*Two interviews for Office Manager on Friday 6th July.
* Meeting with MJ Jacobson from Pace Realty Corp approved by all. for 11 July 2018
* Construction: Hansen and Pedersen opted out overnight. We have spoken to another Contractor
but they were unable to take the project on. We will keep looking . MJ Jacobson has offered to help
in this regard, will see Wednesday.
* Will start with repair and paint on the Strathcona side
* Fencing will continue as usual
* Looking to employ a carpenter to fix all the leaky windows this summer
* Lighting will be re-assessed in order to brighten up Alpine at night.
* Holding out on fencing around garbage bins. Want to observe for a while longer.
* One more hole in I drive to be filled
* Purchased a new chainsaw, riding mower for Alpine Village
* Looking to top more trees.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm
Approved and seconded by all members.