Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Meeting Minutes June 1, 2004

Present: Dan Veller (President), Jason Morris (Secretary-Treasurer), Ralph Case (Director); Michael McAdams (Director); Amanda Hanison-Nagel (on-site manager), Margaret Anderson (property manager)

Meeting called to Order at 5:35 PM


Motion: Jason/Dan. To approve the minutes of the May 4, 2004 council meeting. CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report

Efforts are underway to estimate the replacement costs of Alpine Village assets to allow for better financial planning.

Manager’s Report

Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.



Council and staff toured the complex to identify all summer landscaping projects and priorities.
Amanda will hire landscaping help on a casual, as-needed basis. Window dips along Upland drive A will be filled with dirt and then shrubs to “green” this drive. It is expected this project to cost less than $200.00. Motion: Jason/Dan: To approve not more than $200.00 to fill in the Drive A window dips. Carried.

Block Watch

An Alpine Village block watch meeting will be held following processing of criminal record checks. The first newsletter will be distributed to inform residents of the first meeting.

Attic Inspections/insulation

Cost estimates to replenish attic insulation have been received. Full details will be available following an exact determination of the amount of insulation required.

Next Meeting

July 6, 2004 5:30 PM

Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 PM