Present: Ralph Case(Director), Dan Veller(President), Mike McAdams(Vice President), Amanda Hanison-Nagel(Office Manager), and Margaret Anderson(Property Manager)
Meeting called to Order at 5:30 PM
Manager’s Report
Presented by Amanda. A full report is available for viewing in the office.
We had two guests to this meeting. They brought discussion about cats, ideas for security, and concerns about speeding within our complex. We shall have all signs checked for needed repair and look for more good spots for new signage.
Block Watch
The Block Watch program is still under way. We now have a captain and co-captain, and we hope to have the first meeting in September.
Attic Inspections/insulation
Attic inspections have not progressed. We still need entry to inspect a few units. We have received an estimate for material and machine to insulate, and we are looking for one more estimate from a professional installer. Dan Veller will supply a name for us to call.
A-Drive window dips A1-A16 have been completed. Several issues about landscaping were discussed: Suggestions for contracting the flower maintenance in common areas next spring, supplying plants and encouraging individuals to do their own yards, and looking into planting trees along Strathcona Street were discussed.
D-Drive Drain
We have received a quote from one contractor about installing a new drain on D drive. We are asking for one more quote from a company that uses a different system of installation (Badger).
We have received 3 similar bids for much needed roofing repairs. Due to the requirements of immediate action in these repairs, council has decided to use money from the amount in the budget for roofing overhangs to handle these repairs. The contract will be awarded at the next council meeting (September 7, 2004). If anyone has an objection to this use, you must contact the office by phone, fax, email or mail before the next council meeting.
A-Drive Entrance improvement
We have received a quote for cutting the asphalt on A drive. Discussion will resume at the September meeting.
Next Meeting September 7, 2004 5:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM