Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meeting Minutes April 2012

Alpine Village Strata Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2012

6:05 Meeting called to order. Dan, Dave, and Karrie present.

·        German Shepard moved into complex. Letter to be sent to property manager to remind them that this is a banned breed and to have the dog removed.

·        Visitor parking not to go 24 hours.

·        Spring newsletter to be put out.

·        Some light posts not working. Alan to determine if it is line to post or if the resident of unit has post turned off.

·        Condition of grounds after winter damage assessed. Damage to be fixed when all of the snow has melted away.

·        1 quote received for aerating and fertilizing. Second quote to be obtained for review at May strata meeting.

·        Financials reviewed and found to be in order.

7:25 Meeting adjourned