Thursday, March 31, 2016

Alpine Village
Special General Meeting Minutes
Sunday March 20th, 2016, 3pm
Time was given between 3-4pm for all owners to have an open floor for questions and answers.
Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm
Certified Proxies and Corporate Representatives and issued voting cards
Quorum reached as 134 present: 134 in attendance of which 29 were in person
            -Motion by Karrie Cookhouse
            -Seconded by Jody Maida
Motion to have Gordon Rapson to chair the meeting
            -Motion by Shaun Davis
            -Seconded by Maureen Bricker
Proof of Notice of Meeting - Unanimous
Approval of Agenda - Unanimous
Approval of Minutes from the last AGM
            -Motion by Dave Henderson
            -Seconded by Jody Maida
There was no unfinished business
Resolutions #1) Siding Proposal-134 Votes -96 Yes
                                                                         -37 No
                                                                         -1 Abstention
            NOT PASSED-100 votes were needed to pass Resolution #1
Resolution #2) Color Choices     -134 Votes -94 Yes
                                                                          -39 No
                                                                          -1 Abstention
            NOT PASSED-100 votes were needed to pass Resolution #2

Resolution #3) Amount per Unit -134 Votes -119 Yes
                                                                           -14 No
                                                                           -1 Abstention
PASSED-100 votes were needed to pass Resolution #3
An amendment was made regarding Resolution #3-On the condition that 239 units are completed on time and on budget as presented. Once the special levy for a unit is paid in full, the special levy will be removed.
New Business-
A motion was made: In the event any owner experiences extreme financial hardship because of the increase of monthly payment for the Special Levy, Council will review any requests on a case by case need.
                        -Motion by Karrie Cookhouse,
-Second: Valerie Conklin,
Meeting Adjourned at 5:15 pm