Tuesday, August 15, 2017



June 5, 2017

ORDER: 5:40pm


            Bill Miller, CHOA, via phone

1.      Letter from Sharon Hordy, F57 and Bob Bingham, F41, read by Roberta
a.      Concerns in regard to loud neighbours, apparent lack of enforcement of bylaws, and request for follow up when complaints are submitted.
b.      Infraction to be sent to neighbour, and within 2 weeks follow up with Sharon.
2.      Bill Miller, CHOA – via Phone
a.      Infraction Procedure, per the Strata Act:
                                                              i.      Complaint must be received by office
1.       can be verbal, email, written or via council member,
2.      OR, breach can be noted by strata employee per Sec 135 of the Act.
3.      Complaint cannot be from council member.
4.      Discussion of complaint and decision must be recorded in meeting minutes
                                                            ii.      Infraction letter must quote breached bylaw, date, time and location of breach. Letter can bundle several breaches into one letter, and will still qualify as multiple infractions, but must also offer a chance to defend self in front of council at a meeting. Suggested verbiage: “We look forward to your response by _________.” Without response, minutes must show fine to specific unit owner.
b.      Requirements for resolution to approve siding project
                                                              i.      Per Sec 108 of the Strata Act, Minutes must show tally of yes and no votes as well as whether the resolution was passed. A ¾ vote is necessary for agreement to loan or to apply levy to unit owners. Council must wait a minimum of one week after minutes are published to allow for any absent owners to oppose the decision.
                                                            ii.      Must be only ONE resolution, which should be at least ¾ - 1 page in length detailing all costs that will be associated with the project, including taxes and contingency for unforeseen expenses.
                                                          iii.      Wording of resolutions should include
1.      “will be paid by loan over XX years plus interest,”
2.      dates of first and last payments,
3.      allow for council to borrow from CRF to cover owner’s arrears on levy, and
4.      the colour options
5.      outline how the sale of units will be handled within the time of the loan and the project.
                                                           iv.      All funds must be attained via loan or lump sum from owners, not a combination of both, unless the owners opting to pay a lump sum have that sum calculated to include the interest due on the loan.
                                                             v.      Strata must have the balance available until all payments are paid to the bank.

1.      Siding Project
a.      Bill Miller – see above
b.      Update on stucco quotes – Held over
2.      Paint windows that were missed last year
a.      Maintenance to paint the missed windows as soon as possible.
3.      Waste Management
a.      Desiree to contact to discuss refund due to Strata
4.      Budget & Balance Sheet
a.      Budget sheet – remove siding completely
b.      Balance sheet – correct assets
5.      Infraction Policy & Procedure – see above

1.      Campers, motorhomes, tents etc permanently set up
a.      DENIED – per Alpine Village Bylaw 7.12
2.      Cameras
a.      Vandalism – Courtyard 2 – estimate
                                                              i.      Forward estimate with infraction to unit
b.      Offer for old DVRs – cash or trade
                                                              i.      Trade old DVRs for 2 new camera’s installed
3.      Community and Safety Committee
a.      BBQ June 17 to share information and recruit committee members
b.      Order fliers, 100 copies of bylaws
c.       Requested strata supplied funds - $500 APPROVED
d.      Elaine Nothstein, E6 elected treasurer of committee funds
e.      Schedule complex wide yard sale for near end of July
4.      Desiree to be away: – Trissy to cover office
a.      Friday June 16th and Monday June 19th
b.      Monday July 24 – Friday July 28

NEXT MEETING: July 5, 2017